Opened 6 years ago

Closed 3 months ago

#110 closed defect (fixed)

macOS full screen mode

Reported by: Olly Betts Owned by: Olly Betts
Priority: minor Milestone: 1.4.15
Component: aven Version: 1.2.19
Keywords: Cc:


This bug appears to only currently be recorded in INSTALL.OSX, which I'm in the process of eliminating, so opening a ticket.

It was last checked with Survex 1.2.19 when built using wxWidgets 3.0.2.

On macOS, usually you can push the mouse pointer against the top of the screen to get the menu bar to appear, but this doesn't seem to work for aven.

As a workaround, aven currently detects if you're trying to do this and drops out of full-screen mode, which isn't perfect but beats being stuck in full screen mode.

wxWidgets 3.1.x has some changes related to full-screen mode handling on macOS, so maybe this will solve itself once wxWidgets 3.2 is released.

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 3 months ago by Olly Betts

Milestone: 1.4.15
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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