Custom Query (95 matches)


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Results (16 - 18 of 95)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#11 Olly Betts Duncan Collis fixed Aven fails to process .svx file, empty log window, WinXPSp3

Attempts to open .svx files in Aven fail, with an error dialog reading "Failed to process survey data - see log window for details", but the log window is empty. These data files compile fine using cavern.

This problem only occuring on WinXPsp3 laptop, get a different problem on Ubuntu machine (logged separately).

#12 Olly Betts Duncan Collis worksforme Aven displays log very slowly when processing .svx file

The log file is displayed incredibly slowly when Aven causes a .svx file to be processed; for example in one case a file which takes 0.07s to process (according to the log) takes around 12s for the log to be displayed; the text appears slowly line-by-line.

#13 Olly Betts Duncan Collis fixed No way to view centreline after opening .svx file in Aven

After opening a .svx file in Aven, the log is displayed but there is no obvious way to cause the centreline to be shown. If a .3d file is opened at this point, the previous log file is still displayed.

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