

00:59 Ticket #86 (Stop printing N-nodes info by default) created by Wookey
Survex has reported how many nodes of each N there are in the …


12:06 Ticket #85 (Enable survex parser to be used by more external programs) created by Wookey
Survex files are hard to parse fully and correctly. Quite a few other …


04:45 WikiStart edited by Olly Betts
improve translation info (diff)


10:32 Ticket #84 (Support round tripping to svg files) created by Philip Balister
It would be very helpful to support map editing with Inkscape. Walls …


01:41 Ticket #81 (Export as Movie produces corrupted files on WIndows) closed by Olly Betts
fixed: OK, should be fixed by [8f9bade6f962123381986f2e8775b4f836d842a3/git].


09:43 Ticket #83 (Menu items missing when installed on Chinese Windows) created by Erin Lynch
Installing the latest survex on Chinese Windows 7 results in aven …


08:29 Ticket #82 (Support more terrain data types) created by Erin Lynch
The Open Terrain dialogue does not specify supported terrain file …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.