Custom Query (9 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#23 Show coordinates and measured distances more clearly assigned Olly Betts minor aven
#33 extend should break tubes when it breaks loops new Olly Betts minor Other
#51 Dim/colour surface legs new Olly Betts minor aven
#53 Texture mapping onto terrain data new Olly Betts minor aven
#59 Cross-check clino on diving data and average new Olly Betts minor cavern
#60 Splay handling in printing and export new Olly Betts minor aven
#76 Stop pitches becoming 2D sheets in tubes new Olly Betts minor aven
#82 Support more terrain data types new Olly Betts minor aven
#140 grid convergence should be computed for all georeferenced data new Olly Betts minor Other
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.