// // gfxcore.cc // // Core drawing code for Aven. // // Copyright (C) 2000-2003,2005,2006 Mark R. Shinwell // Copyright (C) 2001-2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2010 Olly Betts // Copyright (C) 2005 Martin Green // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA // #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include "aven.h" #include "date.h" #include "gfxcore.h" #include "mainfrm.h" #include "message.h" #include "useful.h" #include "printwx.h" #include "guicontrol.h" #include "moviemaker.h" #include #include #define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define MAX3(a, b, c) ((a) > (b) ? MAX(a, c) : MAX(b, c)) // Values for m_SwitchingTo #define PLAN 1 #define ELEVATION 2 #define NORTH 3 #define EAST 4 #define SOUTH 5 #define WEST 6 // Any error value higher than this is clamped to this. #define MAX_ERROR 12.0 // How many bins per letter height to use when working out non-overlapping // labels. const unsigned int QUANTISE_FACTOR = 2; const int NUM_DEPTH_COLOURS = 13; #include "avenpal.h" static const int COMPASS_OFFSET_X = 60; static const int COMPASS_OFFSET_Y = 80; static const int INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE = 60; static const int INDICATOR_GAP = 2; static const int INDICATOR_MARGIN = 5; static const int INDICATOR_OFFSET_X = 15; static const int INDICATOR_OFFSET_Y = 15; static const int INDICATOR_RADIUS = INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE / 2 - INDICATOR_MARGIN; static const int CLINO_OFFSET_X = 6 + INDICATOR_OFFSET_X + INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE + INDICATOR_GAP; static const int DEPTH_BAR_OFFSET_X = 16; static const int DEPTH_BAR_EXTRA_LEFT_MARGIN = 2; static const int DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_WIDTH = 20; static const int DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_HEIGHT = 15; static const int DEPTH_BAR_MARGIN = 6; static const int DEPTH_BAR_OFFSET_Y = 16 + DEPTH_BAR_MARGIN; static const int TICK_LENGTH = 4; static const int SCALE_BAR_OFFSET_X = 15; static const int SCALE_BAR_OFFSET_Y = 12; static const int SCALE_BAR_HEIGHT = 12; static const gla_colour TEXT_COLOUR = col_GREEN; static const gla_colour HERE_COLOUR = col_WHITE; static const gla_colour NAME_COLOUR = col_GREEN; #define HITTEST_SIZE 20 // vector for lighting angle static const Vector3 light(.577, .577, .577); BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(GfxCore, wxGLCanvas) EVT_PAINT(GfxCore::OnPaint) EVT_LEFT_DOWN(GfxCore::OnLButtonDown) EVT_LEFT_UP(GfxCore::OnLButtonUp) EVT_MIDDLE_DOWN(GfxCore::OnMButtonDown) EVT_MIDDLE_UP(GfxCore::OnMButtonUp) EVT_RIGHT_DOWN(GfxCore::OnRButtonDown) EVT_RIGHT_UP(GfxCore::OnRButtonUp) EVT_MOUSEWHEEL(GfxCore::OnMouseWheel) EVT_MOTION(GfxCore::OnMouseMove) EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW(GfxCore::OnLeaveWindow) EVT_SIZE(GfxCore::OnSize) EVT_IDLE(GfxCore::OnIdle) EVT_CHAR(GfxCore::OnKeyPress) END_EVENT_TABLE() GfxCore::GfxCore(MainFrm* parent, wxWindow* parent_win, GUIControl* control) : GLACanvas(parent_win, 100), m_Scale(0.0), m_ScaleBarWidth(0), m_Control(control), m_LabelGrid(NULL), m_Parent(parent), m_DoneFirstShow(false), m_TiltAngle(0.0), m_PanAngle(0.0), m_Rotating(false), m_RotationStep(0.0), m_SwitchingTo(0), m_Crosses(false), m_Legs(true), m_Names(false), m_Scalebar(true), m_Depthbar(true), m_OverlappingNames(false), m_Compass(true), m_Clino(true), m_Tubes(false), m_XSize(0), m_YSize(0), m_ColourBy(COLOUR_BY_DEPTH), m_HaveData(false), m_MouseOutsideCompass(false), m_MouseOutsideElev(false), m_Surface(false), m_Entrances(false), m_FixedPts(false), m_ExportedPts(false), m_Grid(false), m_BoundingBox(false), m_Degrees(false), m_Metric(false), m_HitTestGridValid(false), m_here_is_temporary(false), presentation_mode(0), pres_reverse(false), pres_speed(0.0), movie(NULL), current_cursor(GfxCore::CURSOR_DEFAULT) { AddQuad = &GfxCore::AddQuadrilateralDepth; AddPoly = &GfxCore::AddPolylineDepth; wxConfigBase::Get()->Read(wxT("metric"), &m_Metric, true); wxConfigBase::Get()->Read(wxT("degrees"), &m_Degrees, true); m_here.Invalidate(); m_there.Invalidate(); // Initialise grid for hit testing. m_PointGrid = new list[HITTEST_SIZE * HITTEST_SIZE]; m_Pens = new GLAPen[NUM_DEPTH_COLOURS + 1]; for (int pen = 0; pen < NUM_DEPTH_COLOURS + 1; ++pen) { m_Pens[pen].SetColour(REDS[pen] / 255.0, GREENS[pen] / 255.0, BLUES[pen] / 255.0); } } GfxCore::~GfxCore() { TryToFreeArrays(); delete[] m_Pens; delete[] m_PointGrid; } void GfxCore::TryToFreeArrays() { // Free up any memory allocated for arrays. if (m_LabelGrid) { delete[] m_LabelGrid; m_LabelGrid = NULL; } } // // Initialisation methods // void GfxCore::Initialise(bool same_file) { // Initialise the view from the parent holding the survey data. TryToFreeArrays(); m_DoneFirstShow = false; m_HitTestGridValid = false; m_here_is_temporary = true; m_here.Invalidate(); m_there.Invalidate(); m_MouseOutsideCompass = m_MouseOutsideElev = false; if (!same_file) { // Apply default parameters unless reloading the same file. DefaultParameters(); // Set the initial scale. SetScale(1.0); } switch (m_ColourBy) { case COLOUR_BY_DEPTH: if (m_Parent->GetDepthExtent() == 0.0) { SetColourBy(COLOUR_BY_NONE); } break; case COLOUR_BY_DATE: if (m_Parent->GetDateExtent() == 0) { SetColourBy(COLOUR_BY_NONE); } break; case COLOUR_BY_ERROR: if (!m_Parent->HasErrorInformation()) { SetColourBy(COLOUR_BY_NONE); } break; } m_HaveData = true; ForceRefresh(); } void GfxCore::FirstShow() { GLACanvas::FirstShow(); const unsigned int quantise(GetFontSize() / QUANTISE_FACTOR); list::iterator pos = m_Parent->GetLabelsNC(); while (pos != m_Parent->GetLabelsNCEnd()) { LabelInfo* label = *pos++; // Calculate and set the label width for use when plotting // none-overlapping labels. int ext_x; GLACanvas::GetTextExtent(label->GetText(), &ext_x, NULL); label->set_width(unsigned(ext_x) / quantise + 1); } SetBackgroundColour(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // Set diameter of the viewing volume. SetVolumeDiameter(sqrt(sqrd(m_Parent->GetXExtent()) + sqrd(m_Parent->GetYExtent()) + sqrd(m_Parent->GetZExtent()))); // Update our record of the client area size and centre. GetClientSize(&m_XSize, &m_YSize); m_DoneFirstShow = true; } // // Recalculating methods // void GfxCore::SetScale(Double scale) { // Fill the plot data arrays with screen coordinates, scaling the survey // to a particular absolute scale. if (scale < 0.05) { scale = 0.05; } else { if (scale > 1000.0) scale = 1000.0; } m_Scale = scale; m_HitTestGridValid = false; if (m_here_is_temporary) SetHere(); GLACanvas::SetScale(scale); } bool GfxCore::HasUndergroundLegs() const { return m_Parent->HasUndergroundLegs(); } bool GfxCore::HasSurfaceLegs() const { return m_Parent->HasSurfaceLegs(); } bool GfxCore::HasTubes() const { return m_Parent->HasTubes(); } void GfxCore::UpdateBlobs() { InvalidateList(LIST_BLOBS); } // // Event handlers // void GfxCore::OnLeaveWindow(wxMouseEvent& event) { SetHere(); ClearCoords(); } void GfxCore::OnIdle(wxIdleEvent& event) { // Handle an idle event. if (Animate()) { ForceRefresh(); event.RequestMore(); } } void GfxCore::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent&) { // Redraw the window. // Get a graphics context. wxPaintDC dc(this); assert(GetContext()); if (m_HaveData) { // Make sure we're initialised. bool first_time = !m_DoneFirstShow; if (first_time) { FirstShow(); } StartDrawing(); // Clear the background. Clear(); // Set up model transformation matrix. SetDataTransform(); timer.Start(); // reset timer if (m_Legs || m_Tubes) { if (m_Tubes) { EnableSmoothPolygons(true); // FIXME: allow false for wireframe view DrawList(LIST_TUBES); DisableSmoothPolygons(); } // Draw the underground legs. Do this last so that anti-aliasing // works over polygons. SetColour(col_GREEN); DrawList(LIST_UNDERGROUND_LEGS); } if (m_Surface) { // Draw the surface legs. DrawList(LIST_SURFACE_LEGS); } DrawList(LIST_BLOBS); if (m_BoundingBox) { DrawShadowedBoundingBox(); } if (m_Grid) { // Draw the grid. DrawList(LIST_GRID); } if (m_Crosses) { DrawList(LIST_CROSSES); } SetIndicatorTransform(); // Draw station names. if (m_Names /*&& !m_Control->MouseDown() && !Animating()*/) { SetColour(NAME_COLOUR); if (m_OverlappingNames) { SimpleDrawNames(); } else { NattyDrawNames(); } } if (!Animating() && (m_here.IsValid() || m_there.IsValid())) { // Draw "here" and "there". double hx, hy; SetColour(HERE_COLOUR); if (m_here.IsValid()) { double dummy; Transform(m_here, &hx, &hy, &dummy); if (!m_here_is_temporary) DrawRing(hx, hy); } if (m_there.IsValid()) { double tx, ty; double dummy; Transform(m_there, &tx, &ty, &dummy); if (m_here.IsValid()) { BeginLines(); PlaceIndicatorVertex(hx, hy); PlaceIndicatorVertex(tx, ty); EndLines(); } BeginBlobs(); DrawBlob(tx, ty); EndBlobs(); } } // Draw indicators. // // There's no advantage in generating an OpenGL list for the // indicators since they change with almost every redraw (and // sometimes several times between redraws). This way we avoid // the need to track when to update the indicator OpenGL list, // and also avoid indicator update bugs when we don't quite get this // right... DrawIndicators(); FinishDrawing(); drawtime = timer.Time(); } else { dc.SetBackground(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOWFRAME)); dc.Clear(); } } void GfxCore::DrawBoundingBox() { const Vector3 v = 0.5 * m_Parent->GetExtent(); SetColour(col_BLUE); EnableDashedLines(); BeginPolyline(); PlaceVertex(-v.GetX(), -v.GetY(), v.GetZ()); PlaceVertex(-v.GetX(), v.GetY(), v.GetZ()); PlaceVertex(v.GetX(), v.GetY(), v.GetZ()); PlaceVertex(v.GetX(), -v.GetY(), v.GetZ()); PlaceVertex(-v.GetX(), -v.GetY(), v.GetZ()); EndPolyline(); BeginPolyline(); PlaceVertex(-v.GetX(), -v.GetY(), -v.GetZ()); PlaceVertex(-v.GetX(), v.GetY(), -v.GetZ()); PlaceVertex(v.GetX(), v.GetY(), -v.GetZ()); PlaceVertex(v.GetX(), -v.GetY(), -v.GetZ()); PlaceVertex(-v.GetX(), -v.GetY(), -v.GetZ()); EndPolyline(); BeginLines(); PlaceVertex(-v.GetX(), -v.GetY(), v.GetZ()); PlaceVertex(-v.GetX(), -v.GetY(), -v.GetZ()); PlaceVertex(-v.GetX(), v.GetY(), v.GetZ()); PlaceVertex(-v.GetX(), v.GetY(), -v.GetZ()); PlaceVertex(v.GetX(), v.GetY(), v.GetZ()); PlaceVertex(v.GetX(), v.GetY(), -v.GetZ()); PlaceVertex(v.GetX(), -v.GetY(), v.GetZ()); PlaceVertex(v.GetX(), -v.GetY(), -v.GetZ()); EndLines(); DisableDashedLines(); } void GfxCore::DrawShadowedBoundingBox() { const Vector3 v = 0.5 * m_Parent->GetExtent(); DrawBoundingBox(); // FIXME: these gl* calls should be in gla-gl.cc glPolygonOffset(1.0, 1.0); glEnable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); SetColour(col_DARK_GREY); BeginQuadrilaterals(); PlaceVertex(-v.GetX(), -v.GetY(), -v.GetZ()); PlaceVertex(-v.GetX(), v.GetY(), -v.GetZ()); PlaceVertex(v.GetX(), v.GetY(), -v.GetZ()); PlaceVertex(v.GetX(), -v.GetY(), -v.GetZ()); EndQuadrilaterals(); glDisable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); DrawList(LIST_SHADOW); } void GfxCore::DrawGrid() { // Draw the grid. SetColour(col_RED); // Calculate the extent of the survey, in metres across the screen plane. Double m_across_screen = SurveyUnitsAcrossViewport(); // Calculate the length of the scale bar in metres. //--move this elsewhere Double size_snap = pow(10.0, floor(log10(0.75 * m_across_screen))); Double t = m_across_screen * 0.75 / size_snap; if (t >= 5.0) { size_snap *= 5.0; } else if (t >= 2.0) { size_snap *= 2.0; } Double grid_size = size_snap * 0.1; Double edge = grid_size * 2.0; Double grid_z = -m_Parent->GetZExtent() * 0.5 - grid_size; Double left = -m_Parent->GetXExtent() * 0.5 - edge; Double right = m_Parent->GetXExtent() * 0.5 + edge; Double bottom = -m_Parent->GetYExtent() * 0.5 - edge; Double top = m_Parent->GetYExtent() * 0.5 + edge; int count_x = (int) ceil((right - left) / grid_size); int count_y = (int) ceil((top - bottom) / grid_size); Double actual_right = left + count_x*grid_size; Double actual_top = bottom + count_y*grid_size; BeginLines(); for (int xc = 0; xc <= count_x; xc++) { Double x = left + xc*grid_size; PlaceVertex(x, bottom, grid_z); PlaceVertex(x, actual_top, grid_z); } for (int yc = 0; yc <= count_y; yc++) { Double y = bottom + yc*grid_size; PlaceVertex(left, y, grid_z); PlaceVertex(actual_right, y, grid_z); } EndLines(); } int GfxCore::GetClinoOffset() const { return m_Compass ? CLINO_OFFSET_X : INDICATOR_OFFSET_X; } void GfxCore::DrawTick(int angle_cw) { const Double theta = rad(angle_cw); const wxCoord length1 = INDICATOR_RADIUS; const wxCoord length0 = length1 + TICK_LENGTH; wxCoord x0 = wxCoord(length0 * sin(theta)); wxCoord y0 = wxCoord(length0 * cos(theta)); wxCoord x1 = wxCoord(length1 * sin(theta)); wxCoord y1 = wxCoord(length1 * cos(theta)); PlaceIndicatorVertex(x0, y0); PlaceIndicatorVertex(x1, y1); } void GfxCore::DrawArrow(gla_colour col1, gla_colour col2) { Vector3 p1(0, INDICATOR_RADIUS, 0); Vector3 p2(INDICATOR_RADIUS/2, INDICATOR_RADIUS*-.866025404, 0); // 150deg Vector3 p3(-INDICATOR_RADIUS/2, INDICATOR_RADIUS*-.866025404, 0); // 210deg Vector3 pc(0, 0, 0); DrawTriangle(col_LIGHT_GREY, col1, p2, p1, pc); DrawTriangle(col_LIGHT_GREY, col2, p3, p1, pc); } void GfxCore::DrawCompass() { // Ticks. BeginLines(); for (int angle = 315; angle > 0; angle -= 45) { DrawTick(angle); } SetColour(col_GREEN); DrawTick(0); EndLines(); // Compass background. DrawCircle(col_LIGHT_GREY_2, col_GREY, 0, 0, INDICATOR_RADIUS); // Compass arrow. DrawArrow(col_INDICATOR_1, col_INDICATOR_2); } // Draw the non-rotating background to the clino. void GfxCore::DrawClinoBack() { BeginLines(); for (int angle = 0; angle <= 180; angle += 90) { DrawTick(angle); } SetColour(col_GREY); PlaceIndicatorVertex(0, INDICATOR_RADIUS); PlaceIndicatorVertex(0, -INDICATOR_RADIUS); PlaceIndicatorVertex(0, 0); PlaceIndicatorVertex(INDICATOR_RADIUS, 0); EndLines(); } void GfxCore::DrawClino() { // Ticks. SetColour(col_GREEN); BeginLines(); DrawTick(0); EndLines(); // Clino background. DrawSemicircle(col_LIGHT_GREY_2, col_GREY, 0, 0, INDICATOR_RADIUS, 0); // Elevation arrow. DrawArrow(col_INDICATOR_2, col_INDICATOR_1); } void GfxCore::Draw2dIndicators() { // Draw the compass and elevation indicators. const int centre_y = INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE / 2 + INDICATOR_OFFSET_Y; const int comp_centre_x = GetCompassXPosition(); if (m_Compass && !m_Parent->IsExtendedElevation()) { // If the user is dragging the compass with the pointer outside the // compass, we snap to 45 degree multiples, and the ticks go white. SetColour(m_MouseOutsideCompass ? col_WHITE : col_LIGHT_GREY_2); DrawList2D(LIST_COMPASS, comp_centre_x, centre_y, -m_PanAngle); } const int elev_centre_x = GetClinoXPosition(); if (m_Clino) { // If the user is dragging the clino with the pointer outside the // clino, we snap to 90 degree multiples, and the ticks go white. SetColour(m_MouseOutsideElev ? col_WHITE : col_LIGHT_GREY_2); DrawList2D(LIST_CLINO_BACK, elev_centre_x, centre_y, 0); DrawList2D(LIST_CLINO, elev_centre_x, centre_y, 90 + m_TiltAngle); } SetColour(TEXT_COLOUR); static int triple_zero_width = 0; static int height = 0; if (!triple_zero_width) { GetTextExtent(wxT("000"), &triple_zero_width, &height); } const int y_off = INDICATOR_OFFSET_Y + INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE + height / 2; if (m_Compass && !m_Parent->IsExtendedElevation()) { wxString str; int value; if (m_Degrees) { value = int(m_PanAngle); } else { value = int(m_PanAngle * 200.0 / 180.0); } str.Printf(wxT("%03d"), value); DrawIndicatorText(comp_centre_x - triple_zero_width / 2, y_off, str); str = wmsg(/*Facing*/203); int w; GetTextExtent(str, &w, NULL); DrawIndicatorText(comp_centre_x - w / 2, y_off + height, str); } if (m_Clino) { int angle; wxString str; int width; if (m_Degrees) { static int zero_zero_width = 0; if (!zero_zero_width) { GetTextExtent(wxT("00"), &zero_zero_width, NULL); } width = zero_zero_width; angle = int(-m_TiltAngle); str = angle ? wxString::Format(wxT("%+03d"), angle) : wxT("00"); } else { width = triple_zero_width; angle = int(-m_TiltAngle * 200.0 / 180.0); str = angle ? wxString::Format(wxT("%+04d"), angle) : wxT("000"); } // Adjust horizontal position so the left of the first digit is // always in the same place. int sign_offset = 0; if (angle < 0) { static int minus_width = 0; if (!minus_width) { GetTextExtent(wxT("-"), &minus_width, NULL); } sign_offset = minus_width + 1; } else if (angle > 0) { static int plus_width = 0; if (!plus_width) { GetTextExtent(wxT("+"), &plus_width, NULL); } sign_offset = plus_width + 1; } DrawIndicatorText(elev_centre_x - sign_offset - width / 2, y_off, str); str = wmsg(/*Elevation*/118); int w; GetTextExtent(str, &w, NULL); DrawIndicatorText(elev_centre_x - w / 2, y_off + height, str); } } void GfxCore::NattyDrawNames() { // Draw station names, without overlapping. const unsigned int quantise(GetFontSize() / QUANTISE_FACTOR); const unsigned int quantised_x = m_XSize / quantise; const unsigned int quantised_y = m_YSize / quantise; const size_t buffer_size = quantised_x * quantised_y; if (!m_LabelGrid) m_LabelGrid = new char[buffer_size]; memset((void*) m_LabelGrid, 0, buffer_size); list::const_iterator label = m_Parent->GetLabels(); for ( ; label != m_Parent->GetLabelsEnd(); ++label) { if (!((m_Surface && (*label)->IsSurface()) || (m_Legs && (*label)->IsUnderground()) || (!(*label)->IsSurface() && !