Custom Query (81 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#8 Can't compile on SuSE 11.2 Olly Betts defect blocker 1.1.14 aven
#13 No way to view centreline after opening .svx file in Aven Olly Betts defect major 1.1.14 aven
#5 Crosses not rendering correctly as point sprites on some hardware Olly Betts defect minor 1.1.15 aven
#6 show crosses on station generates an Aven error Log Olly Betts defect major 1.1.15 aven
#11 Aven fails to process .svx file, empty log window, WinXPSp3 Olly Betts defect major 1.1.15 aven
#14 Support survey dates before 1970 Olly Betts enhancement major 1.1.15 aven
#15 Inconsistent nomenclature: process/run Olly Betts enhancement trivial 1.1.15 aven
#17 Aven 1.1.15 display redraws slowly on every mouse movement. Olly Betts defect trivial 1.2.0 aven
#20 Aven crashes on opening file on Ubuntu 11.04 Olly Betts defect blocker 1.2.0 aven
#21 Feature request: optionally output older version 3d file Olly Betts enhancement minor 1.2.0 cavern
#7 Survex 1.0.39 can't read v6 .3d files Olly Betts defect major 1.0.40 aven
#9 'Find' doesn't work after opening a new file. Olly Betts defect minor 1.0.40 aven
#25 Installation problems using Win7 Olly Betts defect blocker 1.2.2 Other
#26 Aven says "Bug in Program" on certain 3d files Olly Betts defect minor 1.2.2 aven
#29 Assertion failed line 2232 Olly Betts defect minor 1.2.2 aven
#32 Printing surface legs Olly Betts defect minor 1.2.3 aven
#30 Sub-picometre values in depth legend labels Olly Betts defect trivial 1.2.4 aven
#34 aven 1.2.3 doesnt run on fedora 16 64 bit linux Olly Betts defect major 1.2.4 aven
#35 Leaving "About Aven" dialog box open for a few 10s of seconds causes the error log to be displayed Olly Betts defect trivial 1.2.6 aven
#37 aven in 1.2.6 fails on windows 7 with libgcc_sjli-1.dll missing Olly Betts defect blocker 1.2.6 Other
#19 Non-fatal errors are apparently fatal Olly Betts defect minor 1.2.7 cavern
#41 small fix needed to build against wx2.9 Olly Betts defect blocker 1.2.7 aven
#10 cad3d and export from Aven should produce identical .dxf files Olly Betts enhancement minor 1.2.8 aven
#44 Allow measuring line to be started from an anon station Olly Betts defect minor 1.2.16 aven
#39 Aven won't come out of full-screen mode on Mac OsX Olly Betts defect major 1.2.17 aven
#46 Handle multiple versions of the same leg better Olly Betts defect major 1.2.17 cavern
#2 netbits.c:1074: covariance matrix is singular Olly Betts defect major 1.2.18 cavern
#43 Add terrain surface visualisation Olly Betts enhancement major 1.2.18 aven
#48 cavern: Errors do not say 'ERROR' Olly Betts enhancement minor 1.2.18 cavern
#77 missing "error: " or "warning: " in front of "CLINO and BACKCLINO readings must be of the same type" Olly Betts defect minor 1.2.18 cavern
#36 3dformat.htm not on website Olly Betts defect minor 1.2.19 documentation
#47 [Mac] Clicking on station randomly changes the view Olly Betts defect major 1.2.19 aven
#52 Labelling printouts Olly Betts defect major 1.2.19 aven
#63 Invalid GPX file created Olly Betts defect minor 1.2.19 Other
#54 Automatic Declination adjustment Olly Betts enhancement minor 1.2.21 cavern
#61 Units option on *calibrate Olly Betts enhancement minor 1.2.21 cavern
#55 Fix terrain rendering to not show terrain through itself Olly Betts defect major 1.2.22 aven
#64 Terrain loading fails on Windows Olly Betts defect minor 1.2.23 aven
