## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in # We aim to be GNU compliant, but some required files are generated AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = 1.5 foreign # These files are installed automatically in --gnu mode GNU_FILES = INSTALL NEWS README COPYING AUTHORS ChangeLog EXTRA_DIST = $(GNU_FILES) TODO survex.iss.in OLDNEWS\ desc.txt desc-aven.txt survex.spec.in survex.spec\ desc-svxedit.txt alien.pl\ buildmacosx.sh vim/syntax/survex.vim vim/ftdetect/survex.vim SUBDIRS = . lib src doc tests debian # seem to need this for "make distclean" to recurse?!? DIST_SUBDIRS = $(SUBDIRS) extra_bin = lib/*.msg\ lib/default.bit lib/bold.bit extra_txt = lib/*.svx lib/print.ini extra_files = $(extra_bin) $(extra_txt) # FIXME: need to keep in step with src/Makefile.am base_progs = cad3d cavern diffpos extend sorterr 3dtopos\ printdm printps printpcl printhpgl AUTHORS: doc/AUTHORS.htm w3m -dump doc/AUTHORS.htm > AUTHORS HACKING: doc/HACKING.htm w3m -dump doc/HACKING.htm > HACKING TODO: doc/TODO.htm w3m -dump doc/TODO.htm > TODO rpm : dist : # spec file is produced using AC_OUTPUT echo %_topdir `pwd` > rpmmacros echo %_rpmdir `pwd` >> rpmmacros echo %_sourcedir `pwd` >> rpmmacros echo %_specdir `pwd` >> rpmmacros echo %_srcrpmdir `pwd` >> rpmmacros echo %_rpmfilename %%{NAME}-%%{VERSION}-%%{RELEASE}.%%{ARCH}.rpm >> rpmmacros : # echo macrofiles : `rpm --showrc | sed 's/^macrofiles\> *: //p;d'`:`pwd`/rpmmacros > rpmrc : # rm -rf BUILD mkdir BUILD : # rpmbuild -bs --clean --rcfile /usr/lib/rpm/rpmrc:`pwd`/rpmrc survex.spec debian : dist : # overkill maybe - we could probably just use this tree : # but then the .deb-s go in the parent directory, plus we get : # lintian moaning about the directory name not having the : # version number -rm -rf deb mkdir deb cd deb && tar zxvf ../${PACKAGE}-${VERSION}.tar.gz : # -us and -uc mean don't sign packages cd deb/${PACKAGE}-${VERSION} && debuild -us -uc mv deb/*.deb deb/*.dsc deb/*.changes deb/*.gz . rm -rf deb dostxt : $(RM) -rf dostxt_tmp mkdir dostxt_tmp for a in @EXTRA_TEXT@ ; do ln -s ../$$a dostxt_tmp/$$a.txt ; done : # rename to 8.3 mv dostxt_tmp/ChangeLog.txt dostxt_tmp/Changes.txt djgpp : all djgpp_zip djgpp_zip_name = survex-dos-@VERSION@.zip djgpp_exe_name = survex-dos-@VERSION@.exe djgpp_exe : djgpp_zip $(RM) $(djgpp_exe_name)~ cat dos_extras/unzipsfx.exe $(djgpp_zip_name) > $(djgpp_exe_name)~ zip -A $(djgpp_exe_name)~ mv $(djgpp_exe_name)~ $(djgpp_exe_name) djgpp_zip : dostxt test -d djgpp_exes || mkdir djgpp_exes for a in $(base_progs) caverot ; do cp src/$$a.exe djgpp_exes ; done $(RM) $(djgpp_zip_name) zip -9 -j $(djgpp_zip_name) djgpp_exes/*.exe $(extra_bin)\ djgpp_extras/cwsdpmi.exe djgpp_extras/emu387.dxe ln -s ../INSTALL.DOS dostxt_tmp/INSTALL.txt ln -s ../README dostxt_tmp/README.txt ln -s ../src/svxedit dostxt_tmp/svxedit.tcl : # -l means convert LF to CR+LF : # FIXME: really include dostxt too on DOS? zip -9 -j -l $(djgpp_zip_name) dostxt_tmp/*.txt