Opened 20 hours ago

Last modified 9 hours ago

#143 new defect

Failed as processing 650+ sites

Reported by: Juan Corrin Owned by: Olly Betts
Priority: critical Milestone:
Component: aven Version: 1.4.16
Keywords: Cc:


netbits.c:381: assert(!fixed(stn)) failed

cavern: error: Bug in program detected! Please report this to the authors

Survex processing works on single files and smaller groups but failed (for the first time ever!) on a file with over 650 entries.

Attachments (1)

all.log (15.8 KB) - added by Juan Corrin 20 hours ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (4)

Changed 20 hours ago by Juan Corrin

Attachment: all.log added

comment:1 Changed 20 hours ago by Olly Betts

Based on the source location it's something to do with *equate but I'm not sure what's going on.

Are you able to share the data so I can reproduce and debug?

If not, what was the last release this processes with? Then maybe I can narrow down to a likely change.

comment:2 Changed 19 hours ago by Olly Betts

After peering at the code some more, I managed to trigger the same assertion with this simple input:

*fix 1 0 0 0
*fix 2 0 0 0
*equate 1 2

However the code path this requires us to take emits a warning:

trac143.svx:3: warning: Equating two equal fixed points: “2” and “1”
 *equate 1 2

The change where that starts failing is bf9faf6794f8f92774ef21f4d3904c805a6612b4 which was in 1.4.13. That change added this assertion though. It looks like that assertion shouldn't be there (it's also asserted inside the conditional block below, which does make sense).

However I don't see how we can have that assertion fail without triggering this warning, so I'm confused by your .log not having the warning.

comment:3 Changed 9 hours ago by Juan Corrin

Thanks for the quick response. I can't remember which version I updated from (across all the laptops) - at least an early 2024 version - 1.4.6? Anyway, a zipped cleaned up version of the Matienzo Survey Survex folders should be attached (8.4Mb). In the "scenarios" folder, the crashing script is all/all.svx. One that completes (with 1 warning) is 4valleys/4valleys.svx. Another (random) success is Mistletoe area/Mistletoe-minimum.svx. Upload failed. What's the best way to get the zip to you?

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