/* printwx.c */ /* Device dependent part of Survex wxWidgets driver */ /* Copyright (C) 1993-2003,2004,2005 Olly Betts * Copyright (C) 2001,2004 Philip Underwood * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "debug.h" /* for BUG and SVX_ASSERT */ #include "filelist.h" #include "filename.h" #include "ini.h" #include "message.h" #include "useful.h" #include "aven.h" #include "avenprcore.h" #include "mainfrm.h" #include "printwx.h" class svxPrintout : public wxPrintout { MainFrm *mainfrm; layout *m_layout; wxString m_title; wxPageSetupDialogData* m_data; wxDC* pdc; static const int cur_pass = 0; wxPen *pen_frame, *pen_cross, *pen_surface_leg, *pen_leg; wxColour colour_text, colour_labels, colour_frame, colour_leg; wxColour colour_cross,colour_surface_leg; long x_t, y_t; double font_scaling_x, font_scaling_y; wxFont * current_font; int check_intersection(long x_p, long y_p); void draw_info_box(); void draw_scale_bar(double x, double y, double MaxLength); int next_page(int *pstate, char **q, int pageLim); void drawticks(border clip, int tsize, int x, int y); void MOVEMM(double X, double Y) { MoveTo((long)(X * m_layout->scX), (long)(Y * m_layout->scY)); } void DRAWMM(double X, double Y) { DrawTo((long)(X * m_layout->scX), (long)(Y * m_layout->scY)); } void MoveTo(long x, long y); void DrawTo(long x, long y); void DrawCross(long x, long y); void SetFont(int fontcode); void SetColour(int colourcode); void WriteString(const char *s); void DrawEllipse(long x, long y, long r, long R); void SolidRectangle(long x, long y, long w, long h); int Charset(void); int Pre(); void NewPage(int pg, int pagesX, int pagesY); void ShowPage(const char *szPageDetails); char * Init(FILE **fh_list, bool fCalibrate); public: svxPrintout(MainFrm *mainfrm, layout *l, wxPageSetupDialogData *data, const wxString & title); bool OnPrintPage(int pageNum); void GetPageInfo(int *minPage, int *maxPage, int *pageFrom, int *pageTo); wxString GetTitle(); bool HasPage(int pageNum); void OnBeginPrinting(); void OnEndPrinting(); }; BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(svxPrintDlg, wxDialog) EVT_TEXT(svx_SCALE, svxPrintDlg::OnChange) EVT_COMBOBOX(svx_SCALE, svxPrintDlg::OnChange) EVT_SPINCTRL(svx_BEARING, svxPrintDlg::OnChangeSpin) EVT_SPINCTRL(svx_TILT, svxPrintDlg::OnChangeSpin) EVT_BUTTON(wxID_PRINT, svxPrintDlg::OnPrint) EVT_BUTTON(wxID_PREVIEW, svxPrintDlg::OnPreview) EVT_BUTTON(svx_PLAN, svxPrintDlg::OnPlan) EVT_BUTTON(svx_ELEV, svxPrintDlg::OnElevation) END_EVENT_TABLE() static wxString scales[] = { "", "25", "50", "100", "250", "500", "1000", "2500", "5000", "10000", "25000", "50000", "100000" }; // there are three jobs to do here... // User <-> wx - this should possibly be done in a separate file svxPrintDlg::svxPrintDlg(MainFrm* mainfrm_, const wxString & filename, const wxString & title, const wxString & datestamp, double angle, double tilt_angle, bool labels, bool crosses, bool legs, bool surf) : wxDialog(mainfrm_, -1, wxString(msg(/*Print*/399))), m_layout(wxGetApp().GetPageSetupDialogData()), m_File(filename), mainfrm(mainfrm_) { m_layout.Labels = labels; m_layout.Crosses = crosses; m_layout.Shots = legs; m_layout.Surface = surf; m_layout.datestamp = osstrdup(datestamp.c_str()); m_layout.rot = int(angle + .001); if (title.length() > 11 && title.substr(title.length() - 11) == " (extended)") { m_layout.title = osstrdup(title.substr(0, title.length() - 11).c_str()); m_layout.view = layout::EXTELEV; if (m_layout.rot != 0 && m_layout.rot != 180) m_layout.rot = 0; m_layout.tilt = 0; } else { // FIXME rot and tilt shouldn't be integers, but for now add a small // fraction before forcing to int as otherwise plan view ends up being // 89 degrees! m_layout.title = osstrdup(title.c_str()); m_layout.tilt = int(tilt_angle + .001); if (m_layout.tilt == 90) { m_layout.view = layout::PLAN; } else if (m_layout.tilt == 0) { m_layout.view = layout::ELEV; } else { m_layout.view = layout::TILT; } } /* setup our print dialog*/ wxBoxSizer* v1 = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); wxBoxSizer* h1 = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); // holds controls wxBoxSizer* v2 = new wxStaticBoxSizer(new wxStaticBox(this, -1, msg(/*View*/255)), wxVERTICAL); wxBoxSizer* v3 = new wxStaticBoxSizer(new wxStaticBox(this, -1, msg(/*Elements*/256)), wxVERTICAL); wxBoxSizer* h2 = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); // holds buttons { // this isn't the "too wide" bit... wxStaticText* label; label = new