(*label)->IsUnderground()))) { // if this station isn't to be displayed, skip to the next // (last case is for stns with no legs attached) continue; } double x, y, z; Transform(**label, &x, &y, &z); // Check if the label is behind us (in perspective view). if (z <= 0.0 || z >= 1.0) continue; // Apply a small shift so that translating the view doesn't make which // labels are displayed change as the resulting twinkling effect is // distracting. double tx, ty, tz; Transform(Vector3(), &tx, &ty, &tz); tx -= floor(tx / quantise) * quantise; ty -= floor(ty / quantise) * quantise; tx = x - tx; if (tx < 0) continue; ty = y - ty; if (ty < 0) continue; unsigned int iy = unsigned(ty) / quantise; if (iy >= quantised_y) continue; unsigned int width = (*label)->get_width(); unsigned int ix = unsigned(tx) / quantise; if (ix + width >= quantised_x) continue; char * test = m_LabelGrid + ix + iy * quantised_x; if (memchr(test, 1, width)) continue; x += 3; y -= GetFontSize() / 2; DrawIndicatorText((int)x, (int)y, (*label)->GetText()); if (iy > QUANTISE_FACTOR) iy = QUANTISE_FACTOR; test -= quantised_x * iy; iy += 4; while (--iy && test < m_LabelGrid + buffer_size) { memset(test, 1, width); test += quantised_x; } } } void GfxCore::SimpleDrawNames() { // Draw all station names, without worrying about overlaps list::const_iterator label = m_Parent->GetLabels(); for ( ; label != m_Parent->GetLabelsEnd(); ++label) { if (!((m_Surface && (*label)->IsSurface()) || (m_Legs && (*label)->IsUnderground()) || (!(*label)->IsSurface() && !(*label)->IsUnderground()))) { // if this station isn't to be displayed, skip to the next // (last case is for stns with no legs attached) continue; } double x, y, z; Transform(**label, &x, &y, &z); // Check if the label is behind us (in perspective view). if (z <= 0) continue; x += 3; y -= GetFontSize() / 2; DrawIndicatorText((int)x, (int)y, (*label)->GetText()); } } void GfxCore::DrawDepthbar() { const int total_block_height = DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_HEIGHT * (GetNumDepthBands() - 1); const int top = -(total_block_height + DEPTH_BAR_OFFSET_Y); int size = 0; wxString* strs = new wxString[GetNumDepthBands()]; int band; for (band = 0; band < GetNumDepthBands(); band++) { Double z = m_Parent->GetDepthMin() + m_Parent->GetOffset().GetZ() + m_Parent->GetDepthExtent() * band / (GetNumDepthBands() - 1); strs[band] = FormatLength(z, false); int x; GetTextExtent(strs[band], &x, NULL); if (x > size) size = x; } int left = -DEPTH_BAR_OFFSET_X - DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_WIDTH - DEPTH_BAR_MARGIN - size; DrawRectangle(col_BLACK, col_DARK_GREY, left - DEPTH_BAR_MARGIN - DEPTH_BAR_EXTRA_LEFT_MARGIN, top - DEPTH_BAR_MARGIN * 2, DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_WIDTH + size + DEPTH_BAR_MARGIN * 3 + DEPTH_BAR_EXTRA_LEFT_MARGIN, total_block_height + DEPTH_BAR_MARGIN*4); int y = top; for (band = 0; band < GetNumDepthBands() - 1; band++) { DrawShadedRectangle(GetPen(band), GetPen(band + 1), left, y, DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_WIDTH, DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_HEIGHT); y += DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_HEIGHT; } y = top - GetFontSize() / 2; left += DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_WIDTH + 5; SetColour(TEXT_COLOUR); for (band = 0; band < GetNumDepthBands(); band++) { DrawIndicatorText(left, y, strs[band]); y += DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_HEIGHT; } delete[] strs; } void GfxCore::DrawDatebar() { int total_block_height = DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_HEIGHT * (GetNumDepthBands() - 1); if (!m_Parent->HasCompleteDateInfo()) total_block_height += DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_HEIGHT + DEPTH_BAR_MARGIN; const int top = -(total_block_height + DEPTH_BAR_OFFSET_Y); int size = 0; if (!m_Parent->HasCompleteDateInfo()) { GetTextExtent(wxT("No info"), &size, NULL); } wxString* strs = new wxString[GetNumDepthBands()]; int band; for (band = 0; band < GetNumDepthBands(); band++) { int y, m, d; int days = m_Parent->GetDateMin(); days += m_Parent->GetDateExtent() * band / (GetNumDepthBands() - 1); ymd_from_days_since_1900(days, &y, &m, &d); strs[band] = wxString::Format(wxT("%04d-%02d-%02d"), y, m, d); int x; GetTextExtent(strs[band], &x, NULL); if (x > size) size = x; } int left = -DEPTH_BAR_OFFSET_X - DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_WIDTH - DEPTH_BAR_MARGIN - size; DrawRectangle(col_BLACK, col_DARK_GREY, left - DEPTH_BAR_MARGIN - DEPTH_BAR_EXTRA_LEFT_MARGIN, top - DEPTH_BAR_MARGIN * 2, DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_WIDTH + size + DEPTH_BAR_MARGIN * 3 + DEPTH_BAR_EXTRA_LEFT_MARGIN, total_block_height + DEPTH_BAR_MARGIN*4); int y = top; if (!m_Parent->HasCompleteDateInfo()) { DrawShadedRectangle(GetSurfacePen(), GetSurfacePen(), left, y, DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_WIDTH, DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_HEIGHT); y += DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_HEIGHT + DEPTH_BAR_MARGIN; } for (band = 0; band < GetNumDepthBands() - 1; band++) { DrawShadedRectangle(GetPen(band), GetPen(band + 1), left, y, DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_WIDTH, DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_HEIGHT); y += DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_HEIGHT; } y = top - GetFontSize() / 2; left += DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_WIDTH + 5; SetColour(TEXT_COLOUR); if (!m_Parent->HasCompleteDateInfo()) { y += DEPTH_BAR_MARGIN; DrawIndicatorText(left, y, wxT("No info")); y += DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_HEIGHT; } for (band = 0; band < GetNumDepthBands(); band++) { DrawIndicatorText(left, y, strs[band]); y += DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_HEIGHT; } delete[] strs; } void GfxCore::DrawErrorbar() { int total_block_height = DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_HEIGHT * (GetNumDepthBands() - 1); // Always show the "Not a loop" legend for now (FIXME). total_block_height += DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_HEIGHT + DEPTH_BAR_MARGIN; const int top = -(total_block_height + DEPTH_BAR_OFFSET_Y); int size = 0; GetTextExtent(wxT("Not a loop"), &size, NULL); wxString* strs = new wxString[GetNumDepthBands()]; int band; for (band = 0; band < GetNumDepthBands(); band++) { double E = MAX_ERROR * band / (GetNumDepthBands() - 1); strs[band].Printf(wxT("%.2f"), E); int x; GetTextExtent(strs[band], &x, NULL); if (x > size) size = x; } int left = -DEPTH_BAR_OFFSET_X - DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_WIDTH - DEPTH_BAR_MARGIN - size; DrawRectangle(col_BLACK, col_DARK_GREY, left - DEPTH_BAR_MARGIN - DEPTH_BAR_EXTRA_LEFT_MARGIN, top - DEPTH_BAR_MARGIN * 2, DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_WIDTH + size + DEPTH_BAR_MARGIN * 3 + DEPTH_BAR_EXTRA_LEFT_MARGIN, total_block_height + DEPTH_BAR_MARGIN*4); int y = top; DrawShadedRectangle(GetSurfacePen(), GetSurfacePen(), left, y, DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_WIDTH, DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_HEIGHT); y += DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_HEIGHT + DEPTH_BAR_MARGIN; for (band = 0; band < GetNumDepthBands() - 1; band++) { DrawShadedRectangle(GetPen(band), GetPen(band + 1), left, y, DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_WIDTH, DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_HEIGHT); y += DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_HEIGHT; } y = top - GetFontSize() / 2; left += DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_WIDTH + 5; SetColour(TEXT_COLOUR); y += DEPTH_BAR_MARGIN; DrawIndicatorText(left, y, wxT("Not in loop")); y += DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_HEIGHT; for (band = 0; band < GetNumDepthBands(); band++) { DrawIndicatorText(left, y, strs[band]); y += DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_HEIGHT; } delete[] strs; } wxString GfxCore::FormatLength(Double size_snap, bool scalebar) { wxString str; bool negative = (size_snap < 0.0); if (negative) { size_snap = -size_snap; } if (size_snap == 0.0) { str = wxT("0"); } else if (m_Metric) { #ifdef SILLY_UNITS if (size_snap < 1e-12) { str.Printf(wxT("%.3gpm"), size_snap * 1e12); } else if (size_snap < 1e-9) { str.Printf(wxT("%.fpm"), size_snap * 1e12); } else if (size_snap < 1e-6) { str.Printf(wxT("%.fnm"), size_snap * 1e9); } else if (size_snap < 1e-3) { str.Printf(wxT("%.fum"), size_snap * 1e6); #else if (size_snap < 1e-3) { str.Printf(wxT("%.3gmm"), size_snap * 1e3); #endif } else if (size_snap < 