/* printwin.c */ /* Device dependent part of Survex Win32 driver */ /* Copyright (C) 1993-2002 Olly Betts * Copyright (C) 2001 Philip Underwood * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "debug.h" /* for BUG and ASSERT */ #include "filelist.h" #include "filename.h" #include "ini.h" #include "message.h" #include "prcore.h" #include "prio.h" #include "useful.h" #include static double MarginLeft, MarginRight, MarginTop, MarginBottom; static int fontsize, fontsize_labels; static double LineWidth; static char *fontname, *fontname_labels; static const char *win_Name(void); static int win_Pre(int pagesToPrint, const char *title); static void win_NewPage(int pg, int pass, int pagesX, int pagesY); static char *win_Init(FILE **fh_list, const char *pth, const char *outfnm, double *pscX, double *pscY, bool fCalibrate); static int win_Charset(void); static void win_MoveTo(long x, long y); static void win_DrawTo(long x, long y); static void win_DrawCross(long x, long y); static void win_SetFont(int fontcode); static void win_SetColour(int colourcode); static void win_WriteString(const char *s); static void win_DrawCircle(long x, long y, long r); static void win_ShowPage(const char *szPageDetails); static void win_Quit(void); device printer = { PR_FLAG_NOFILEOUTPUT, /* |PR_FLAG_NOINI - now read fontsize from ini file */ win_Name, win_Init, win_Charset, win_Pre, win_NewPage, win_MoveTo, win_DrawTo, win_DrawCross, win_SetFont, win_SetColour, win_WriteString, win_DrawCircle, win_ShowPage, NULL, /* win_Post */ win_Quit }; static HDC pd; /* printer context */ static TEXTMETRIC *tm, tm_labels, tm_default; /* font info */ static COLORREF colour_leg, colour_surface_leg, colour_cross, colour_frame; static COLORREF colour_text, colour_labels; static HPEN pen_leg, pen_surface_leg, pen_cross, pen_frame; static double scX, scY; static int cur_pass; static border clip; static long xpPageWidth, ypPageDepth; static long x_t, y_t; static int check_intersection(long x_p, long y_p) { #define U 1 #define D 2 #define L 4 #define R 8 int mask_p = 0, mask_t = 0; if (x_p < 0) mask_p = L; else if (x_p > xpPageWidth) mask_p = R; if (y_p < 0) mask_p |= D; else if (y_p > ypPageDepth) mask_p |= U; if (x_t < 0) mask_t = L; else if (x_t > xpPageWidth) mask_t = R; if (y_t < 0) mask_t |= D; else if (y_t > ypPageDepth) mask_t |= U; #if 0 /* approximation to correct answer */ return !(mask_t & mask_p); #else /* One end of the line is on the page */ if (!mask_t || !mask_p) return 1; /* whole line is above, left, right, or below page */ if (mask_t & mask_p) return 0; if (mask_t == 0) mask_t = mask_p; if (mask_t & U) { double v = (double)(y_p - ypPageDepth) / (y_p - y_t); return v >= 0 && v <= 1; } if (mask_t & D) { double v = (double)y_p / (y_p - y_t); return v >= 0 && v <= 1; } if (mask_t & R) { double v = (double)(x_p - xpPageWidth) / (x_p - x_t); return v >= 0 && v <= 1; } ASSERT(mask_t & L); { double v = (double)x_p / (x_p - x_t); return v >= 0 && v <= 1; } #endif #undef U #undef D #undef L #undef R } static const char * win_Name(void) { return "Win32 Printer"; } static void