Custom Query (95 matches)


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Results (79 - 81 of 95)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1 fixed Update Trac Settings somebody David A. Riggs

Please update the trac site settings so people can properly submit bugs.

Components should list things like:

cavern, aven, svxedit, website, packaging, etc.

Versions should list versions that may be encountered in the wild like:

1.0.39, 1.1.12, trunk

#47 fixed [Mac] Clicking on station randomly changes the view Olly Betts Hugh St.Lawrence

comments on Mac version...

  • processing a .svx file does not produce a log file - so unable to get length/depth details of survey
  • clicking on a station in Aven view most times resets the view to some random angle or size/magnification....sometimes flipping the survey 180º !
#45 wontfix [wx2.8] Ghostscript/PDF printing of small-scale maps is nastily quantised Olly Betts Wookey

If I print the CUCC austria all.3d dataset on one A4 page (via the cups-PDF printer on Debian Wheezy) the station positions are 'gridded' to a much lower resolution than the printer could cope with. The lines themselves are high-res. The result is not really usable as it doesn't look right. A sample PDF is attached to illustrate the issue.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.