1e-2) { str.Printf(wxT("%.fmm"), size_snap * 1e3); } else if (size_snap < 1.0) { str.Printf(wxT("%.fcm"), size_snap * 100.0); } else if (size_snap < 1e3) { str.Printf(wxT("%.fm"), size_snap); #ifdef SILLY_UNITS } else if (size_snap < 1e6) { str.Printf(wxT("%.fkm"), size_snap * 1e-3); } else if (size_snap < 1e9) { str.Printf(wxT("%.fMm"), size_snap * 1e-6); } else { str.Printf(wxT("%.fGm"), size_snap * 1e-9); #else } else { str.Printf(scalebar ? wxT("%.fkm") : wxT("%.2fkm"), size_snap * 1e-3); #endif } } else { size_snap /= METRES_PER_FOOT; if (scalebar) { Double inches = size_snap * 12; if (inches < 1.0) { str.Printf(wxT("%.3gin"), inches); } else if (size_snap < 1.0) { str.Printf(wxT("%.fin"), inches); } else if (size_snap < 5279.5) { str.Printf(wxT("%.fft"), size_snap); } else { str.Printf(wxT("%.f miles"), size_snap / 5280.0); } } else { str.Printf(wxT("%.fft"), size_snap); } } return negative ? wxString(wxT("-")) + str : str; } void GfxCore::DrawScalebar() { // Draw the scalebar. if (GetPerspective()) return; // Calculate how many metres of survey are currently displayed across the // screen. Double across_screen = SurveyUnitsAcrossViewport(); // Convert to imperial measurements if required. Double multiplier = 1.0; if (!m_Metric) { across_screen /= METRES_PER_FOOT; multiplier = METRES_PER_FOOT; if (across_screen >= 5280.0 / 0.75) { across_screen /= 5280.0; multiplier *= 5280.0; } } // Calculate the length of the scale bar. Double size_snap = pow(10.0, floor(log10(0.65 * across_screen))); Double t = across_screen * 0.65 / size_snap; if (t >= 5.0) { size_snap *= 5.0; } else if (t >= 2.0) { size_snap *= 2.0; } if (!m_Metric) size_snap *= multiplier; // Actual size of the thing in pixels: int size = int((size_snap / SurveyUnitsAcrossViewport()) * m_XSize); m_ScaleBarWidth = size; // Draw it... const int end_y = SCALE_BAR_OFFSET_Y + SCALE_BAR_HEIGHT; int interval = size / 10; gla_colour col = col_WHITE; for (int ix = 0; ix < 10; ix++) { int x = SCALE_BAR_OFFSET_X + int(ix * ((Double) size / 10.0)); DrawRectangle(col, col, x, end_y, interval + 2, SCALE_BAR_HEIGHT); col = (col == col_WHITE) ? col_GREY : col_WHITE; } // Add labels. wxString str = FormatLength(size_snap); int text_width, text_height; GetTextExtent(str, &text_width, &text_height); const int text_y = end_y - text_height + 1; SetColour(TEXT_COLOUR); DrawIndicatorText(SCALE_BAR_OFFSET_X, text_y, wxT("0")); DrawIndicatorText(SCALE_BAR_OFFSET_X + size - text_width, text_y, str); } bool GfxCore::CheckHitTestGrid(const wxPoint& point, bool centre) { if (Animating()) return false; if (point.x < 0 || point.x >= m_XSize || point.y < 0 || point.y >= m_YSize) { return false; } SetDataTransform(); if (!m_HitTestGridValid) CreateHitTestGrid(); int grid_x = (point.x * (HITTEST_SIZE - 1)) / m_XSize; int grid_y = (point.y * (HITTEST_SIZE - 1)) / m_YSize; LabelInfo *best = NULL; int dist_sqrd = 25; int square = grid_x + grid_y * HITTEST_SIZE; list::iterator iter = m_PointGrid[square].begin(); while (iter != m_PointGrid[square].end()) { LabelInfo *pt = *iter++; double cx, cy, cz; Transform(*pt, &cx, &cy, &cz); cy = m_YSize - cy; int dx = point.x - int(cx); int ds = dx * dx; if (ds >= dist_sqrd) continue; int dy = point.y - int(cy); ds += dy * dy; if (ds >= dist_sqrd) continue; dist_sqrd = ds; best = pt; if (ds == 0) break; } m_Parent->ShowInfo(best); if (best) { if (centre) { // FIXME: allow Ctrl-Click to not set there or something? CentreOn(*best); WarpPointer(m_XSize / 2, m_YSize / 2); SetThere(*best); m_Parent->SelectTreeItem(best); } } else { // Left-clicking not on a survey cancels the measuring line. if (centre) { ClearTreeSelection(); } else { double x, y, z; ReverseTransform(point.x, m_YSize - point.y, &x, &y, &z); SetHere(Point(Vector3(x, y, z))); m_here_is_temporary = true; } } return best; } void GfxCore::OnSize(wxSizeEvent& event) { // Handle a change in window size. wxSize size = event.GetSize(); if (size.GetWidth() <= 0 || size.GetHeight() <= 0) { // Before things are fully initialised, we sometimes get a bogus // resize message... // FIXME have changes in MainFrm cured this? It still happens with // 1.0.32 and wxGTK 2.5.2 (load a file from the command line). // With 1.1.6 and wxGTK 2.4.2 we only get negative sizes if MainFrm // is resized such that the GfxCore window isn't visible. //printf("OnSize(%d,%d)\n", size.GetWidth(), size.GetHeight()); return; } wxGLCanvas::OnSize(event); m_XSize = size.GetWidth(); m_YSize = size.GetHeight(); if (m_DoneFirstShow) { if (m_LabelGrid) { delete[] m_LabelGrid; m_LabelGrid = NULL; } m_HitTestGridValid = false; ForceRefresh(); } } void GfxCore::DefaultParameters() { // Set default viewing parameters. m_Surface = false; if (!m_Parent->HasUndergroundLegs()) { if (m_Parent->HasSurfaceLegs()) { // If there are surface legs, but no underground legs, turn // surface surveys on. m_Surface = true; } else { // If there are no legs (e.g. after loading a .pos file), turn // crosses on. m_Crosses = true; } } m_PanAngle = 0.0; if (m_Parent->IsExtendedElevation()) { m_TiltAngle = 0.0; } else { m_TiltAngle = 90.0; } SetRotation(m_PanAngle, m_TiltAngle); SetTranslation(Vector3()); m_RotationStep = 30.0; m_Rotating = false; m_SwitchingTo = 0; m_Entrances = false; m_FixedPts = false; m_ExportedPts = false; m_Grid = false; m_BoundingBox = false; m_Tubes = false; if (GetPerspective()) TogglePerspective(); } void GfxCore::Defaults() { // Restore default scale, rotation and translation parameters. DefaultParameters(); SetScale(1.0); // Invalidate all the cached lists. GLACanvas::FirstShow(); ForceRefresh(); } // return: true if animation occured (and ForceRefresh() needs to be called) bool GfxCore::Animate() { if (!Animating()) return false; // Don't show pointer coordinates while animating. // FIXME : only do this when we *START* animating! Use a static copy // of the value of "Animating()" last time we were here to track this? // MainFrm now checks if we're trying to clear already cleared labels // and just returns, but it might be simpler to check here! ClearCoords(); m_Parent->ShowInfo(NULL); static double last_t = 0; double t; if (movie) { // FIXME: this glReadPixels call should be in gla-gl.cc glReadPixels(0, 0, movie->GetWidth(), movie->GetHeight(), GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, (GLvoid *)movie->GetBuffer()); movie->AddFrame(); t = 1.0 / 25.0; // 25 frames per second } else { t = timer.Time() * 1.0e-3; if (t == 0) t = 0.001; else if (t > 1.0) t = 1.0; if (last_t > 0) t = (t + last_t) / 2; last_t = t; } if (presentation_mode == PLAYING && pres_speed != 0.0) { t *= fabs(pres_speed); while (t >= next_mark_time) { t -= next_mark_time; this_mark_total = 0; PresentationMark prev_mark = next_mark; if (prev_mark.angle < 0) prev_mark.angle += 360.0; else if (prev_mark.angle >= 360.0) prev_mark.angle -= 360.0; if (pres_reverse) next_mark = m_Parent->GetPresMark(MARK_PREV); else next_mark = m_Parent->GetPresMark(MARK_NEXT); if (!next_mark.is_valid()) { SetView(prev_mark); presentation_mode = 0; if (movie) { delete movie; movie = 0; } break; } double tmp = (pres_reverse ? prev_mark.time : next_mark.time); if (tmp > 0) { next_mark_time = tmp; } else { double d = (next_mark - prev_mark).magnitude(); // FIXME: should ignore component of d which is unseen in // non-perspective mode? next_mark_time = sqrd(d / 30.0); double a = next_mark.angle - prev_mark.angle; if (a > 180.0) { next_mark.angle -= 360.0; a = 360.0 - a; } else if (a < -180.0) { next_mark.angle += 360.0; a += 360.0; } else { a = fabs(a); } next_mark_time += sqrd(a / 60.0); double ta = fabs(next_mark.tilt_angle - prev_mark.tilt_angle); next_mark_time += sqrd(ta / 60.0); double s = fabs(log(next_mark.scale) - log(prev_mark.scale)); next_mark_time += sqrd(s / 2.0); next_mark_time = sqrt(next_mark_time); // was: next_mark_time = max(max(d / 30, s / 2), max(a, ta) / 60); //printf("*** %.6f from (\nd: %.6f\ns: %.6f\na: %.6f\nt: %.6f )\n", // next_mark_time, d/30.0, s/2.0, a/60.0, ta/60.0); if (tmp < 0) next_mark_time /= -tmp; } } if (presentation_mode) { // Advance position towards next_mark double p = t / next_mark_time; double q = 1 - p; PresentationMark here = GetView(); if (next_mark.angle < 0) { if (here.angle >= next_mark.angle + 360.0) here.angle -= 360.0; } else if (next_mark.angle >= 360.0) { if (here.angle <= next_mark.angle - 360.0) here.angle += 360.0; } here.assign(q * here + p * next_mark); here.angle = q * here.angle + p * next_mark.angle; if (here.angle < 0) here.angle += 360.0; else if (here.angle >= 360.0) here.angle -= 360.0; here.tilt_angle = q * here.tilt_angle + p * next_mark.tilt_angle; here.scale = exp(q * log(here.scale) + p * log(next_mark.scale)); SetView(here); this_mark_total += t; next_mark_time -= t; } } // When rotating... if (m_Rotating) { TurnCave(m_RotationStep * t); } if (m_SwitchingTo == PLAN) { // When switching to plan view... TiltCave(90.0 * t); if (m_TiltAngle == 90.0) { m_SwitchingTo = 0; } } else if (m_SwitchingTo == ELEVATION) { // When switching to elevation view... if (fabs(m_TiltAngle) < 90.0 * t) { m_SwitchingTo = 0; TiltCave(-m_TiltAngle); } else if (m_TiltAngle < 0.0) { TiltCave(90.0 * t); } else { TiltCave(-90.0 * t); } } else if (m_SwitchingTo) { int angle = (m_SwitchingTo - NORTH) * 90; double diff = angle - m_PanAngle; if (diff < -180) diff += 360; if (diff > 180) diff -= 360; double move = 90.0 * t; if (move >= fabs(diff)) { TurnCave(diff); m_SwitchingTo = 0; } else if (diff < 0) { TurnCave(-move); } else { TurnCave(move); } } return true; } // How much to allow around the box - this is because of the ring shape // at one end of the line. static const int HIGHLIGHTED_PT_SIZE = 2; // FIXME: tie in to blob and ring size #define MARGIN (HIGHLIGHTED_PT_SIZE * 2 + 1) void GfxCore::RefreshLine(const Point &a, const Point &b, const Point &c) { // Best of all might be to copy the window contents before we draw the // line, then replace each time we redraw. // Calculate the minimum rectangle which includes the old and new // measuring lines to minimise the redraw time int l = INT_MAX, r = INT_MIN, u = INT_MIN, d = INT_MAX; double X, Y, Z; if (a.IsValid()) { if (!Transform(a, &X, &Y, &Z)) { printf("oops\n"); } else { int x = int(X); int y = m_YSize - 1 - int(Y); l = x - MARGIN; r = x + MARGIN; u = y + MARGIN; d = y - MARGIN; } } if (b.IsValid()) { if (!Transform(b, &X, &Y, &Z)) { printf("oops\n"); } else { int x = int(X); int y = m_YSize - 1 - int(Y); l = min(l, x - MARGIN); r = max(r, x + MARGIN); u = max(u, y + MARGIN); d = min(d, y - MARGIN); } } if (c.IsValid()) { if (!Transform(c, &X, &Y, &Z)) { printf("oops\n"); } else { int x = int(X); int y = m_YSize - 1 - int(Y); l = min(l, x - MARGIN); r = max(r, x + MARGIN); u = max(u, y + MARGIN); d = min(d, y - MARGIN); } } const wxRect R(l, d, r - l, u - d); Refresh(false, &R); } void GfxCore::SetHere() { if (!m_here.IsValid()) return; Point old = m_here; m_here.Invalidate(); RefreshLine(old, m_there, m_here); } void GfxCore::SetHere(const Point &p) { Point old = m_here; m_here = p; RefreshLine(old, m_there, m_here); m_here_is_temporary = false; } void GfxCore::SetThere() { if (!m_there.IsValid()) return; Point old = m_there; m_there.Invalidate(); RefreshLine(m_here, old, m_there); } void GfxCore::SetThere(const Point &p) { Point old = m_there; m_there = p; RefreshLine(m_here, old, m_there); } void GfxCore::CreateHitTestGrid() { // Clear hit-test grid. for (int i = 0; i < HITTEST_SIZE * HITTEST_SIZE; i++) { m_PointGrid[i].clear(); } // Fill the grid. list::const_iterator pos = m_Parent->GetLabels(); list::const_iterator end = m_Parent->GetLabelsEnd(); while (pos != end) { LabelInfo* label = *pos++; if (!((m_Surface && label->IsSurface()) || (m_Legs && label->IsUnderground()) || (!label->IsSurface() && !label->IsUnderground()))) { // if this station isn't to be displayed, skip to the next // (last case is for stns with no legs attached) continue; } // Calculate screen coordinates. double cx, cy, cz; Transform(*label, &cx, &cy, &cz); if (cx < 0 || cx >= m_XSize) continue; if (cy < 0 || cy >= m_YSize) continue; cy = m_YSize - cy; // On-screen, so add to hit-test grid... int grid_x = int((cx * (HITTEST_SIZE - 1)) / m_XSize); int grid_y = int((cy * (HITTEST_SIZE - 1)) / m_YSize); m_PointGrid[grid_x + grid_y * HITTEST_SIZE].push_back(label); } m_HitTestGridValid = true; } // // Methods for controlling the orientation of the survey // void GfxCore::TurnCave(Double angle) { // Turn the cave around its z-axis by a given angle. m_PanAngle += angle; if (m_PanAngle >= 360.0) { m_PanAngle -= 360.0; } else if (m_PanAngle < 0.0) { m_PanAngle += 360.0; } m_HitTestGridValid = false; if (m_here_is_temporary) SetHere(); SetRotation(m_PanAngle, m_TiltAngle); } void GfxCore::TurnCaveTo(Double angle) { timer.Start(drawtime); int new_switching_to = ((int)angle) / 90 + NORTH; if (new_switching_to == m_SwitchingTo) { // A second order to switch takes us there right away TurnCave(angle - m_PanAngle); m_SwitchingTo = 0; ForceRefresh(); } else { m_SwitchingTo = new_switching_to; } } void GfxCore::TiltCave(Double tilt_angle) { // Tilt the cave by a given angle. if (m_TiltAngle + tilt_angle > 90.0) { m_TiltAngle = 90.0; } else if (m_TiltAngle + tilt_angle < -90.0) { m_TiltAngle = -90.0; } else { m_TiltAngle += tilt_angle; } m_HitTestGridValid = false; if (m_here_is_temporary) SetHere(); SetRotation(m_PanAngle, m_TiltAngle); } void GfxCore::TranslateCave(int dx, int dy) { AddTranslationScreenCoordinates(dx, dy); m_HitTestGridValid = false; if (m_here_is_temporary) SetHere(); ForceRefresh(); } void GfxCore::DragFinished() { m_MouseOutsideCompass = m_MouseOutsideElev = false; ForceRefresh(); } void GfxCore::ClearCoords() { m_Parent->ClearCoords(); } void GfxCore::SetCoords(wxPoint point) { // We can't work out 2D coordinates from a perspective view, and it // doesn't really make sense to show coordinates while we're animating. if (GetPerspective() || Animating()) return; // Update the coordinate or altitude display, given the (x, y) position in // window coordinates. The relevant display is updated depending on // whether we're in plan or elevation view. double cx, cy, cz; SetDataTransform(); ReverseTransform(point.x, m_YSize - 1 - point.y, &cx, &cy, &cz); if (ShowingPlan()) { m_Parent->SetCoords(cx + m_Parent->GetOffset().GetX(), cy + m_Parent->GetOffset().GetY()); } else if (ShowingElevation()) { m_Parent->SetAltitude(cz + m_Parent->GetOffset().GetZ()); } else { m_Parent->ClearCoords(); } } int GfxCore::GetCompassXPosition() const { // Return the x-coordinate of the centre of the compass in window // coordinates. return m_XSize - INDICATOR_OFFSET_X - INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE / 2; } int GfxCore::GetClinoXPosition() const { // Return the x-coordinate of the centre of the compass in window // coordinates. return m_XSize - GetClinoOffset() - INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE / 2; } int GfxCore::GetIndicatorYPosition() const { // Return the y-coordinate of the centre of the indicators in window // coordinates. return m_YSize - INDICATOR_OFFSET_Y - INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE / 2; } int GfxCore::GetIndicatorRadius() const { // Return the radius of each indicator. return (INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE - INDICATOR_MARGIN * 2) / 2; } bool GfxCore::PointWithinCompass(wxPoint point) const { // Determine whether a point (in window coordinates) lies within the // compass. if (!ShowingCompass()) return false; glaCoord dx = point.x - GetCompassXPosition(); glaCoord dy = point.y - GetIndicatorYPosition(); glaCoord radius = GetIndicatorRadius(); return (dx * dx + dy * dy <= radius * radius); } bool GfxCore::PointWithinClino(wxPoint point) const { // Determine whether a point (in window coordinates) lies within the clino. if (!ShowingClino()) return false; glaCoord dx = point.x - GetClinoXPosition(); glaCoord dy = point.y - GetIndicatorYPosition(); glaCoord radius = GetIndicatorRadius(); return (dx * dx + dy * dy <= radius * radius); } bool GfxCore::PointWithinScaleBar(wxPoint point) const { // Determine whether a point (in window coordinates) lies within the scale // bar. if (!ShowingScaleBar()) return false; return (point.x >= SCALE_BAR_OFFSET_X && point.x <= SCALE_BAR_OFFSET_X + m_ScaleBarWidth && point.y <= m_YSize - SCALE_BAR_OFFSET_Y - SCALE_BAR_HEIGHT && point.y >= m_YSize - SCALE_BAR_OFFSET_Y - SCALE_BAR_HEIGHT*2); } void GfxCore::SetCompassFromPoint(wxPoint point) { // Given a point in window coordinates, set the heading of the survey. If // the point is outside the compass, it snaps to 45 degree intervals; // otherwise it operates as normal. wxCoord dx = point.x - GetCompassXPosition(); wxCoord dy = point.y - GetIndicatorYPosition(); wxCoord radius = GetIndicatorRadius(); double angle = deg(atan2(double(dx), double(dy))) - 180.0; if (dx * dx + dy * dy <= radius * radius) { TurnCave(angle - m_PanAngle); m_MouseOutsideCompass = false; } else { TurnCave(int(angle / 45.0) * 45.0 - m_PanAngle); m_MouseOutsideCompass = true; } ForceRefresh(); } void GfxCore::SetClinoFromPoint(wxPoint point) { // Given a point in window coordinates, set the elevation of the survey. // If the point is outside the clino, it snaps to 90 degree intervals; // otherwise it operates as normal. glaCoord dx = point.x - GetClinoXPosition(); glaCoord dy = point.y - GetIndicatorYPosition(); glaCoord radius = GetIndicatorRadius(); if (dx >= 0 && dx * dx + dy * dy <= radius * radius) { TiltCave(deg(atan2(double(dy), double(dx))) - m_TiltAngle); m_MouseOutsideElev = false; } else if (dy >= INDICATOR_MARGIN) { TiltCave(90.0 - m_TiltAngle); m_MouseOutsideElev = true; } else if (dy <= -INDICATOR_MARGIN) { TiltCave(-90.0 - m_TiltAngle); m_MouseOutsideElev = true; } else { TiltCave(-m_TiltAngle); m_MouseOutsideElev = true; } ForceRefresh(); } void GfxCore::SetScaleBarFromOffset(wxCoord dx) { // Set the scale of the survey, given an offset as to how much the mouse has // been dragged over the scalebar since the last scale change. SetScale((m_ScaleBarWidth + dx) * m_Scale / m_ScaleBarWidth); ForceRefresh(); } void GfxCore::RedrawIndicators() { // Redraw the compass and clino indicators. const wxRect r(m_XSize - INDICATOR_OFFSET_X - INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE*2 - INDICATOR_GAP, m_YSize - INDICATOR_OFFSET_Y - INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE, INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE*2 + INDICATOR_GAP, INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE); Refresh(false, &r); } void GfxCore::StartRotation() { // Start the survey rotating. m_Rotating = true; timer.Start(drawtime); } void GfxCore::ToggleRotation() { // Toggle the survey rotation on/off. if (m_Rotating) { StopRotation(); } else { StartRotation(); } } void GfxCore::StopRotation() { // Stop the survey rotating. m_Rotating = false; ForceRefresh(); } bool GfxCore::IsExtendedElevation() const { return m_Parent->IsExtendedElevation(); } void GfxCore::ReverseRotation() { // Reverse the direction of rotation. m_RotationStep = -m_RotationStep; } void GfxCore::RotateSlower(bool accel) { // Decrease the speed of rotation, optionally by an increased amount. m_RotationStep /= accel ? 1.44 : 1.2; if (m_RotationStep < 1.0) { m_RotationStep = 1.0; } } void GfxCore::RotateFaster(bool accel) { // Increase the speed of rotation, optionally by an increased amount. m_RotationStep *= accel ? 1.44 : 1.2; if (m_RotationStep > 450.0) { m_RotationStep = 450.0; } } void GfxCore::SwitchToElevation() { // Perform an animated switch to elevation view. switch (m_SwitchingTo) { case 0: timer.Start(drawtime); m_SwitchingTo = ELEVATION; break; case PLAN: m_SwitchingTo = ELEVATION; break; case ELEVATION: // a second order to switch takes us there right away TiltCave(-m_TiltAngle); m_SwitchingTo = 0; ForceRefresh(); } } void GfxCore::SwitchToPlan() { // Perform an animated switch to plan view. switch (m_SwitchingTo) { case 0: timer.Start(drawtime); m_SwitchingTo = PLAN; break; case ELEVATION: m_SwitchingTo = PLAN; break; case PLAN: // A second order to switch takes us there right away TiltCave(90.0 - m_TiltAngle); m_SwitchingTo = 0; ForceRefresh(); } } void GfxCore::SetViewTo(Double xmin, Double xmax, Double ymin, Double ymax, Double zmin, Double zmax) { SetTranslation(-Vector3((xmin + xmax) / 2, (ymin + ymax) / 2, (zmin + zmax) / 2)); Double scale = HUGE_VAL; const Vector3 ext = m_Parent->GetExtent(); if (xmax > xmin) { Double s = ext.GetX() / (xmax - xmin); if (s < scale) scale = s; } if (ymax > ymin) { Double s = ext.GetY() / (ymax - ymin); if (s < scale) scale = s; } if (!ShowingPlan() && zmax > zmin) { Double s = ext.GetZ() / (zmax - zmin); if (s < scale) scale = s; } if (scale != HUGE_VAL) SetScale(scale); ForceRefresh(); } bool GfxCore::CanRaiseViewpoint() const { // Determine if the survey can be viewed from a higher angle of elevation. return GetPerspective() ? (m_TiltAngle > -90.0) : (m_TiltAngle < 90.0); } bool GfxCore::CanLowerViewpoint() const { // Determine if the survey can be viewed from a lower angle of elevation. return GetPerspective() ? (m_TiltAngle < 90.0) : (m_TiltAngle > -90.0); } bool GfxCore::HasDepth() const { return m_Parent->GetDepthExtent() == 0.0; } bool GfxCore::HasRangeOfDates() const { return m_Parent->GetDateExtent() > 0; } bool GfxCore::HasErrorInformation() const { return m_Parent->HasErrorInformation(); } bool GfxCore::ShowingPlan() const { // Determine if the survey is in plan view. return (m_TiltAngle == 90.0); } bool GfxCore::ShowingElevation() const { // Determine if the survey is in elevation view. return (m_TiltAngle == 0.0); } bool GfxCore::ShowingMeasuringLine() const { // Determine if the measuring line is being shown. return (m_there.IsValid() && m_here.IsValid()); } void GfxCore::ToggleFlag(bool* flag, int update) { *flag = !*flag; if (update == UPDATE_BLOBS) { UpdateBlobs(); } else if (update == UPDATE_BLOBS_AND_CROSSES) { UpdateBlobs(); InvalidateList(LIST_CROSSES); } ForceRefresh(); } int GfxCore::GetNumEntrances() const { return m_Parent->GetNumEntrances(); } int GfxCore::GetNumFixedPts() const { return m_Parent->GetNumFixedPts(); } int GfxCore::GetNumExportedPts() const { return m_Parent->GetNumExportedPts(); } void GfxCore::ClearTreeSelection() { m_Parent->ClearTreeSelection(); } void GfxCore::CentreOn(const Point &p) { SetTranslation(-p); m_HitTestGridValid = false; ForceRefresh(); } void GfxCore::ForceRefresh() { Refresh(false); } void GfxCore::GenerateList(unsigned int l) { assert(m_HaveData); switch (l) { case LIST_COMPASS: DrawCompass(); break; case LIST_CLINO: DrawClino(); break; case LIST_CLINO_BACK: DrawClinoBack(); break; case LIST_DEPTHBAR: DrawDepthbar(); break; case LIST_DATEBAR: DrawDatebar(); break; case LIST_ERRORBAR: DrawErrorbar(); break; case LIST_UNDERGROUND_LEGS: GenerateDisplayList(); break; case LIST_TUBES: GenerateDisplayListTubes(); break; case LIST_SURFACE_LEGS: GenerateDisplayListSurface(); break; case LIST_BLOBS: GenerateBlobsDisplayList(); break; case LIST_CROSSES: { BeginCrosses(); SetColour(col_LIGHT_GREY); list::const_iterator pos = m_Parent->GetLabels(); while (pos != m_Parent->GetLabelsEnd()) { const LabelInfo* label = *pos++; if ((m_Surface && label->IsSurface()) || (m_Legs && label->IsUnderground()) || (!label->IsSurface() && !label->IsUnderground())) { // Check if this station should be displayed // (last case is for stns with no legs attached) DrawCross(label->GetX(), label->GetY(), label->GetZ()); } } EndCrosses(); break; } case LIST_GRID: DrawGrid(); break; case LIST_SHADOW: GenerateDisplayListShadow(); break; default: assert(false); break; } } void GfxCore::ToggleSmoothShading() { GLACanvas::ToggleSmoothShading(); InvalidateList(LIST_TUBES); ForceRefresh(); } void GfxCore::GenerateDisplayList() { // Generate the display list for the underground legs. list::const_iterator trav = m_Parent->traverses_begin(); list::const_iterator tend = m_Parent->traverses_end(); while (trav != tend) { (this->*AddPoly)(*trav); ++trav; } } void GfxCore::GenerateDisplayListTubes() { // Generate the display list for the tubes. list >::const_iterator trav = m_Parent->tubes_begin(); list >::const_iterator tend = m_Parent->tubes_end(); while (trav != tend) { SkinPassage(*trav); ++trav; } } void GfxCore::GenerateDisplayListSurface() { // Generate the display list for the surface legs. EnableDashedLines(); list::const_iterator trav = m_Parent->surface_traverses_begin(); list::const_iterator tend = m_Parent->surface_traverses_end(); while (trav != tend) { if (m_ColourBy == COLOUR_BY_ERROR) { AddPolylineError(*trav); } else { AddPolyline(*trav); } ++trav; } DisableDashedLines(); } void GfxCore::GenerateDisplayListShadow() { SetColour(col_BLACK); list::const_iterator trav = m_Parent->traverses_begin(); list::const_iterator tend = m_Parent->traverses_end(); while (trav != tend) { AddPolylineShadow(*trav); ++trav; } } // Plot blobs. void GfxCore::GenerateBlobsDisplayList() { if (!(m_Entrances || m_FixedPts || m_ExportedPts || m_Parent->GetNumHighlightedPts())) return; // Plot blobs. gla_colour prev_col = col_BLACK; // not a colour used for blobs list::const_iterator pos = m_Parent->GetLabels(); BeginBlobs(); while (pos != m_Parent->GetLabelsEnd()) { const LabelInfo* label = *pos++; // When more than one flag is set on a point: // search results take priority over entrance highlighting // which takes priority over fixed point // highlighting, which in turn takes priority over exported // point highlighting. if (!