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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#65 Olly Betts michael fixed patch for printing cross sections

During the final week of expo this summer I modified the version of survex on the expo laptop to print cross sections with the arrow heads < and > rotated to the orientation of both the LRUD and the bearing of the page. Wookey then made this into a patch and emailed it to Olly but it has not reappeared since. What has become of it.

#71 Olly Betts Erin Lynch fixed Backtape

I am surprised I couldn't find an existing ticket about this, but support for "backtape" would be much appreciated. Hopefully DistoX users are taking backsights, and it would be great to use the distance data instead of ignoring it or making each leg its own two-station loop.

Cheers, ERin

#72 Olly Betts Erin Lynch fixed Include LRUD in page size when printing

For large passages, the LRUD markers sometimes end up outside the printable area of the page. When LRUD markers toggled on, their location should be taken into consideration when centering the data and calculating the number of pages needed. This is particularly noticeable when printing profiles of tall canyon passage.

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