Change History for WikiStart

Version Date Author Comment
20 5 weeks Olly Betts a valid email address is actually a requirement
19 3 months Olly Betts fix typo
18 7 years Olly Betts Remove transifex link - I've deleted the project there as it …
17 7 years Olly Betts not transiflex update unreliable
16 9 years Olly Betts improve translation info
15 9 years Olly Betts https for external links which support it
14 9 years trac
13 10 years Olly Betts fix transifex link
12 10 years Olly Betts add like to i18n todo files
11 11 years Olly Betts update transifex URL to domain without an expired ssl cert
10 14 years Olly Betts add link to translating on launchpad
9 14 years Olly Betts add "how to make survex better" section
8 14 years Olly Betts
7 15 years Olly Betts link to ReleaseNotes
6 15 years Olly Betts Note adding nobody address to address book for hotmail
5 17 years Olly Betts
4 17 years Olly Betts
3 17 years Olly Betts Add "register" to "Starting Points"
2 17 years Olly Betts customise
1 17 years trac