Custom Query (95 matches)


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Results (94 - 95 of 95)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#12 worksforme Aven displays log very slowly when processing .svx file Olly Betts Duncan Collis

The log file is displayed incredibly slowly when Aven causes a .svx file to be processed; for example in one case a file which takes 0.07s to process (according to the log) takes around 12s for the log to be displayed; the text appears slowly line-by-line.

#109 worksforme SVG Export object Olly Betts Richard Knapp

After exporting a line plot to SVG, I checked the file. It is interesting the format uses the "path" instead of the "polyline". According W3 SVG, "path" is for shapes instead of lines. Used for a line, it still sometimes imports as a zero width shape instead of a line.

More an informational issue unless W3 changes how shapes are handled in an upcoming version.

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