dostxt_tmp/svxedit.tcl\ $(extra_txt) cd doc;zip -9 -l ../$(djgpp_zip_name) manual/*.htm @HTMLFILES@ cd doc;zip -9 ../$(djgpp_zip_name) manual/*.png $(RM) -rf dostxt_tmp mingw : all mingw_iss mingw_iss : survex.iss $(RM) -rf iss_tmp mkdir iss_tmp cp src/svxedit iss_tmp/svxedit.tcl cp $(extra_txt) survex.iss iss_tmp : # so the installer can display the license cp COPYING iss_tmp/COPYING.txt cd doc;cp @HTMLFILES@ ../iss_tmp : # convert LF to CR+LF perl -p -i -e 's/\n/\r\n/' iss_tmp/* for f in $(base_progs) aven printwin editwrap ; do cp src/$$f.exe iss_tmp ; done cp lib/icons/*.ico lib/icons/*.png iss_tmp : # don't ship pngs for which we ship the ico version for a in iss_tmp/*.ico ; do rm `echo $$a|sed 's/\.ico/.png/'` ; done : # but we do want aven.png for the About dialog cp lib/icons/aven.png iss_tmp : # not needed if we build wx without threads: gzip -dc /usr/share/doc/mingw32-runtime/mingwm10.dll.gz > iss_tmp/mingwm10.dll mkdir iss_tmp/manual cp doc/manual/*.htm iss_tmp/manual : # convert LF to CR+LF perl -p -i -e 's/\n/\r\n/' iss_tmp/manual/* cp doc/manual/*.png iss_tmp/manual cp $(extra_bin) iss_tmp : # NB check for updates for each new wx version for a in ca cs de es fr it pt pt_BR sk ; do\ mkdir iss_tmp/$$a;\ cp /usr/share/locale/$$a/LC_MESSAGES/wxstd.mo iss_tmp/$$a;\ echo 'Source: "'"$$a"'\wxstd.mo"; DestDir: "{app}\'"$$a"'"' >> iss_tmp/i18nfiles.iss;\ done cp lib/*.isl iss_tmp : # Also need to reduce colour depth it appears: : # src/png2bmp lib/icons/aven_about.png iss_tmp/logo.bmp DISPLAY= wine "c:/Program Files/Inno Setup 5/ISCC.exe" iss_tmp/survex.iss mv iss_tmp/Output/*.exe . $(RM) -rf iss_tmp bc_zip_name = survex-dos286-@VERSION@.zip bc_exe_name = survex-dos286-@VERSION@.exe borlandc_exe : borlandc_zip $(RM) $(bc_exe_name)~ cat dos_extras/unzipsfx.exe $(bc_zip_name) > $(bc_exe_name)~ zip -A $(bc_exe_name)~ mv $(bc_exe_name)~ $(bc_exe_name) borlandc_zip : dostxt $(RM) $(bc_zip_name) zip -9 -j $(bc_zip_name) bc_exes/*.exe $(extra_bin) bc_extras/*.bgi ln -s ../INSTALL.DOS dostxt_tmp/INSTALL.txt ln -s ../README dostxt_tmp/README.txt : # -l means convert LF to CR+LF : # FIXME: really include dostxt too on DOS? zip -9 -j -l $(bc_zip_name) dostxt_tmp/*.txt $(extra_txt) cd doc;zip -9 -l ../$(bc_zip_name) manual/*.htm @HTMLFILES@ cd doc;zip -9 ../$(bc_zip_name) manual/*.png $(RM) -rf dostxt_tmp riscos_zip_name = survex-riscos-@VERSION@.zip riscos_zip : $(RM) $(riscos_zip_name) : # needs a zip with Darren Salt's patches, which'll hopefully be merged : # into the mainstream distribution in future $(RM) -rf riscos_tmp mkdir riscos_tmp ln -s ../README.ros riscos_tmp/\!ReadMe,fff : # "cp -r riscos_extras riscos_tmp" but avoid CVS directories cd riscos_extras; tar --exclude CVS -cf - . | (cd ../riscos_tmp ; tar xf -) cp -r riscos_extras/\!* riscos_tmp for f in $(base_progs) caverot ; do\ ln -s ../../riscos_exes/$$f riscos_tmp/\!Cavern/$$f,ff8 ; done for f in @EXTRA_TEXT@ ; do\ b=`echo "$$f" | sed 's!.