

13:39 Ticket #14 (Support survey dates before 1970) closed by Olly Betts
fixed: Fixed in r3519. I bypassed all the time_t range issues by storing the …


03:36 Ticket #15 (Inconsistent nomenclature: process/run) closed by Olly Betts
fixed: Yes, "run" is rather an internal view of what is happening here - …
02:29 Ticket #16 (svx files with unconnected parts) created by Duncan Collis
Occasionally we end up with a .svx file containing bits of survey …
02:18 Ticket #15 (Inconsistent nomenclature: process/run) created by Duncan Collis
The 'rerun' button on the log window in 1.1.14 is an inconsistency in …


15:43 Ticket #14 (Support survey dates before 1970) created by Graham
It would be useful if Survex could be made to register dates earlier …


02:41 WikiStart edited by Olly Betts
link to ReleaseNotes (diff)
02:40 ReleaseNotes created by Olly Betts
create automated toc of releasenotes
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.