((m_Surface && label->IsSurface()) || (m_Legs && label->IsUnderground()) || (!label->IsSurface() && !label->IsUnderground()))) { // if this station isn't to be displayed, skip to the next // (last case is for stns with no legs attached) continue; } gla_colour col; if (label->IsHighLighted()) { col = col_YELLOW; } else if (m_Entrances && label->IsEntrance()) { col = col_GREEN; } else if (m_FixedPts && label->IsFixedPt()) { col = col_RED; } else if (m_ExportedPts && label->IsExportedPt()) { col = col_TURQUOISE; } else { continue; } // Stations are sorted by blob type, so colour changes are infrequent. if (col != prev_col) { SetColour(col); prev_col = col; } DrawBlob(label->GetX(), label->GetY(), label->GetZ()); } EndBlobs(); } void GfxCore::DrawIndicators() { // Draw depthbar. if (m_Depthbar) { if (m_ColourBy == COLOUR_BY_DEPTH && m_Parent->GetDepthExtent() != 0.0) { DrawList2D(LIST_DEPTHBAR, m_XSize, m_YSize, 0); } else if (m_ColourBy == COLOUR_BY_DATE && m_Parent->GetDateExtent()) { DrawList2D(LIST_DATEBAR, m_XSize, m_YSize, 0); } else if (m_ColourBy == COLOUR_BY_ERROR && m_Parent->HasErrorInformation()) { DrawList2D(LIST_ERRORBAR, m_XSize, m_YSize, 0); } } // Draw compass or elevation/heading indicators. if (m_Compass || m_Clino) { if (!m_Parent->IsExtendedElevation()) Draw2dIndicators(); } // Draw scalebar. if (m_Scalebar) { DrawScalebar(); } } void GfxCore::PlaceVertexWithColour(const Vector3 & v, Double factor) { SetColour(GetSurfacePen(), factor); // FIXME : assumes surface pen is white! PlaceVertex(v); } void GfxCore::PlaceVertexWithDepthColour(const Vector3 &v, Double factor) { // Set the drawing colour based on the altitude. Double z_ext = m_Parent->GetDepthExtent(); assert(z_ext > 0); Double z = v.GetZ() - m_Parent->GetDepthMin(); // points arising from tubes may be slightly outside the limits... if (z < 0) z = 0; if (z > z_ext) z = z_ext; Double how_far = z / z_ext; assert(how_far >= 0.0); assert(how_far <= 1.0); int band = int(floor(how_far * (GetNumDepthBands() - 1))); GLAPen pen1 = GetPen(band); if (band < GetNumDepthBands() - 1) { const GLAPen& pen2 = GetPen(band + 1); Double interval = z_ext / (GetNumDepthBands() - 1); Double into_band = z / interval - band; // printf("%g z_offset=%g interval=%g band=%d\n", into_band, // z_offset, interval, band); // FIXME: why do we need to clamp here? Is it because the walls can // extend further up/down than the centre-line? if (into_band < 0.0) into_band = 0.0; if (into_band > 1.0) into_band = 1.0; assert(into_band >= 0.0); assert(into_band <= 1.0); pen1.Interpolate(pen2, into_band); } SetColour(pen1, factor); PlaceVertex(v); } void GfxCore::SplitLineAcrossBands(int band, int band2, const Vector3 &p, const Vector3 &q, Double factor) { const int step = (band < band2) ? 1 : -1; for (int i = band; i != band2; i += step) { const Double z = GetDepthBoundaryBetweenBands(i, i + step); // Find the intersection point of the line p -> q // with the plane parallel to the xy-plane with z-axis intersection z. assert(q.GetZ() - p.GetZ() != 0.0); const Double t = (z - p.GetZ()) / (q.GetZ() - p.GetZ()); // assert(0.0 <= t && t <= 1.0); FIXME: rounding problems! const Double x = p.GetX() + t * (q.GetX() - p.GetX()); const Double y = p.GetY() + t * (q.GetY() - p.GetY()); PlaceVertexWithDepthColour(Vector3(x, y, z), factor); } } int GfxCore::GetDepthColour(Double z) const { // Return the (0-based) depth colour band index for a z-coordinate. Double z_ext = m_Parent->GetDepthExtent(); assert(z_ext > 0); z -= m_Parent->GetDepthMin(); z += z_ext / 2; return int(z / z_ext * (GetNumDepthBands() - 1)); } Double GfxCore::GetDepthBoundaryBetweenBands(int a, int b) const { // Return the z-coordinate of the depth colour boundary between // two adjacent depth colour bands (specified by 0-based indices). assert((a == b - 1) || (a == b + 1)); if (GetNumDepthBands() == 1) return 0; int band = (a > b) ? a : b; // boundary N lies on the bottom of band N. Double z_ext = m_Parent->GetDepthExtent(); return (z_ext * band / (GetNumDepthBands() - 1)) - z_ext / 2 + m_Parent->GetDepthMin(); } void GfxCore::AddPolyline(const traverse & centreline) { BeginPolyline(); SetColour(GetSurfacePen()); vector::const_iterator i = centreline.begin(); PlaceVertex(*i); ++i; while (i != centreline.end()) { PlaceVertex(*i); ++i; } EndPolyline(); } void GfxCore::AddPolylineShadow(const traverse & centreline) { BeginPolyline(); const double z = -0.5 * m_Parent->GetZExtent(); vector::const_iterator i = centreline.begin(); PlaceVertex(i->GetX(), i->GetY(), z); ++i; while (i != centreline.end()) { PlaceVertex(i->GetX(), i->GetY(), z); ++i; } EndPolyline(); } void GfxCore::AddPolylineDepth(const traverse & centreline) { BeginPolyline(); vector::const_iterator i, prev_i; i = centreline.begin(); int band0 = GetDepthColour(i->GetZ()); PlaceVertexWithDepthColour(*i); prev_i = i; ++i; while (i != centreline.end()) { int band = GetDepthColour(i->GetZ()); if (band != band0) { SplitLineAcrossBands(band0, band, *prev_i, *i); band0 = band; } PlaceVertexWithDepthColour(*i); prev_i = i; ++i; } EndPolyline(); } void GfxCore::AddQuadrilateral(const Vector3 &a, const Vector3 &b, const Vector3 &c, const Vector3 &d) { Vector3 normal = (a - c) * (d - b); normal.normalise(); Double factor = dot(normal, light) * .3 + .7; int w = int(ceil(((b - a).magnitude() + (d - c).magnitude()) / 2)); int h = int(ceil(((b - c).magnitude() + (d - a).magnitude()) / 2)); // FIXME: should plot triangles instead to avoid rendering glitches. BeginQuadrilaterals(); // FIXME: these glTexCoord2i calls should be in gla-gl.cc glTexCoord2i(0, 0); PlaceVertexWithColour(a, factor); glTexCoord2i(w, 0); PlaceVertexWithColour(b, factor); glTexCoord2i(w, h); PlaceVertexWithColour(c, factor); glTexCoord2i(0, h); PlaceVertexWithColour(d, factor); EndQuadrilaterals(); } void GfxCore::AddQuadrilateralDepth(const Vector3 &a, const Vector3 &b, const Vector3 &c, const Vector3 &d) { Vector3 normal = (a - c) * (d - b); normal.normalise(); Double factor = dot(normal, light) * .3 + .7; int a_band, b_band, c_band, d_band; a_band = GetDepthColour(a.GetZ()); a_band = min(max(a_band, 0), GetNumDepthBands()); b_band = GetDepthColour(b.GetZ()); b_band = min(max(b_band, 0), GetNumDepthBands()); c_band = GetDepthColour(c.GetZ()); c_band = min(max(c_band, 0), GetNumDepthBands()); d_band = GetDepthColour(d.GetZ()); d_band = min(max(d_band, 0), GetNumDepthBands()); // All this splitting is incorrect - we need to make a separate polygon // for each depth band... int w = int(ceil(((b - a).magnitude() + (d - c).magnitude()) / 2)); int h = int(ceil(((b - c).magnitude() + (d - a).magnitude()) / 2)); // FIXME: should plot triangles instead to avoid rendering glitches. BeginPolygon(); //// PlaceNormal(normal); // FIXME: these glTexCoord2i calls should be in gla-gl.cc glTexCoord2i(0, 0); PlaceVertexWithDepthColour(a, factor); if (a_band != b_band) { SplitLineAcrossBands(a_band, b_band, a, b, factor); } glTexCoord2i(w, 0); PlaceVertexWithDepthColour(b, factor); if (b_band != c_band) { SplitLineAcrossBands(b_band, c_band, b, c, factor); } glTexCoord2i(w, h); PlaceVertexWithDepthColour(c, factor); if (c_band != d_band) { SplitLineAcrossBands(c_band, d_band, c, d, factor); } glTexCoord2i(0, h); PlaceVertexWithDepthColour(d, factor); if (d_band != a_band) { SplitLineAcrossBands(d_band, a_band, d, a, factor); } EndPolygon(); } void GfxCore::SetColourFromDate(int date, Double factor) { // Set the drawing colour based on a date. if (date == -1) { SetColour(GetSurfacePen(), factor); return; } int date_ext = m_Parent->GetDateExtent(); assert(date_ext > 0); int date_offset = date - m_Parent->GetDateMin(); Double how_far = (Double)date_offset / date_ext; assert(how_far >= 0.0); assert(how_far <= 1.0); int band = int(floor(how_far * (GetNumDepthBands() - 1))); GLAPen pen1 = GetPen(band); if (band < GetNumDepthBands() - 1) { const GLAPen& pen2 = GetPen(band + 1); Double interval = date_ext / (GetNumDepthBands() - 1); Double into_band = date_offset / interval - band; // printf("%g z_offset=%g interval=%g band=%d\n", into_band, // z_offset, interval, band); // FIXME: why do we need to clamp here? Is it because the walls can // extend further up/down than the centre-line? if (into_band < 0.0) into_band = 0.0; if (into_band > 1.0) into_band = 1.0; assert(into_band >= 0.0); assert(into_band <= 1.0); pen1.Interpolate(pen2, into_band); } SetColour(pen1, factor); } void GfxCore::AddPolylineDate(const traverse & centreline) { BeginPolyline(); vector::const_iterator i, prev_i; i = centreline.begin(); int date = i->GetDate(); SetColourFromDate(date, 1.0); PlaceVertex(*i); prev_i = i; while (++i != centreline.end()) { int newdate = i->GetDate(); if (newdate != date) { EndPolyline(); BeginPolyline(); date = newdate; SetColourFromDate(date, 1.0); PlaceVertex(*prev_i); } PlaceVertex(*i); prev_i = i; } EndPolyline(); } static int static_date_hack; // FIXME void GfxCore::AddQuadrilateralDate(const Vector3 &a, const Vector3 &b, const Vector3 &c, const Vector3 &d) { Vector3 normal = (a - c) * (d - b); normal.normalise(); Double factor = dot(normal, light) * .3 + .7; int w = int(ceil(((b - a).magnitude() + (d - c).magnitude()) / 2)); int h = int(ceil(((b - c).magnitude() + (d - a).magnitude()) / 2)); // FIXME: should plot