Custom Query (95 matches)


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Results (13 - 15 of 95)

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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#21 Olly Betts Duncan Collis fixed Feature request: optionally output older version 3d file

It would be useful to be able to choose to output an older version 3d file, eg, to share with somebody who for some reason does not wish to (or is unable to) run the latest version of Survex; or for use with other software , eg, Therion, which may not be able to read the latest 3d format.

Currently it is necessary to have multiple Survex installations to achieve this.

#24 Olly Betts Olly Betts fixed Gnome print preview window opens underneath aven window

If you print (Ctrl+P) and print button then preview, the print preview window always seems to open under the aven window, which isn't ideal.

This is with Debian stable and trunk between Survex 1.2.0 and 1.2.1.

This window is opened by wx or gnome libraries though, so it's not at all clear what we can do about it. It's not clear where the issue is, which makes it harder to fix and send a patch upstream.

Perhaps newer wx fixes this - that's a good thing to try first.

#26 Olly Betts Mike fixed Aven says "Bug in Program" on certain 3d files

Windows version of Aven 1.2.1 flags "Assertion Failed! ... file line 2233 Expression z<=z_ext" on certain .3d files. Pressing "Ignore" button, aven continue and produces a result but I haven't checked if it's correct! "Abort" goes to "Bug in program detected. Please report this to the authors".

On Ubuntu, the same 3d file also fails. There is no assertion failiure dialog box and it goes straight to the "Bug in program..." dialog.

Graham Mullan referred to the Asertion Failure on the Survex list but doesn't seem to have raised a ticket. I have not seen the problem on any of my "real" survey files but found it with the file cave.3d buried in the Therion samples/survex directory. I have reduced this to a single simple file, attached, which reproduces the problem. It's hard to say how serious this is.

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