Custom Query (95 matches)


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Results (70 - 72 of 95)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#21 fixed Feature request: optionally output older version 3d file Olly Betts Duncan Collis

It would be useful to be able to choose to output an older version 3d file, eg, to share with somebody who for some reason does not wish to (or is unable to) run the latest version of Survex; or for use with other software , eg, Therion, which may not be able to read the latest 3d format.

Currently it is necessary to have multiple Survex installations to achieve this.

#27 duplicate Assertion failed line 2232 Olly Betts Duncan Collis

On clicking 'show tubes' for the attached 3d file I get the following error message (which, incidentally, I can't copy + paste, which is unhelpful)

Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library

Assertion failed!

Program: C:\Program Files\Survex\aven.exe File: Line: 2232

Expression: z >=0.0

#28 duplicate Assertion failed line 2232 Olly Betts Duncan Collis

On clicking 'show passage tubes' for the attached 3d file I get the following error message (which, incidentally, I can't copy + paste, which is unhelpful)

Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library

Assertion failed!

Program: C:\Program Files\Survex\aven.exe File: Line: 2232

Expression: z >=0.0

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