Custom Query (95 matches)


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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#48 Olly Betts Wookey fixed cavern: Errors do not say 'ERROR'

On cavern runs the warnings say 'WARNING' but the errors (which prevent a 3d file being output) do not say 'ERROR', so it can be very hard to find the actual offending issue in the output, especially when there is a lot of it.

This is noticeable in a project with backbearings for example, where a lot of 'mismatched backbearing' warnings can obscure the important ERROR lines.

Can we please just mark errors explicitly with something greppable? (probably 'ERROR:')

This could be described as an enhancement or a bug, but I'm going to file it as a bug as it seems wrong, given the WARNING output.

#54 Olly Betts Wookey fixed Automatic Declination adjustment

If surveys are dated and geolocated than a magnetic instrument correction can be automatically calculated.

As Survex has recently gained geolocation capabilities this is now a practical option. Therion has done this for a long time using the IGRF model coefficients and its own C++ code. Here is a C-library that may well do the trick:

#58 Olly Betts Olly Betts wontfix About box photo missing on OS X

Phil Maynard reports that on 10.6.8 the about dialog throws up an assertion failure when opened:

../src/osx/core/bitmap.cpp(1501): assert "IsOK()" failed in GetHeight(): invalid bitmap

If you answer "No" to "Do you want to stop the program?" you get the about dialog, but the cave image is missing (only image is the aven icon).

This sounds like it is failing to load aven-about.png - most of the code just quietly handles that, but the minimum height for the sizer is unconditionally set to the height of the bitmap. If I delete this image on Linux, I get the same assertion, so I've fixed that part in commit [4c0a0a22e7b890c84e2c1da4e182e5212ee1aa53/git].

That leaves the question of why the image is failing to load. I tested the about dialog worked on OS X at some point between 1.2.18 and 1.2.19, and didn't get this assertion, so it may be related to the OS X version, or to changes after that.

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