wxStaticText(this, -1, wxString(msg(/*Scale*/154)) + " 1:"); if (scales[0].empty()) scales[0].assign(msg(/*One page*/258)); m_scale = new wxComboBox(this, svx_SCALE, scales[0], wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, sizeof(scales) / sizeof(scales[0]), scales); wxBoxSizer* scalebox = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); scalebox->Add(label, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5); scalebox->Add(m_scale, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5); v2->Add(scalebox, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 0); } // Make the dummy string wider than any sane value and use that to // fix the width of the control so the sizers allow space for bigger // page layouts. m_printSize = new wxStaticText(this, -1, wxString::Format(msg(/*%d pages (%dx%d)*/257), 9604, 98, 98)); v2->Add(m_printSize, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5); if (m_layout.view != layout::EXTELEV) { wxFlexGridSizer* anglebox = new wxFlexGridSizer(2); wxStaticText * brg_label, * tilt_label; brg_label = new wxStaticText(this, -1, msg(/*Bearing*/259)); anglebox->Add(brg_label, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5); m_bearing = new wxSpinCtrl(this, svx_BEARING); m_bearing->SetRange(0, 359); anglebox->Add(m_bearing, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER|wxALL, 5); tilt_label = new wxStaticText(this, -1, msg(/*Tilt angle*/263)); anglebox->Add(tilt_label, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5); m_tilt = new wxSpinCtrl(this,svx_TILT); m_tilt->SetRange(-90, 90); anglebox->Add(m_tilt, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER|wxALL, 5); v2->Add(anglebox, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 0); wxBoxSizer * planelevsizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); planelevsizer->Add(new wxButton(this, svx_PLAN, "Plan"), 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5); planelevsizer->Add(new wxButton(this, svx_ELEV, "Elevation"), 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5); v2->Add(planelevsizer, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5); } h1->Add(v2, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5); m_legs = new wxCheckBox(this, svx_LEGS, msg(/*Underground Survey Legs*/262)); v3->Add(m_legs, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 2); m_surface = new wxCheckBox(this, svx_SCALEBAR, msg(/*Sur&face Survey Legs*/403)); v3->Add(m_surface, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 2); m_stations = new wxCheckBox(this, svx_STATIONS, msg(/*Crosses*/261)); v3->Add(m_stations, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 2); m_names = new wxCheckBox(this, svx_NAMES, msg(/*Station Names*/260)); v3->Add(m_names, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 2); m_borders = new wxCheckBox(this, svx_BORDERS, msg(/*Page Borders*/264)); v3->Add(m_borders, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 2); // m_blanks = new wxCheckBox(this, svx_BLANKS, msg(/*Blank Pages*/266)); // v3->Add(m_blanks, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 2); m_infoBox = new wxCheckBox(this, svx_INFOBOX, msg(/*Info Box*/265)); v3->Add(m_infoBox, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 2); h1->Add(v3, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5); v1->Add(h1, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5); wxButton * but; but = new wxButton(this, wxID_CANCEL, msg(/*&Cancel*/402)); h2->Add(but, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT|wxALL, 5); but = new wxButton(this, wxID_PREVIEW, msg(/*Pre&view*/401)); h2->Add(but, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT|wxALL, 5); but = new wxButton(this, wxID_PRINT, msg(/*&Print*/400)); but->SetDefault(); h2->Add(but, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT|wxALL, 5); v1->Add(h2, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT|wxALL, 5); SetAutoLayout(true); SetSizer(v1); v1->Fit(this); v1->SetSizeHints(this); LayoutToUI(); SomethingChanged(); } svxPrintDlg::~svxPrintDlg() { osfree(m_layout.title); osfree(m_layout.datestamp); } void svxPrintDlg::OnPrint(wxCommandEvent&) { SomethingChanged(); wxPageSetupDialogData * psdd = wxGetApp().GetPageSetupDialogData(); wxPrintDialogData pd(psdd->GetPrintData()); wxPrinter pr(&pd); svxPrintout po(mainfrm, &m_layout, psdd, m_File); if (pr.Print(this, &po, true)) { // Close the print dialog if printing succeeded. Destroy(); } } void svxPrintDlg::OnPreview(wxCommandEvent&) { SomethingChanged(); wxPageSetupDialogData * psdd = wxGetApp().GetPageSetupDialogData(); wxPrintDialogData pd(psdd->GetPrintData()); wxPrintPreview* pv; pv = new wxPrintPreview(new svxPrintout(mainfrm, &m_layout, psdd, m_File), new svxPrintout(mainfrm, &m_layout, psdd, m_File), &pd); wxPreviewFrame *frame = new wxPreviewFrame(pv, mainfrm, msg(/*Print Preview*/398)); frame->Initialize(); // Size preview frame so that all of the controlbar and canvas can be seen // if possible. int w, h; // GetBestSize gives us the width needed to show the whole controlbar. frame->GetBestSize(&w, &h); #ifdef __WXMAC__ // wxMac opens the preview window at minimum size by default. // 360x480 is apparently enough to show A4 portrait. if (h < 480 || w < 360) { if (h < 480) h = 480; if (w < 360) w = 360; } #else if (h < w) { // On wxGTK at least, GetBestSize() returns much too small a height. h = w * 6 / 5; } #endif // Ensure that we don't make the window bigger than the screen. // Use wxGetClientDisplayRect() so we don't cover the MS Windows // task bar either. wxRect disp = wxGetClientDisplayRect(); if (w > disp.GetWidth()) w = disp.GetWidth(); if (h > disp.GetHeight()) h = disp.GetHeight(); // Centre the window within the "ClientDisplayRect". int x = disp.GetLeft() + (disp.GetWidth() - w) / 2; int y = disp.GetTop() + (disp.GetHeight() - h) / 2; frame->SetSize(x, y, w, h); frame->Show(); } void svxPrintDlg::OnPlan(wxCommandEvent&) { m_tilt->SetValue(90); SomethingChanged(); } void svxPrintDlg::OnElevation(wxCommandEvent&) { m_tilt->SetValue(0); SomethingChanged(); } void svxPrintDlg::OnChangeSpin(wxSpinEvent&e) { SomethingChanged(); } void svxPrintDlg::OnChange(wxCommandEvent&) { SomethingChanged(); } void svxPrintDlg::SomethingChanged() { UIToLayout(); // Update the bounding box. RecalcBounds(); if (m_layout.xMax >= m_layout.xMin) { m_layout.pages_required(); m_printSize->SetLabel(wxString::Format(msg(/*%d pages (%dx%d)*/257), m_layout.pages, m_layout.pagesX, m_layout.pagesY)); } } void svxPrintDlg::LayoutToUI(){ m_names->SetValue(m_layout.Labels); m_legs->SetValue(m_layout.Shots); m_stations->SetValue(m_layout.Crosses); m_borders->SetValue(m_layout.Border); // m_blanks->SetValue(m_layout.SkipBlank); m_infoBox->SetValue(!m_layout.Raw); m_surface->SetValue(m_layout.Surface); if (m_layout.view != layout::EXTELEV) { m_tilt->SetValue(m_layout.tilt); // FIXME: enable both buttons if (m_layout.tilt > 89) { // FIXME: disable Plan button } else if (m_layout.tilt == 0) { // FIXME: disable Elevation button } m_bearing->SetValue(m_layout.rot); } // Do this last as it causes an OnChange message which calls UIToLayout if (m_layout.Scale != 0) { wxString temp; temp << m_layout.Scale; m_scale->SetValue(temp); } else { if (scales[0].empty()) scales[0].assign(msg(/*One page*/258)); m_scale->SetValue(scales[0]); } } void svxPrintDlg::UIToLayout(){ m_layout.Labels = m_names->IsChecked(); m_layout.Shots = m_legs->IsChecked(); m_layout.Crosses = m_stations->IsChecked(); m_layout.Border = m_borders->IsChecked(); // m_layout.SkipBlank = m_blanks->IsChecked(); m_layout.Raw = !m_infoBox->IsChecked(); m_layout.Surface = m_surface->IsChecked(); if (m_layout.view != layout::EXTELEV) { m_layout.tilt = m_tilt->GetValue(); if (m_layout.tilt == 90) { m_layout.view = layout::PLAN; } else if (m_layout.tilt == 0) { m_layout.view = layout::ELEV; } else { m_layout.view = layout::TILT; } m_layout.rot = m_bearing->GetValue(); } (m_scale->GetValue()).ToDouble(&(m_layout.Scale)); if (m_layout.Scale == 0.0) { m_layout.pick_scale(1, 1); } } void svxPrintDlg::RecalcBounds() { m_layout.yMax = m_layout.xMax = -DBL_MAX; m_layout.yMin = m_layout.xMin = DBL_MAX; double SIN,COS,SINT,COST; SIN = sin(rad(m_layout.rot)); COS = cos(rad(m_layout.rot)); SINT = sin(rad(m_layout.tilt)); COST = cos(rad(m_layout.tilt)); if (m_layout.Surface || m_layout.Shots) { for (int i=0; i < NUM_DEPTH_COLOURS; ++i) { list::const_iterator p = mainfrm->GetPoints(i); while (p != mainfrm->GetPointsEnd(i)) { double x = (*p)->GetX(); double y = (*p)->GetY(); double z = (*p)->GetZ(); if ((*p)->IsSurface() ? m_layout.Surface : m_layout.Shots) { double X = x * COS - y * SIN; if (X > m_layout.xMax) m_layout.xMax = X; if (X < m_layout.xMin) m_layout.xMin = X; double Y = (x * SIN + y * COS) * SINT + z * COST; if (Y > m_layout.yMax) m_layout.yMax = Y; if (Y < m_layout.yMin) m_layout.yMin = Y; } ++p; } } } if (m_layout.Labels || m_layout.Crosses) { list::const_iterator label = mainfrm->GetLabels(); while (label != mainfrm->GetLabelsEnd()) { double x = (*label)->GetX(); double y = (*label)->GetY(); double z = (*label)->GetZ(); if (m_layout.Surface || (*label)->IsUnderground()) { double X = x * COS - y * SIN; if (X > m_layout.xMax) m_layout.xMax = X; if (X < m_layout.xMin) m_layout.xMin = X; double Y = (x * SIN + y * COS) * SINT + z * COST; if (Y > m_layout.yMax) m_layout.yMax = Y; if (Y < m_layout.yMin) m_layout.yMin = Y; } ++label; } } } #define DEG "\xB0" /* degree symbol in iso-8859-1 */ static int xpPageWidth, ypPageDepth; static long MarginLeft, MarginRight, MarginTop, MarginBottom; static long x_offset, y_offset; static wxFont *font_labels, *font_default; static int fontsize, fontsize_labels; /* FIXME: allow the font to be set */ static const char *fontname = "Arial", *fontname_labels = "Arial"; // wx <-> prcore (calls to print_page etc...) svxPrintout::svxPrintout(MainFrm *mainfrm_, layout *l, wxPageSetupDialogData *data, const wxString & title) : wxPrintout(title) { mainfrm = mainfrm_; m_layout = l; m_title = title; m_data = data; } void svxPrintout::draw_info_box() { layout *l = m_layout; char szTmp[256]; char *p; int boxwidth = 60; int boxheight = 30; SetColour(PR_COLOUR_FRAME); if (l->view != layout::EXTELEV) { boxwidth = 100; boxheight = 40; MOVEMM(60,40); DRAWMM(60, 0); MOVEMM(0, 30); DRAWMM(60, 30); } MOVEMM(0, boxheight); DRAWMM(boxwidth, boxheight); DRAWMM(boxwidth, 0); if (!l->Border) { DRAWMM(0, 0); DRAWMM(0, boxheight); } MOVEMM(0, 20); DRAWMM(60, 20); MOVEMM(0, 10); DRAWMM(60, 10); switch (l->view) { case layout::PLAN: { long ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, dx, dy; #define RADIUS 16.0 DrawEllipse((long)(80.0 * l->scX), (long)(20.0 * l->scY), (long)(RADIUS * l->scX), (long)(RADIUS * l->scY)); ax = (long)((80 - 15 * sin(rad(000.0 + l->rot))) * l->scX); ay = (long)((20 + 15 * cos(rad(000.0 + l->rot))) * l->scY); bx = (long)((80 - 7 * sin(rad(180.0 + l->rot))) * l->scX); by = (long)((20 + 7 * cos(rad(180.0 + l->rot))) * l->scY); cx = (long)((80 - 15 * sin(rad(160.0 + l->rot))) * l->scX); cy = (long)((20 + 15 * cos(rad(160.0 + l->rot))) * l->scY); dx = (long)((80 - 15 * sin(rad(200.0 + l->rot))) * l->scX); dy = (long)((20 + 15 * cos(rad(200.0 + l->rot))) * l->scY); MoveTo(ax, ay); DrawTo(bx, by); DrawTo(cx, cy); DrawTo(ax, ay); DrawTo(dx, dy); DrawTo(bx, by); SetColour(PR_COLOUR_TEXT); MOVEMM(62, 36); WriteString(msg(/*North*/115)); MOVEMM(5, 23); WriteString(msg(/*Plan view*/117)); break; } case layout::ELEV: case layout::TILT: MOVEMM(65, 15); DRAWMM(70, 12); DRAWMM(68, 15); DRAWMM(70, 18); DRAWMM(65, 15); DRAWMM(95, 15); DRAWMM(90, 18); DRAWMM(92, 15); DRAWMM(90, 12); DRAWMM(95, 15); MOVEMM(80, 13); DRAWMM(80, 17); SetColour(PR_COLOUR_TEXT); MOVEMM(62, 33); WriteString(msg(/*Elevation on*/116)); sprintf(szTmp, "%03d"DEG, (l->rot + 270) % 360); MOVEMM(65, 20); WriteString(szTmp); sprintf(szTmp, "%03d"DEG, (l->rot + 90) % 360); MOVEMM(85, 20); WriteString(szTmp); MOVEMM(5, 23); WriteString(msg(/*Elevation*/118)); break; case layout::EXTELEV: SetColour(PR_COLOUR_TEXT); MOVEMM(5, 13); WriteString(msg(/*Extended elevation*/191)); break; } MOVEMM(5, boxheight - 7); WriteString(l->title); strcpy(szTmp, msg(/*Scale*/154)); p = szTmp + strlen(szTmp); sprintf(p, " 1:%.0f", l->Scale); MOVEMM(5, boxheight - 27); WriteString(szTmp); if (l->view != layout::EXTELEV) { strcpy(szTmp, msg(l->view == layout::PLAN ? /*Up page*/168 : /*View*/169)); p = szTmp + strlen(szTmp); sprintf(p, " %03d"DEG, l->rot); MOVEMM(5, 3); WriteString(szTmp); } /* This used to be a copyright line, but it was occasionally * mis-interpreted as us claiming copyright on the survey, so let's * give the website URL instead */ MOVEMM(boxwidth + 2, 2); WriteString("Survex "VERSION" - http://www.survex.com/"); draw_scale_bar(boxwidth + 10.0, 17.0, l->PaperWidth - boxwidth - 18.0); } /* Draw fancy scale bar with bottom left at (x,y) (both in mm) and at most */ /* MaxLength mm long. The scaling in use is 1:scale */ void svxPrintout::draw_scale_bar(double x, double y, double MaxLength) { double StepEst, d; int E, Step, n, le, c; char u_buf[3], buf[256]; char *p; static const signed char powers[] = { 12, 9, 9, 9, 6, 6, 6, 3, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, -3, -3, -3, -6, -6, -6, -9, }; static const char si_mods[sizeof(powers)] = { 'p', 'n', 'n', 'n', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'm', 'c', 'c', '\0', '\0', '\0', 'k', 'k', 'k', 'M', 'M', 'M', 'G' }; /* Limit scalebar to 20cm to stop people with A0 plotters complaining */ if (MaxLength > 200.0) MaxLength = 200.0; #define dmin 10.0 /* each division >= dmin mm long */ #define StepMax 5 /* number in steps of at most StepMax (x 10^N) */ #define epsilon (1e-4) /* fudge factor to prevent rounding problems */ E = (int)ceil(log10((dmin * 0.001 * m_layout->Scale) / StepMax)); StepEst = pow(10.0, -(double)E) * (dmin * 0.001) * m_layout->Scale - epsilon; /* Force labelling to be in multiples of 1, 2, or 5 */ Step = (StepEst <= 1.0 ? 