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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#69 Olly Betts ggpls invalid Errors with large number of splays

I have been trying to process a survex raw data file with a lot of splays. It failed with numerous error msgs. I checked that it wasnt a format issue by re-running the initial part of the file with splays for the 3_n survey which had run OK before I added the additional splays from 4_n stations. Then I added just the splay data for station 4_1, again it ran. More splays it fails.

Attched raw data files Lagans_entrance will run. lagans_entrance-4splays wont.

I wonder whether this is a memory allocatiion error as the errors listed dont describe stations that are included in the data eg entrance 150.06. I could sort it out by reducing tthe number of stations incuded in the file, but at a min it should say somewhere how many splays the prog can deal with and rather better it work for the sort of numbers of splays that people are using in survey now.


Sorry cant see where I attach the files, does it come later?

#75 Olly Betts Alan Gray fixed Problem processing .svx files with aven


I have been successfully using Survex for many years – a fantastic piece of software.

After completing a partial re-survey of Upper Canada Cave (Mendip, UK) yesterday I created the text file as usual and renamed it with the .svx extension. I decided to see if there was an update of the Survex software and I updated from release 1.2.23 to 1.2.24. Right clicked in the Upper Canada Cave.svx file and the Aven screen was displayed with normal headings but with a white screen where the line survey should be. No Log File, 3D file or Error files were created.

I tried viewing one of my old 3D files in Aven (UCC.3D) and it worked perfectly; however when I tried to Process the old data file (UCC.svx) the same error occurred as detailed in the paragraph above.

I then removed Survex 1.2.24 from my computer and reinstalled 1.2.23 but the same error occurred as detailed in the paragraph above.

Please could you let me know how to fix this as I would dearly like to see the results of yesterdays survey. Something stupid that I have, or have not done I’m sure.

Many thanks

Alan Gray

#126 Olly Betts Raymond Duffy fixed pos file in 3d

In the past it has been possible to generate a position file from the 3d file by choosing from a drop down menu. Although the menu is still there it appears not to be connected to a program to generate the information. This was a really useful function for surface survey data as it gave a cave location. Can we have survex produce this again please?

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