*/!!'` ;\ type=fff ;\ case "$$f" in\ *.bit) type=ffd ;;\ *.msg) type=ffd ;;\ esac ;\ ln -s ../$$f riscos_tmp/$$b,$$type ; done for f in $(extra_files) ; do\ b=`echo "$$f" | sed 's!.*/!!'` ;\ type=fff ;\ case "$$f" in\ *.bit) type=ffd ;;\ *.msg) type=ffd ;;\ esac ;\ ln -s ../../$$f riscos_tmp/\!Cavern/$$b,$$type ; done cd doc && for f in @HTMLFILES@ ; do\ ln -s ../doc/$$f ../riscos_tmp/$$f,faf ; done mkdir riscos_tmp/manual cd doc && for f in manual/*.htm ; do\ ln -s ../../doc/$$f ../riscos_tmp/$$f,faf ; done cd doc && for f in manual/*.png ; do\ ln -s ../../doc/$$f ../riscos_tmp/$$f,b60 ; done : # -R doesn't seem to work here, so just glob it all in cd riscos_tmp && ../zip-magic -N ../$(riscos_zip_name) * */* */*/* $(RM) -rf riscos_tmp # source code for transfer to the RISC OS/DOS machines for compilation alien_src_zip_name = src$(shell echo "@VERSION@"|sed 's/\./_/g').zip alien_src_zip : $(RM) $(alien_src_zip_name) $(RM) -rf alien_tmp mkdir alien_tmp mkdir alien_tmp/c mkdir alien_tmp/h mkdir alien_tmp/s mkdir alien_tmp/o mkdir alien_tmp/stdh perl alien.pl src/*.c src/*.h > alien_tmp/\!ObeyMe,feb echo 'RMEnsure DDEUtils 0 System:modules.ddeutils' > alien_tmp/\!MakeMe,feb echo 'Dir ' >> alien_tmp/\!MakeMe,feb echo amu >> alien_tmp/\!MakeMe,feb echo Back >> alien_tmp/\!MakeMe,feb ln -s ../src/riscos/stdh/[a-z]* alien_tmp ln -s ../src/borlandc/makefile alien_tmp/makefile.mak ln -s ../src/borlandc/make.bat alien_tmp ln -s ../../src/riscos/config.h alien_tmp/h/config ln -s ../../src/riscos/armrot.s alien_tmp/s/armrot ln -s ../../src/riscos/stdh/regnames alien_tmp/stdh ln -s ../../src/riscos/stdh/swinames alien_tmp/stdh ./zip-magic -N -j $(alien_src_zip_name) alien_tmp src/*.c src/*.h\ src/riscos/makefile src/borlandc/config.h cd alien_tmp && ../zip-magic -N -r ../$(alien_src_zip_name) * $(RM) -rf alien_tmp dos_doc_zip_name = svxdoc-doswin-@VERSION@.zip dos_doc_exe_name = svxdoc-doswin-@VERSION@.exe dos_doc_exe : dos_doc_zip $(RM) $(dos_doc_exe_name)~ cat dos_extras/unzipsfx.exe $(dos_doc_zip_name) > $(dos_doc_exe_name)~ zip -A $(dos_doc_exe_name)~ mv $(dos_doc_exe_name)~ $(dos_doc_exe_name) dos_doc_zip : $(RM) $(dos_doc_zip_name) : # -l means convert LF to CR+LF cd doc && zip -9 -l ../$(dos_doc_zip_name) @DOCS_OTHER@ riscos_doc_zip_name = svxdoc-riscos-@VERSION@.zip riscos_doc_zip : $(RM) $(riscos_doc_zip_name) $(RM) -rf riscos_doc_tmp mkdir riscos_doc_tmp cd doc && for f in @DOCS_OTHER@ ; do\ if test -d $$f ; then\ mkdir ../riscos_doc_tmp/$$f ;\ else\ case "$$f" in\ */*.htm|*/*.html) ln -s ../../doc/$$f ../riscos_doc_tmp/$$f,faf ;;\ *.htm|*.html) ln -s ../doc/$$f ../riscos_doc_tmp/$$f,faf ;;\ *.txt) ln -s ../doc/$$f ../riscos_doc_tmp/$$f,fff ;;\ *.rtf) ln -s ../doc/$$f ../riscos_doc_tmp/$$f,c32 ;;\ *.ps) ln -s ../doc/$$f ../riscos_doc_tmp/$$f,ff5 ;;\ *) ln -s ../doc/$$f ../riscos_doc_tmp/$$f,ffd ;;\ esac;\ fi;\ done cd riscos_doc_tmp && ../zip-magic -N -r ../$(riscos_doc_zip_name) * $(RM) -rf riscos_doc_tmp