1 : (StepEst <= 2.0 ? 2 : 5)); /* Work out actual length of each scale bar division */ d = Step * pow(10.0, (double)E) / m_layout->Scale * 1000.0; /* Choose appropriate units, s.t. if possible E is >=0 and minimized */ /* Range of units is a little extreme, but it doesn't hurt... */ n = min(E, 9); n = max(n, -10) + 10; E += (int)powers[n]; u_buf[0] = si_mods[n]; u_buf[1] = '\0'; strcat(u_buf, "m"); strcpy(buf, msg(/*Scale*/154)); /* Add units used - eg. "Scale (10m)" */ p = buf + strlen(buf); sprintf(p, " (%.0f%s)", (double)pow(10.0, (double)E), u_buf); SetColour(PR_COLOUR_TEXT); MOVEMM(x, y + 4); WriteString(buf); /* Work out how many divisions there will be */ n = (int)(MaxLength / d); SetColour(PR_COLOUR_FRAME); long Y = long(y * m_layout->scY); long Y2 = long((y + 3) * m_layout->scY); long X = long(x * m_layout->scX); long X2 = long((x + n * d) * m_layout->scX); /* Draw top of scale bar */ MoveTo(X2, Y2); DrawTo(X, Y2); #if 0 DrawTo(X2, Y); DrawTo(X, Y); MOVEMM(x + n * d, y); DRAWMM(x, y); #endif /* Draw divisions and label them */ for (c = 0; c <= n; c++) { SetColour(PR_COLOUR_FRAME); X = long((x + c * d) * m_layout->scX); MoveTo(X, Y); DrawTo(X, Y2); #if 0 // Don't waste toner! /* Draw a "zebra crossing" scale bar. */ if (c < n && (c & 1) == 0) { X2 = long((x + (c + 1) * d) * m_layout->scX); SolidRectangle(X, Y, X2 - X, Y2 - Y); } #endif /* ANSI sprintf returns length of formatted string, but some pre-ANSI Unix * implementations return char* (ptr to end of written string I think) */ sprintf(buf, "%d", c * Step); le = strlen(buf); SetColour(PR_COLOUR_TEXT); MOVEMM(x + c * d - le, y - 4); WriteString(buf); } } #if 0 void make_calibration(layout *l) { img_point pt = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; l->xMax = l->yMax = 0.1; l->xMin = l->yMin = 0; stack(l,img_MOVE, NULL, &pt); pt.x = 0.1; stack(l,img_LINE, NULL, &pt); pt.y = 0.1; stack(l,img_LINE, NULL, &pt); pt.x = 0.0; stack(l,img_LINE, NULL, &pt); pt.y = 0.0; stack(l,img_LINE, NULL, &pt); pt.x = 0.05; pt.y = 0.001; stack(l,img_LABEL, "10cm", &pt); pt.x = 0.001; pt.y = 0.05; stack(l,img_LABEL, "10cm", &pt); l->Scale = 1.0; } #endif int svxPrintout::next_page(int *pstate, char **q, int pageLim) { char *p; int page; int c; p = *q; if (*pstate > 0) { /* doing a range */ (*pstate)++; SVX_ASSERT(*p == '-'); p++; while (isspace((unsigned char)*p)) p++; if (sscanf(p, "%u%n", &page, &c) > 0) { p += c; } else { page = pageLim; } if (*pstate > page) goto err; if (*pstate < page) return *pstate; *q = p; *pstate = 0; return page; } while (isspace((unsigned char)*p) || *p == ',') p++; if (!*p) return 0; /* done */ if (*p == '-') { *q = p; *pstate = 1; return 1; /* range with initial parameter omitted */ } if (sscanf(p, "%u%n", &page, &c) > 0) { p += c; while (isspace((unsigned char)*p)) p++; *q = p; if (0 < page && page <= pageLim) { if (*p == '-') *pstate = page; /* range with start */ return page; } } err: *pstate = -1; return 0; } /* Draws in alignment marks on each page or borders on edge pages */ void svxPrintout::drawticks(border clip, int tsize, int x, int y) { long i; int s = tsize * 4; int o = s / 8; bool fAtCorner = fFalse; SetColour(PR_COLOUR_FRAME); if (x == 0 && m_layout->Border) { /* solid left border */ MoveTo(clip.x_min, clip.y_min); DrawTo(clip.x_min, clip.y_max); fAtCorner = fTrue; } else { if (x > 0 || y > 0) { MoveTo(clip.x_min, clip.y_min); DrawTo(clip.x_min, clip.y_min + tsize); } if (s && x > 0 && m_layout->Cutlines) { /* dashed left border */ i = (clip.y_max - clip.y_min) - (tsize + ((clip.y_max - clip.y_min - tsize * 2L) % s) / 2); for ( ; i > tsize; i -= s) { MoveTo(clip.x_min, clip.y_max - (i + o)); DrawTo(clip.x_min, clip.y_max - (i - o)); } } if (x > 0 || y < m_layout->pagesY - 1) { MoveTo(clip.x_min, clip.y_max - tsize); DrawTo(clip.x_min, clip.y_max); fAtCorner = fTrue; } } if (y == m_layout->pagesY - 1 && m_layout->Border) { /* solid top border */ if (!fAtCorner) MoveTo(clip.x_min, clip.y_max); DrawTo(clip.x_max, clip.y_max); fAtCorner = fTrue; } else { if (y < m_layout->pagesY - 1 || x > 0) { if (!fAtCorner) MoveTo(clip.x_min, clip.y_max); DrawTo(clip.x_min + tsize, clip.y_max); } if (s && y < m_layout->pagesY - 1 && m_layout->Cutlines) { /* dashed top border */ i = (clip.x_max - clip.x_min) - (tsize + ((clip.x_max - clip.x_min - tsize * 2L) % s) / 2); for ( ; i > tsize; i -= s) { MoveTo(clip.x_max - (i + o), clip.y_max); DrawTo(clip.x_max - (i - o), clip.y_max); } } if (y < m_layout->pagesY - 1 || x < m_layout->pagesX - 1) { MoveTo(clip.x_max - tsize, clip.y_max); DrawTo(clip.x_max, clip.y_max); fAtCorner = fTrue; } else { fAtCorner = fFalse; } } if (x == m_layout->pagesX - 1 && m_layout->Border) { /* solid right border */ if (!fAtCorner) MoveTo(clip.x_max, clip.y_max); DrawTo(clip.x_max, clip.y_min); fAtCorner = fTrue; } else { if (x < m_layout->pagesX - 1 || y < m_layout->pagesY - 1) { if (!fAtCorner) MoveTo(clip.x_max, clip.y_max); DrawTo(clip.x_max, clip.y_max - tsize); } if (s && x < m_layout->pagesX - 1 && m_layout->Cutlines) { /* dashed right border */ i = (clip.y_max - clip.y_min) - (tsize + ((clip.y_max - clip.y_min - tsize * 2L) % s) / 2); for ( ; i > tsize; i -= s) { MoveTo(clip.x_max, clip.y_min + (i + o)); DrawTo(clip.x_max, clip.y_min + (i - o)); } } if (x < m_layout->pagesX - 1 || y > 0) { MoveTo(clip.x_max, clip.y_min + tsize); DrawTo(clip.x_max, clip.y_min); fAtCorner = fTrue; } else { fAtCorner = fFalse; } } if (y == 0 && m_layout->Border) { /* solid bottom border */ if (!fAtCorner) MoveTo(clip.x_max, clip.y_min); DrawTo(clip.x_min, clip.y_min); } else { if (y > 0 || x < m_layout->pagesX - 1) { if (!fAtCorner) MoveTo(clip.x_max, clip.y_min); DrawTo(clip.x_max - tsize, clip.y_min); } if (s && y > 0 && m_layout->Cutlines) { /* dashed bottom border */ i = (clip.x_max - clip.x_min) - (tsize + ((clip.x_max - clip.x_min - tsize * 2L) % s) / 2); for ( ; i > tsize; i -= s) { MoveTo(clip.x_min + (i + o), clip.y_min); DrawTo(clip.x_min + (i - o), clip.y_min); } } if (y > 0 || x > 0) { MoveTo(clip.x_min + tsize, clip.y_min); DrawTo(clip.x_min, clip.y_min); } } } bool svxPrintout::OnPrintPage(int pageNum) { GetPageSizePixels(&xpPageWidth, &ypPageDepth); pdc = GetDC(); if (IsPreview()) { int dcx, dcy; pdc->GetSize(&dcx, &dcy); pdc->SetUserScale((double)dcx / xpPageWidth, (double)dcy / ypPageDepth); } layout * l = m_layout; { int pwidth, pdepth; GetPageSizeMM(&pwidth, &pdepth); l->scX = (double)xpPageWidth / pwidth; l->scY = (double)ypPageDepth / pdepth; font_scaling_x = l->scX * (25.4 / 72.0); font_scaling_y = l->scY * (25.4 / 72.0); MarginLeft = m_data->GetMarginTopLeft().x; MarginTop = m_data->GetMarginTopLeft().y; MarginBottom = m_data->GetMarginBottomRight().y; MarginRight = m_data->GetMarginBottomRight().x; xpPageWidth -= (int)(l->scX * (MarginLeft + MarginRight)); ypPageDepth -= (int)(l->scY * (10 + MarginBottom + MarginRight)); // xpPageWidth -= 1; pdepth -= 10; x_offset = (long)(l->scX * MarginLeft); y_offset = (long)(l->scY * MarginTop); l->PaperWidth = pwidth -= MarginLeft + MarginRight; l->PaperDepth = pdepth -= MarginTop + MarginBottom; } double SIN,COS,SINT,COST; SIN = sin(rad(l->rot)); COS = cos(rad(l->rot)); SINT = sin(rad(l->tilt)); COST = cos(rad(l->tilt)); long x = 0, y = 0; bool pending_move = false; bool last_leg_surface = false; NewPage(pageNum, l->pagesX, l->pagesY); if (!l->Raw && pageNum == (l->pagesY - 1) * l->pagesX + 1) { SetFont(PR_FONT_DEFAULT); draw_info_box(); } const double Sc = 1000 / l->Scale; if (l->Surface || l->Shots) { for (int i=0; i < mainfrm->GetNumDepthBands(); ++i) { list::const_iterator p = mainfrm->GetPoints(i); while (p != mainfrm->GetPointsEnd(i)) { double px = (*p)->GetX(); double py = (*p)->GetY(); double pz = (*p)->GetZ(); double X = px * COS - py * SIN; double Y = (px * SIN + py * COS) * SINT + pz * COST; long xnew = (long)((X * Sc + l->xOrg) * l->scX); long ynew = (long)((Y * Sc + l->yOrg) * l->scY); if ((*p)->IsLine()) { bool draw = ((*p)->IsSurface() ? l->Surface : l->Shots); if (draw) { SetColour((*p)->IsSurface() ? PR_COLOUR_SURFACE_LEG : PR_COLOUR_LEG); } if ((*p)->IsSurface() != last_leg_surface) pending_move = true; /* avoid drawing superfluous lines */ if (pending_move || xnew != x || ynew != y) { if (draw) { if (pending_move) MoveTo(x, y); pending_move = false; DrawTo(xnew, ynew); } else { pending_move = true; } last_leg_surface = (*p)->IsSurface(); x = xnew; y = ynew; } } else { /* avoid superfluous moves */ if (xnew != x || ynew != y) { x = xnew; y = ynew; pending_move = true; } } p++; } } } if (l->Labels || l->Crosses) { if (l->Labels) SetFont(PR_FONT_LABELS); list::const_iterator label = mainfrm->GetLabels(); while (label != mainfrm->GetLabelsEnd()) { double px = (*label)->GetX(); double py = (*label)->GetY(); double pz = (*label)->GetZ(); if (l->Surface || (*label)->IsUnderground()) { double X = px * COS - py * SIN; double Y = (px * SIN + py * COS) * SINT + pz * COST; long xnew, ynew; xnew = (long)((X * Sc + l->xOrg) * l->scX); ynew = (long)((Y * Sc + l->yOrg) * l->scY); if (l->Crosses) { SetColour(PR_COLOUR_CROSS); DrawCross(xnew, ynew); } if (l->Labels) { SetColour(PR_COLOUR_LABELS); MoveTo(xnew, ynew); WriteString((*label)->GetText()); } } ++label; } } if (!l->Raw) { char szTmp[256]; SetColour(PR_COLOUR_TEXT); sprintf(szTmp, l->footer, l->title, pageNum, l->pagesX * l->pagesY, l->datestamp); ShowPage(szTmp); } else { ShowPage(""); } return true; } void svxPrintout::GetPageInfo(int *minPage, int *maxPage, int *pageFrom, int *pageTo) { *minPage = *pageFrom = 1; *maxPage = *pageTo = m_layout->pages; } wxString svxPrintout::GetTitle() { return m_title; } bool svxPrintout::HasPage(int pageNum) { return (pageNum <= m_layout->pages); } void svxPrintout::OnBeginPrinting() { FILE *fh_list[4]; FILE **pfh = fh_list; FILE *fh; const char *pth_cfg; char *print_ini; /* ini files searched in this order: * ~/.survex/print.ini [unix only] * /etc/survex/print.ini [unix only] * /myprint.ini [not unix] * /print.ini [must exist] */ #if (OS==UNIX) pth_cfg = getenv("HOME"); if (pth_cfg) { fh = fopenWithPthAndExt(pth_cfg, ".survex/print."EXT_INI, NULL, "rb", NULL); if (fh) *pfh++ = fh; } pth_cfg = msg_cfgpth(); fh = fopenWithPthAndExt(NULL, "/etc/survex/print."EXT_INI, NULL, "rb", NULL); if (fh) *pfh++ = fh; #else pth_cfg = msg_cfgpth(); print_ini = add_ext("myprint", EXT_INI); fh = fopenWithPthAndExt(pth_cfg, print_ini, NULL, "rb", NULL); if (fh) *pfh++ = fh; #endif print_ini = add_ext("print", EXT_INI); fh = fopenWithPthAndExt(pth_cfg, print_ini, NULL, "rb", NULL); if (!fh) fatalerror(/*Couldn't open data file `%s'*/24, print_ini); *pfh++ = fh; *pfh = NULL; Init(pfh, false); for (pfh = fh_list; *pfh; pfh++) (void)fclose(*pfh); Pre(); m_layout->footer = msgPerm(/*Survey `%s' Page %d (of %d) Processed on %s*/167); } void svxPrintout::OnEndPrinting() { delete(font_labels); delete(font_default); delete(pen_frame); delete(pen_leg); delete(pen_surface_leg); delete(pen_cross); } // prcore -> wx.grafx (calls to move pens around and stuff - low level) // this seems to have been done... static border clip; int svxPrintout::check_intersection(long x_p, long y_p) { #define U 1 #define D 2 #define L 4 #define R 8 int mask_p = 0, mask_t = 0; if (x_p < 0) mask_p = L; else if (x_p > xpPageWidth) mask_p = R; if (y_p < 0) mask_p |= D; else if (y_p > ypPageDepth) mask_p |= U; if (x_t < 0) mask_t = L; else if (x_t > xpPageWidth) mask_t = R; if (y_t < 0) mask_t |= D; else if (y_t > ypPageDepth) mask_t |= U; #if 0 /* approximation to correct answer */ return !(mask_t & mask_p); #else /* One end of the line is on the page */ if (!mask_t || !mask_p) return 1; /* whole line is above, left, right, or below page */ if (mask_t & mask_p) return 0; if (mask_t == 0) mask_t = mask_p; if (mask_t & U) { double v = (double)(y_p - ypPageDepth) / (y_p - y_t); return v >= 0 && v <= 1; } if (mask_t & D) { double v = (double)y_p / (y_p - y_t); return v >= 0 && v <= 1; } if (mask_t & R) { double v = (double)(x_p - xpPageWidth) / (x_p - x_t); return v >= 0 && v <= 1; } SVX_ASSERT(mask_t & L); { double v = (double)x_p / (x_p - x_t); return v >= 0 && v <= 1; } #endif #undef U #undef D #undef L #undef R } void svxPrintout::MoveTo(long x, long y) { x_t = x_offset + x - clip.x_min; y_t = y_offset + clip.y_max - y; } void svxPrintout::DrawTo(long x, long y) { long x_p = x_t, y_p = y_t; x_t = x_offset + x - clip.x_min; y_t = y_offset + clip.y_max - y; if (cur_pass != -1) { pdc->DrawLine(x_p,y_p,x_t,y_t); } else { if (check_intersection(x_p, y_p)) fBlankPage = fFalse; } } #define POINTS_PER_INCH 72.0 #define POINTS_PER_MM (POINTS_PER_INCH / MM_PER_INCH) #define PWX_CROSS_SIZE (int)(2 * m_layout->scX / POINTS_PER_MM) void svxPrintout::DrawCross(long x, long y) { if (cur_pass != -1) { MoveTo(x - PWX_CROSS_SIZE, y - PWX_CROSS_SIZE); DrawTo(x + PWX_CROSS_SIZE, y + PWX_CROSS_SIZE); MoveTo(x + PWX_CROSS_SIZE, y - PWX_CROSS_SIZE); DrawTo(x - PWX_CROSS_SIZE, y + PWX_CROSS_SIZE); MoveTo(x, y); } else { if ((x + PWX_CROSS_SIZE > clip.x_min && x - PWX_CROSS_SIZE < clip.x_max) || (y + PWX_CROSS_SIZE > clip.y_min && y - PWX_CROSS_SIZE < clip.y_max)) { fBlankPage = fFalse; } } } void svxPrintout::SetFont(int