Custom Query (95 matches)


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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#52 Olly Betts Erin Lynch fixed Labelling printouts

When printing multi-page surveys from aven on Windows, the line:

Survey "porcupine" Page 1 (of 2) Processed on Tues,2015.03.24 ...

doesn't print on every page.

Moreover, scale and orientation information should be included in this line to be printed on every page.

#55 Olly Betts Olly Betts fixed Fix terrain rendering to not show terrain through itself

The terrain is rendered with a Z-prepass, which is supposed to achieve the desired effect.

This actually worked on my netbook running a rather ancient Ubuntu version and with a hand-built wxWidgets 2.9.5 (though the wx version seems less likely to matter), but not since upgrading it, and not on two other Debian machines I have tried.

I modified the glxgears program to use a Z-prepass, and that seems to work, so I just need to determine what's different in aven.

#56 Olly Betts Olly Betts fixed Sort out handling of geoid

Currently the altitude of GPS fixes and hence of cave entrances attached to them doesn't match the altitude of terrain from DEM files very well - the difference seems to be a few 10s of metres.

Newer versions of proj have support for geoids, which should solve this:

I think proj >= 4.8.0 is needed - the release announcement for it includes "Added preliminary vertical datum support". That was released 2012-03-14, so shouldn't be an unreasonable requirement.

It would be good to coordinate how vertical datums are handled with therion, but they didn't respond to my email to their list about doing so.

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