Custom Query (7 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#107 Compilation fails for 1.2.38 on MacOSX Mojave Olly Betts defect blocker Other
#69 Errors with large number of splays Olly Betts defect major cavern
#83 Menu items missing when installed on Chinese Windows Olly Betts defect minor Other
#100 Aven crash Asus-Tablett W510 Intel Atom CPU Z2760 Windows 10 1607 Build 14393.2670 Olly Betts defect minor aven
#112 3D files generated by Therion do not allow you to click on splay legs in Aven Olly Betts defect minor Other
#118 possible problem with ; comments after *date if text is numeric like a date Olly Betts defect minor cavern
#136 AUR compilation error Olly Betts defect minor Other
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