fontcode) { switch (fontcode) { case PR_FONT_DEFAULT: current_font = font_default; break; case PR_FONT_LABELS: current_font = font_labels; break; default: BUG("unknown font code"); } } void svxPrintout::SetColour(int colourcode) { switch (colourcode) { case PR_COLOUR_TEXT: pdc->SetTextForeground(colour_text); break; case PR_COLOUR_LABELS: pdc->SetTextForeground(colour_labels); pdc->SetBackgroundMode(wxTRANSPARENT); break; case PR_COLOUR_FRAME: pdc->SetPen(*pen_frame); break; case PR_COLOUR_LEG: pdc->SetPen(*pen_leg); break; case PR_COLOUR_CROSS: pdc->SetPen(*pen_cross); break; case PR_COLOUR_SURFACE_LEG: pdc->SetPen(*pen_surface_leg); break; default: BUG("unknown colour code"); } } void svxPrintout::WriteString(const char *s) { double xsc, ysc; pdc->GetUserScale(&xsc, &ysc); pdc->SetUserScale(xsc * font_scaling_x, ysc * font_scaling_y); pdc->SetFont(*current_font); int w, h; if (cur_pass != -1) { pdc->GetTextExtent("My", &w, &h); pdc->DrawText(s, long(x_t / font_scaling_x), long(y_t / font_scaling_y) - h); } else { pdc->GetTextExtent(s, &w, &h); if ((y_t + h > 0 && y_t - h < clip.y_max - clip.y_min) || (x_t < clip.x_max - clip.x_min && x_t + w > 0)) { fBlankPage = fFalse; } } pdc->SetUserScale(xsc, ysc); } void svxPrintout::DrawEllipse(long x, long y, long r, long R) { /* Don't need to check in first-pass - circle is only used in title box */ if (cur_pass != -1) { x_t = x_offset + x - clip.x_min; y_t = y_offset + clip.y_max - y; pdc->SetBrush(*wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH); pdc->DrawEllipse(x_t - r, y_t - R, 2 * r, 2 * R); } } void svxPrintout::SolidRectangle(long x, long y, long w, long h) { long X = x_offset + x - clip.x_min; long Y = y_offset + clip.y_max - y; pdc->SetBrush(*wxBLACK_BRUSH); pdc->DrawRectangle(X, Y - h, w, h); } int svxPrintout::Charset(void) { return CHARSET_ISO_8859_1; } int svxPrintout::Pre() { font_labels = new wxFont(fontsize_labels,wxDEFAULT,wxNORMAL,wxNORMAL,false,fontname_labels,wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_1); font_default = new wxFont(fontsize,wxDEFAULT,wxNORMAL,wxNORMAL,false,fontname,wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_1); current_font = font_default; pen_leg = new wxPen(colour_leg,0,wxSOLID); pen_surface_leg = new wxPen(colour_surface_leg,0,wxSOLID); pen_cross = new wxPen(colour_cross,0,wxSOLID); pen_frame = new wxPen(colour_frame,0,wxSOLID); return 1; /* only need 1 pass */ } void svxPrintout::NewPage(int pg, int pagesX, int pagesY) { int x, y; x = (pg - 1) % pagesX; y = pagesY - 1 - ((pg - 1) / pagesX); clip.x_min = (long)x * xpPageWidth; clip.y_min = (long)y * ypPageDepth; clip.x_max = clip.x_min + xpPageWidth; /* dm/pcl/ps had -1; */ clip.y_max = clip.y_min + ypPageDepth; /* dm/pcl/ps had -1; */ //we have to write the footer here. PostScript is being weird. Really weird. pdc->SetFont(*font_labels); MoveTo((long)(6 * m_layout->scX) + clip.x_min, clip.y_min - (long)(7 * m_layout->scY)); char szFooter[256]; sprintf(szFooter, m_layout->footer, m_layout->title, pg, m_layout->pagesX * m_layout->pagesY,m_layout->datestamp); WriteString(szFooter); pdc->DestroyClippingRegion(); pdc->SetClippingRegion(x_offset, y_offset,xpPageWidth+1, ypPageDepth+1); drawticks(clip, (int)(9 * m_layout->scX / POINTS_PER_MM), x, y); } void svxPrintout::ShowPage(const char *szPageDetails) { } static wxColour to_rgb(const char *var, char *val) { unsigned long rgb; if (!val) return *wxBLACK; rgb = as_colour(var, val); return wxColour((rgb & 0xff0000) >> 16, (rgb & 0xff00) >> 8, rgb & 0xff); } /* Initialise printer routines */ char * svxPrintout::Init(FILE **fh_list, bool fCalibrate) { static const char *vars[] = { "like", "font_size_labels", "colour_text", "colour_labels", "colour_frame", "colour_legs", "colour_crosses", "colour_surface_legs", NULL }; char **vals; fCalibrate = fCalibrate; /* suppress unused argument warning */ vals = ini_read_hier(fh_list, "win", vars); fontsize_labels = 10; if (vals[1]) fontsize_labels = as_int(vars[1], vals[1], 1, INT_MAX); fontsize = 10; colour_text = colour_labels = colour_frame = colour_leg = colour_cross = colour_surface_leg = *wxBLACK; if (vals[2]) colour_text = to_rgb(vars[2], vals[2]); if (vals[3]) colour_labels = to_rgb(vars[3], vals[3]); if (vals[4]) colour_frame = to_rgb(vars[4], vals[4]); if (vals[5]) colour_leg = to_rgb(vars[5], vals[5]); if (vals[6]) colour_cross = to_rgb(vars[6], vals[6]); if (vals[7]) colour_surface_leg = to_rgb(vars[7], vals[7]); m_layout->scX = 1; m_layout->scY = 1; return NULL; }