Custom Query (95 matches)


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Results (19 - 21 of 95)

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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#32 Olly Betts Becka Lawson fixed Printing surface legs

These seem to print reversed so they don't fit with the underground legs (Julian said this is something to do with the difference between what Survex and what the printer takes as the page origin).

#36 Olly Betts Olly Betts fixed 3dformat.htm not on website

It probably ought to be, though it has a fairly small audience and is available in the source tarball, so it isn't a critical omission.

#38 Olly Betts Wookey wontfix Patch for findentrances

Attached is a patch adding support for building findentrances to the Debian packaging. This includes putting in dump3d as that's needed by findentrances and fixes a couple of missing build-dependencies. A man page is included.

It doesn't do anything about autoconf tests which might be needed upstream.

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