

02:02 Ticket #133 (In version 1.4.4 Export as... option crashes the Aven app) reopened by Olly Betts
Wookey just tested and the development version doesn't fix this.


05:58 Ticket #134 (Southern Hemisphere Altitude Reversal?) closed by Olly Betts
duplicate: > with Aven 1.2.27 That version is just over 7 years old! Looks like …
01:25 Ticket #134 (Southern Hemisphere Altitude Reversal?) created by Heiko Maurer
Hi, I'm exporting a .SVX file as .KLM format (to use with other GIS …


23:34 Ticket #133 (In version 1.4.4 Export as... option crashes the Aven app) closed by Olly Betts
fixed: No feedback from submitter as to whether the fix work so I'm going to …
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