Custom Query (95 matches)


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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#73 Olly Betts Erin Lynch fixed Displaying LRUDs for vertical legs

There is a bug in the way LRUDs are displayed for stations connected by a vertical leg. The example below should produce a tube which is 10m tall and 10m wide, but in aven the passage at stations 1 and 2 is 20m tall with an abrupt step.

*data normal from to tape compass clino 0 1 20 0 0 1 2 10 - UP 2 3 20 0 0

*data passage station left right up down 0 5 5 10 0 1 5 5 10 0 2 5 5 0 10 3 5 5 0 10

#77 Olly Betts Andy Edwards fixed missing "error: " or "warning: " in front of "CLINO and BACKCLINO readings must be of the same type"

I recently started contributing to Cavewhere, which uses Survex as a backend. When I tried importing Fisher Ridge data into it, Cavern crashed saying "too many errors -- giving up".

I couldn't find "error" anywhere in its output, but I did see the following message in several places. Is this a warning or an error?

0kz1lsqn0fg37x3tt94dvdsm0000gn/T/Cavewhere.L39692:11033: CLINO and BACKCLINO readings must be of the same type

I think Cavewhere relies on finding "warning" or "error" in Cavern output to mark warnings and errors in its UI.

#78 Olly Betts Andy Edwards fixed CLINO and BACKCLINO readings must be of the same type for DOWN/DOWN, corrected backsights

Here's an except of my data:

*begin ; 111: <REDACTED>
*date 1983.07.13

*team <REDACTED>
*team <REDACTED>
*units tape feet
*calibrate BACKCOMPASS 180.00
*calibrate BACKCLINO 0.00 -1.00

*data normal from to tape compass backcompass clino backclino
;From       To          Distance    Compass     BackCompass Clino       BackClino  
HC14        HC15        10.7        296         296         -26         -26               
HC15        HC16        1.3         -           -           DOWN        DOWN      

Cavern complains that "CLINO and BACKCLINO readings must be of the same type" for the DOWN/DOWN line, but not the -26/-26 line.

Is this invalid Survex data or is it a bug in Cavern?

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