Change History for TerrainData

Version Date Author Comment
11 9 months Olly Betts update terrain data status
10 3 years Olly Betts geoid handling was fixed in 1.4.0
9 9 years Olly Betts update
8 9 years Olly Betts typos
7 10 years Olly Betts 1.2.20 doesn't need the zip; note styria data not usable with aven …
6 10 years Olly Betts add styria dataset
5 10 years Olly Betts
4 10 years Rob Jones
3 10 years Olly Betts note 1.2.18 issue with not reporting errors
2 10 years Olly Betts fix formatting; add known issues
1 10 years Olly Betts create page about terrain data