Custom Query (95 matches)


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Results (40 - 42 of 95)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#89 Olly Betts Erin Lynch fixed Negative altitudes in KML export

If I open the following example in aven and export underground survey legs as KML, the resulting KML files has negative altitude values.


*cs out UTM49N
*cs UTM49N
*fix	gps	0453838	2786895	217.5557
gps	1	10	0	0

Output: ...



#90 Olly Betts Erin Lynch fixed Malformed KML on survey, names and passages export

If I exporting the attached file to KML with the Underground Survey, Station Names, and Passage Walls options all selected, it produces malformed KML. (This does not happen if you use a different combination of export options).

I've attached the data (test.svx), the output KML (test.kml), and the result of opening the KML in Google Earth and then saving the result as a KML (test-export.kml). When open in Google Earth, test.kml has some lines which appear in middle of the ocean, etc. The final element in test-export.kml contains:

<coordinates> 110.54017826,25.19636597,-213.09 110.54017978,25.1963312,-212.19 110.54017978,25.1963312,-211.34 25.19749535,-217.56,25.19749535 -217.56,25.19744036,-216.11 25.19741833000001,-215.82,25.1975296 -216.37,25.19764738,-213.47 25.19742375,-215.5,25.19742375 -215.75,25.19750557,-212.54 25.19726891,-214.4,25.19727652 -215.46,25.19722549,-215.04 25.19732882,-214.71,25.19742 -213.71,25.19712107,-215.84 25.19697584,-215.28,25.19673831 -214.7,25.19669255000001,-216.68 25.19666739,-213.49,25.19648383 -214.75,25.19641432,-215.59 25.19633302,-215.19,25.19633302 -215.39,25.19636597,-213.09 25.19639576,-212.28,25.1963312 -212.19,25.1963312,-211.34 </coordinates>

Cheers, Erin

#92 Olly Betts Rob Eavis fixed Results of declination auto in log file

When using *declination auto <x> <y> <z> it is hard to check if it is actually working correctly. It would be helpful therefore if the declination value used (based on location and date) was recorded in the process log file.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.