Custom Query (95 matches)


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Results (22 - 24 of 95)

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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#42 Olly Betts Wookey duplicate 3dformat documentation not readable online

The release contains 3dformat.htm, but whilst the main manual is made available to read online at the 3dformat doc does not appear to be, which means you can't easily send someone a URL pointing to the docs. People would be a lot more likely to find the docs if they were discoverable in this way.

#44 Olly Betts Olly Betts fixed Allow measuring line to be started from an anon station

You can't currently click on an anonymous station to set the point to measure from, but you can click on a named station and measure to an anonymous one.

Currently the anchored end of the measuring line corresponds to the selected entry in the survey tree, but anonymous stations don't appear there, so it might need some reworking to allow them to be measured from.

#45 Olly Betts Wookey wontfix [wx2.8] Ghostscript/PDF printing of small-scale maps is nastily quantised

If I print the CUCC austria all.3d dataset on one A4 page (via the cups-PDF printer on Debian Wheezy) the station positions are 'gridded' to a much lower resolution than the printer could cope with. The lines themselves are high-res. The result is not really usable as it doesn't look right. A sample PDF is attached to illustrate the issue.

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