win_MoveTo(long x, long y) { x_t = x - clip.x_min; y_t = clip.y_max - y; if (cur_pass != -1) MoveToEx(pd, x_t, y_t, NULL); } static void win_DrawTo(long x, long y) { long x_p = x_t, y_p = y_t; x_t = x - clip.x_min; y_t = clip.y_max - y; if (cur_pass != -1) { LineTo(pd, x_t, y_t); } else { if (check_intersection(x_p, y_p)) fBlankPage = fFalse; } } #define POINTS_PER_INCH 72.0 #define POINTS_PER_MM (POINTS_PER_INCH / MM_PER_INCH) #define WIN_CROSS_SIZE (2 * scX / POINTS_PER_MM) static void win_DrawCross(long x, long y) { if (cur_pass != -1) { win_MoveTo(x - WIN_CROSS_SIZE, y - WIN_CROSS_SIZE); win_DrawTo(x + WIN_CROSS_SIZE, y + WIN_CROSS_SIZE); win_MoveTo(x + WIN_CROSS_SIZE, y - WIN_CROSS_SIZE); win_DrawTo(x - WIN_CROSS_SIZE, y + WIN_CROSS_SIZE); win_MoveTo(x, y); } else { if ((x + WIN_CROSS_SIZE > clip.x_min && x - WIN_CROSS_SIZE < clip.x_max) || (y + WIN_CROSS_SIZE > clip.y_min && y - WIN_CROSS_SIZE < clip.y_max)) { fBlankPage = fFalse; } } } static HFONT font_labels, font_default, font_old; static void win_SetFont(int fontcode) { switch (fontcode) { case PR_FONT_DEFAULT: SelectObject(pd, font_default); tm = &tm_default; break; case PR_FONT_LABELS: SelectObject(pd, font_labels); tm = &tm_labels; break; default: BUG("unknown font code"); } } static void win_SetColour(int colourcode) { switch (colourcode) { case PR_COLOUR_TEXT: SetTextColour(colour_text); break; case PR_COLOUR_LABELS: SetTextColour(colour_labels); break; case PR_COLOUR_FRAME: SelectObject(pd, pen_frame); break; case PR_COLOUR_LEG: SelectObject(pd, pen_leg); break; case PR_COLOUR_CROSS: SelectObject(pd, pen_cross); break; case PR_COLOUR_SURFACE_LEG: SelectObject(pd, pen_surface_leg); break; default: BUG("unknown colour code"); } } static void win_WriteString(const char *s) { if (cur_pass != -1) { TextOut(pd, x_t, y_t - tm->tmAscent, s, strlen(s)); } else { if ((y_t + tm->tmDescent > 0 && y_t - tm->tmAscent < clip.y_max - clip.y_min) || (x_t < clip.x_max - clip.x_min && x_t + strlen(s) * tm->tmAveCharWidth > 0)) { fBlankPage = fFalse; } } } static void win_DrawCircle(long x, long y, long r) { /* Don't need to check in first-pass - circle is only used in title box */ if (cur_pass != -1) { x_t = x - clip.x_min; y_t = clip.y_max - y; Ellipse(pd, x_t - r, y_t - r, x_t + r, y_t + r); } } static int win_Charset(void) { return CHARSET_ISO_8859_1; } static int win_Pre(int pagesToPrint, const char *title) { PRINTDLGA psd; DOCINFO info; int logpixelsy; pagesToPrint = pagesToPrint; /* suppress compiler warning */ memset(&psd, 0, sizeof(PRINTDLGA)); psd.lStructSize = 66; psd.Flags = PD_RETURNDC | PD_RETURNDEFAULT; if (!PrintDlgA(&psd)) exit(1); pd = psd.hDC; logpixelsy = GetDeviceCaps(pd, LOGPIXELSY); font_labels = CreateFont(-MulDiv(fontsize_labels, logpixelsy, 72), 0, 0, 0, FW_NORMAL, 0, 0, 0, ANSI_CHARSET, OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, DEFAULT_QUALITY, FF_DONTCARE | DEFAULT_PITCH, "Arial"); font_default = CreateFont(-MulDiv(fontsize, logpixelsy, 72), 0, 0, 0, FW_NORMAL, 0, 0, 0, ANSI_CHARSET, OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, DEFAULT_QUALITY, FF_DONTCARE | DEFAULT_PITCH, "Arial"); pen_leg = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 0, colour_leg); pen_surface_leg = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 0, colour_surface_leg); pen_cross = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 0, colour_cross); pen_frame = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 0, colour_frame); font_old = SelectObject(pd, font_labels); GetTextMetrics(pd, &tm_labels); SelectObject(pd, font_default); GetTextMetrics(pd, &tm_default); memset(&info, 0, sizeof(DOCINFO)); info.cbSize = sizeof(DOCINFO); info.lpszDocName = title; StartDoc(pd, &info); return 1; /* only need 1 pass */ } static void win_NewPage(int pg, int pass, int pagesX, int pagesY) { int x, y; x = (pg - 1) % pagesX; y = pagesY - 1 - ((pg - 1) / pagesX); clip.x_min = (long)x * xpPageWidth; clip.y_min = (long)y * ypPageDepth; clip.x_max = clip.x_min + xpPageWidth; /* dm/pcl/ps had -1; */ clip.y_max = clip.y_min + ypPageDepth; /* dm/pcl/ps had -1; */ cur_pass = pass; if (pass == -1) return; StartPage(pd); drawticks(clip, 9 * scX / POINTS_PER_MM, x, y); } static void win_ShowPage(const char *szPageDetails) { win_MoveTo((long)(6 * scX) + clip.x_min, clip.y_min - (long)(7 * scY)); win_WriteString(szPageDetails); EndPage(pd); } static COLORREF to_rgb(const char *var, char *val) { unsigned long rgb = as_colour(var, val); return RGB((rgb & 0xff0000) >> 16, (rgb & 0xff00) >> 8, rgb & 0xff); } /* Initialise printer routines */ static char * win_Init(FILE **fh_list, const char *pth, const char *out_fnm, double *pscX, double *pscY, bool fCalibrate) { PRINTDLGA psd; LPDEVNAMES dn; static const char *vars[] = { "like", "font_size_labels", "colour_text", "colour_labels", "colour_frame", "colour_legs", "colour_crosses", "colour_surface_legs", NULL }; char **vals; fCalibrate = fCalibrate; /* suppress unused argument warning */ out_fnm = out_fnm; pth = pth; vals = ini_read_hier(fh_list, "win", vars); fontsize_labels = as_int(vars[1], vals[1], 1, INT_MAX); fontsize = 10; colour_text = to_rgb(vars[2], vals[2]); colour_labels = to_rgb(vars[3], vals[3]); colour_frame = to_rgb(vars[4], vals[4]); colour_leg = to_rgb(vars[5], vals[5]); colour_cross = to_rgb(vars[6], vals[6]); memset(&psd, 0, sizeof(PRINTDLGA)); psd.lStructSize = 66; psd.Flags = PD_RETURNDC | PD_RETURNDEFAULT; if (!PrintDlgA(&psd)) exit(1); PaperWidth = GetDeviceCaps(psd.hDC, HORZSIZE); PaperDepth = GetDeviceCaps(psd.hDC, VERTSIZE); xpPageWidth = GetDeviceCaps(psd.hDC, HORZRES); ypPageDepth = GetDeviceCaps(psd.hDC, VERTRES); MarginLeft = MarginBottom = 0; MarginRight = PaperWidth; MarginTop = PaperDepth; LineWidth = 0; scX = *pscX = xpPageWidth / PaperWidth; scY = *pscY = ypPageDepth / PaperDepth; xpPageWidth--; ypPageDepth = ypPageDepth - (int)(10 * *pscY); DeleteDC(psd.hDC); dn = GlobalLock(psd.hDevNames); if (dn) { char *p = osstrdup((char *)dn + dn->wDeviceOffset); GlobalUnlock(psd.hDevNames); return p; } return NULL; } static void win_Quit(void) { SelectObject(pd, font_old); DeleteObject(font_labels); DeleteObject(font_default); EndDoc(pd); DeleteDC(pd); }