#71 Backtape Olly Betts enhancement minor 1.2.25 cavern
#73 Displaying LRUDs for vertical legs Olly Betts defect minor 1.2.25 aven
#78 CLINO and BACKCLINO readings must be of the same type for DOWN/DOWN, corrected backsights Olly Betts defect minor 1.2.25 cavern
#75 Problem processing .svx files with aven Olly Betts defect major 1.2.26 aven
#79 Errors when building survex RPM for fedora Olly Betts defect minor 1.2.26 Other
#65 patch for printing cross sections Olly Betts enhancement minor 1.2.27 aven
#72 Include LRUD in page size when printing Olly Betts defect minor 1.2.27 aven
#81 Export as Movie produces corrupted files on WIndows Olly Betts defect minor 1.2.28 aven
#4 Passage information should be supported in more export formats Olly Betts defect minor 1.2.30 aven
#89 Negative altitudes in KML export Olly Betts defect minor 1.2.32 aven
#90 Malformed KML on survey, names and passages export Olly Betts defect minor 1.2.33 aven
#94 Color by error: fade legs not in loop Olly Betts enhancement minor 1.2.33 aven
#95 Error in the German translation Olly Betts task trivial 1.2.33 aven
#93 Most recent version for macos is 1.2.27 Olly Betts task minor 1.2.36 Other
#98 Add gtksourceview-3.0 language file Olly Betts enhancement minor 1.2.39 Other
#101 Aven crash when starting on last MacOS 10.14.4 Olly Betts defect critical 1.2.41 aven
#108 SVG Export question/odditity Olly Betts defect minor 1.2.42 aven
#111 1.2.42 colours legs not in loop as blue Olly Betts defect minor 1.2.43 aven
#113 Colour by Survey Style Olly Betts enhancement minor 1.2.43 aven
#117 Typo in docs for cylpolar Olly Betts defect minor 1.2.43 documentation
#119 Undefined behavior in img.c Olly Betts defect minor 1.2.45 Other
#56 Sort out handling of geoid Olly Betts defect major 1.4.0 aven
#102 Support for PROJ 6.0.0 Olly Betts defect minor 1.4.0 Other
#92 Results of declination auto in log file Olly Betts enhancement minor 1.4.2 Other
#128 Survex JSON export Format Olly Betts defect minor 1.4.2 Other
#120 aven hangs on macos is started without a file Olly Betts defect blocker 1.4.3 aven
#133 In version 1.4.4 Export as... option crashes the Aven app Olly Betts defect minor 1.4.5 aven
#16 svx files with unconnected parts Olly Betts enhancement minor 1.4.10 cavern
#114 Provide way to exclude survey data from processing Olly Betts enhancement trivial 1.4.11 cavern
#132 Imperial scale for printing/export Olly Betts enhancement minor 1.4.11 aven
#135 Cavern tokenisation oddity Olly Betts defect minor 1.4.11 cavern
#96 times according to ISO 8601 Olly Betts task trivial 1.4.13 cavern
#137 IGRF 14 Olly Betts defect minor 1.4.13 cavern
#87 export to shape file Olly Betts enhancement minor 1.4.14 aven
#125 Gedit not showing survex markup in Debian Bulls eye and Ubuntu 20.04 Olly Betts defect minor 1.2.46 Other
#110 macOS full screen mode Olly Betts defect minor 1.4.15 aven
#121 brew upgrade issues on macOS Olly Betts defect minor aven
#123 brew upgrade / reinstall survex fail Olly Betts defect blocker Other
#126 pos file in 3d Olly Betts enhancement major aven
#127 Installation unsucessfull (Mac) Olly Betts defect minor Other
#1 Update Trac Settings somebody defect major Other
#18 Dead web link Olly Betts task minor Other
#24 Gnome print preview window opens underneath aven window Olly Betts defect minor aven
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.