Custom Query (16 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#116 Station label options new Olly Betts enhancement trivial
#22 Don't redraw full scene to update measuring line assigned Olly Betts enhancement minor
#23 Show coordinates and measured distances more clearly assigned Olly Betts defect minor
#40 Extra-high res screenshots new Olly Betts enhancement minor
#49 aven: Allow exaggerating Z new Olly Betts enhancement minor
#51 Dim/colour surface legs new Olly Betts defect minor
#53 Texture mapping onto terrain data new Olly Betts defect minor
#57 Smooth shading of terrain new Olly Betts enhancement minor
#60 Splay handling in printing and export new Olly Betts defect minor
#66 Print individual stations with LRUD for drawing up new Olly Betts enhancement minor
#67 More flexible print "page view" assigned Olly Betts enhancement minor
#70 Print in colour new Olly Betts enhancement minor
#76 Stop pitches becoming 2D sheets in tubes new Olly Betts defect minor
#82 Support more terrain data types new Olly Betts defect minor
#99 Survex export to kml with 3d passages new Olly Betts enhancement minor
#105 Add an "outer end of splay" station flag assigned Olly Betts enhancement minor
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.