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Results (55 - 57 of 95)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#24 fixed Gnome print preview window opens underneath aven window Olly Betts Olly Betts

If you print (Ctrl+P) and print button then preview, the print preview window always seems to open under the aven window, which isn't ideal.

This is with Debian stable and trunk between Survex 1.2.0 and 1.2.1.

This window is opened by wx or gnome libraries though, so it's not at all clear what we can do about it. It's not clear where the issue is, which makes it harder to fix and send a patch upstream.

Perhaps newer wx fixes this - that's a good thing to try first.

#125 fixed Gedit not showing survex markup in Debian Bulls eye and Ubuntu 20.04 Olly Betts Martin Green

In Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS, installing survex seems to have created the file /usr/share/gtksourceview-3.0/language-specs/survex.lang

I note this is the only file in that directory and markup is does not work with gedit. I note there are lots of lang files are in /usr/share/gtksourceview-4/language-specs/

It looks like this also effects debian bulls eye

So it looks like /usr/share/gtksourceview-3.0/language-specs/survex.lang should be changed to /usr/share/gtksourceview-4/language-specs/survex.lang

#55 fixed Fix terrain rendering to not show terrain through itself Olly Betts Olly Betts

The terrain is rendered with a Z-prepass, which is supposed to achieve the desired effect.

This actually worked on my netbook running a rather ancient Ubuntu version and with a hand-built wxWidgets 2.9.5 (though the wx version seems less likely to matter), but not since upgrading it, and not on two other Debian machines I have tried.

I modified the glxgears program to use a Z-prepass, and that seems to work, so I just need to determine what's different in aven.

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