triangles instead to avoid rendering glitches. BeginPolygon(); //// PlaceNormal(normal); SetColourFromDate(static_date_hack, factor); // FIXME: these glTexCoord2i calls should be in gla-gl.cc glTexCoord2i(0, 0); PlaceVertex(a); glTexCoord2i(w, 0); PlaceVertex(b); glTexCoord2i(w, h); PlaceVertex(c); glTexCoord2i(0, h); PlaceVertex(d); EndPolygon(); } static double static_E_hack; // FIXME void GfxCore::SetColourFromError(double E, Double factor) { // Set the drawing colour based on an error value. if (E < 0) { SetColour(GetSurfacePen(), factor); return; } Double how_far = E / MAX_ERROR; assert(how_far >= 0.0); if (how_far > 1.0) how_far = 1.0; int band = int(floor(how_far * (GetNumDepthBands() - 1))); GLAPen pen1 = GetPen(band); if (band < GetNumDepthBands() - 1) { const GLAPen& pen2 = GetPen(band + 1); Double interval = MAX_ERROR / (GetNumDepthBands() - 1); Double into_band = E / interval - band; // printf("%g z_offset=%g interval=%g band=%d\n", into_band, // z_offset, interval, band); // FIXME: why do we need to clamp here? Is it because the walls can // extend further up/down than the centre-line? if (into_band < 0.0) into_band = 0.0; if (into_band > 1.0) into_band = 1.0; assert(into_band >= 0.0); assert(into_band <= 1.0); pen1.Interpolate(pen2, into_band); } SetColour(pen1, factor); } void GfxCore::AddQuadrilateralError(const Vector3 &a, const Vector3 &b, const Vector3 &c, const Vector3 &d) { Vector3 normal = (a - c) * (d - b); normal.normalise(); Double factor = dot(normal, light) * .3 + .7; int w = int(ceil(((b - a).magnitude() + (d - c).magnitude()) / 2)); int h = int(ceil(((b - c).magnitude() + (d - a).magnitude()) / 2)); // FIXME: should plot triangles instead to avoid rendering glitches. BeginPolygon(); //// PlaceNormal(normal); SetColourFromError(static_E_hack, factor); // FIXME: these glTexCoord2i calls should be in gla-gl.cc glTexCoord2i(0, 0); PlaceVertex(a); glTexCoord2i(w, 0); PlaceVertex(b); glTexCoord2i(w, h); PlaceVertex(c); glTexCoord2i(0, h); PlaceVertex(d); EndPolygon(); } void GfxCore::AddPolylineError(const traverse & centreline) { BeginPolyline(); SetColourFromError(centreline.E, 1.0); vector::const_iterator i; for(i = centreline.begin(); i != centreline.end(); ++i) { PlaceVertex(*i); } EndPolyline(); } void GfxCore::SkinPassage(const vector & centreline) { assert(centreline.size() > 1); Vector3 U[4]; XSect prev_pt_v; Vector3 last_right(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); // FIXME: it's not simple to set the colour of a tube based on error... // static_E_hack = something... vector::const_iterator i = centreline.begin(); vector::size_type segment = 0; while (i != centreline.end()) { // get the coordinates of this vertex const XSect & pt_v = *i++; double z_pitch_adjust = 0.0; bool cover_end = false; Vector3 right, up; const Vector3 up_v(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); if (segment == 0) { assert(i != centreline.end()); // first segment // get the coordinates of the next vertex const XSect & next_pt_v = *i; // calculate vector from this pt to the next one Vector3 leg_v = next_pt_v - pt_v; // obtain a vector in the LRUD plane right = leg_v * up_v; if (right.magnitude() == 0) { right = last_right; // Obtain a second vector in the LRUD plane, // perpendicular to the first. //up = right * leg_v; up = up_v; } else { last_right = right; up = up_v; } cover_end = true; static_date_hack = next_pt_v.GetDate(); } else if (segment + 1 == centreline.size()) { // last segment // Calculate vector from the previous pt to this one. Vector3 leg_v = pt_v - prev_pt_v; // Obtain a horizontal vector in the LRUD plane. right = leg_v * up_v; if (right.magnitude() == 0) { right = Vector3(last_right.GetX(), last_right.GetY(), 0.0); // Obtain a second vector in the LRUD plane, // perpendicular to the first. //up = right * leg_v; up = up_v; } else { last_right = right; up = up_v; } cover_end = true; static_date_hack = pt_v.GetDate(); } else { assert(i != centreline.end()); // Intermediate segment. // Get the coordinates of the next vertex. const XSect & next_pt_v = *i; // Calculate vectors from this vertex to the // next vertex, and from the previous vertex to // this one. Vector3 leg1_v = pt_v - prev_pt_v; Vector3 leg2_v = next_pt_v - pt_v; // Obtain horizontal vectors perpendicular to // both legs, then normalise and average to get // a horizontal bisector. Vector3 r1 = leg1_v * up_v; Vector3 r2 = leg2_v * up_v; r1.normalise(); r2.normalise(); right = r1 + r2; if (right.magnitude() == 0) { // This is the "mid-pitch" case... right = last_right; } if (r1.magnitude() == 0) { Vector3 n = leg1_v; n.normalise(); z_pitch_adjust = n.GetZ(); //up = Vector3(0, 0, leg1_v.GetZ()); //up = right * up; up = up_v; // Rotate pitch section to minimise the // "tortional stress" - FIXME: use // triangles instead of rectangles? int shift = 0; Double maxdotp = 0; // Scale to unit vectors in the LRUD plane. right.normalise(); up.normalise(); Vector3 vec = up - right; for (int orient = 0; orient <= 3; ++orient) { Vector3 tmp = U[orient] - prev_pt_v; tmp.normalise(); Double dotp = dot(vec, tmp); if (dotp > maxdotp) { maxdotp = dotp; shift = orient; } } if (shift) { if (shift != 2) { Vector3 temp(U[0]); U[0] = U[shift]; U[shift] = U[2]; U[2] = U[shift ^ 2]; U[shift ^ 2] = temp; } else { swap(U[0], U[2]); swap(U[1], U[3]); } } #if 0 // Check that the above code actually permuted // the vertices correctly. shift = 0; maxdotp = 0; for (int j = 0; j <= 3; ++j) { Vector3 tmp = U[j] - prev_pt_v; tmp.normalise(); Double dotp = dot(vec, tmp); if (dotp > maxdotp) { maxdotp = dotp + 1e-6; // Add small tolerance to stop 45 degree offset cases being flagged... shift = j; } } if (shift) { printf("New shift = %d!\n", shift); shift = 0; maxdotp = 0; for (int j = 0; j <= 3; ++j) { Vector3 tmp = U[j] - prev_pt_v; tmp.normalise(); Double dotp = dot(vec, tmp); printf(" %d : %.8f\n", j, dotp); } } #endif } else if (r2.magnitude() == 0) { Vector3 n = leg2_v; n.normalise(); z_pitch_adjust = n.GetZ(); //up = Vector3(0, 0, leg2_v.GetZ()); //up = right * up; up = up_v; } else { up = up_v; } last_right = right; static_date_hack = pt_v.GetDate(); } // Scale to unit vectors in the LRUD plane. right.normalise(); up.normalise(); if (z_pitch_adjust != 0) up += Vector3(0, 0, fabs(z_pitch_adjust)); Double l = fabs(pt_v.GetL()); Double r = fabs(pt_v.GetR()); Double u = fabs(pt_v.GetU()); Double d = fabs(pt_v.GetD()); // Produce coordinates of the corners of the LRUD "plane". Vector3 v[4]; v[0] = pt_v - right * l + up * u; v[1] = pt_v + right * r + up * u; v[2] = pt_v + right * r - up * d; v[3] = pt_v - right * l - up * d; if (segment > 0) { (this->*AddQuad)(v[0], v[1], U[1], U[0]); (this->*AddQuad)(v[2], v[3], U[3], U[2]); (this->*AddQuad)(v[1], v[2], U[2], U[1]); (this->*AddQuad)(v[3], v[0], U[0], U[3]); } if (cover_end) { (this->*AddQuad)(v[3], v[2], v[1], v[0]); } prev_pt_v = pt_v; U[0] = v[0]; U[1] = v[1]; U[2] = v[2]; U[3] = v[3]; ++segment; } } void GfxCore::FullScreenMode() { m_Parent->ViewFullScreen(); } bool GfxCore::IsFullScreen() const { return m_Parent->IsFullScreen(); } void GfxCore::MoveViewer(double forward, double up, double right) { double cT = cos(rad(m_TiltAngle)); double sT = sin(rad(m_TiltAngle)); double cP = cos(rad(m_PanAngle)); double sP = sin(rad(m_PanAngle)); Vector3 v_forward(cT * sP, cT * cP, -sT); Vector3 v_up(-sT * sP, -sT * cP, -cT); Vector3 v_right(-cP, sP, 0); assert(fabs(dot(v_forward, v_up)) < 1e-6); assert(fabs(dot(v_forward, v_right)) < 1e-6); assert(fabs(dot(v_right, v_up)) < 1e-6); Vector3 move = v_forward * forward + v_up * up + v_right * right; AddTranslation(-move); // Show current position. m_Parent->SetCoords(m_Parent->GetOffset() - GetTranslation()); ForceRefresh(); } PresentationMark GfxCore::GetView() const { return PresentationMark(GetTranslation() + m_Parent->GetOffset(), m_PanAngle, m_TiltAngle, m_Scale); } void GfxCore::SetView(const PresentationMark & p) { m_SwitchingTo = 0; SetTranslation(p - m_Parent->GetOffset()); m_PanAngle = p.angle; m_TiltAngle = p.tilt_angle; SetRotation(m_PanAngle, m_TiltAngle); SetScale(p.scale); ForceRefresh(); } void GfxCore::PlayPres(double speed, bool change_speed) { if (!change_speed || presentation_mode == 0) { if (speed == 0.0) { presentation_mode = 0; return; } presentation_mode = PLAYING; next_mark = m_Parent->GetPresMark(MARK_FIRST); SetView(next_mark); next_mark_time = 0; // There already! this_mark_total = 0; pres_reverse = (speed < 0); } if (change_speed) pres_speed = speed; if (speed != 0.0) { bool new_pres_reverse = (speed < 0); if (new_pres_reverse != pres_reverse) { pres_reverse = new_pres_reverse; if (pres_reverse) { next_mark = m_Parent->GetPresMark(MARK_PREV); } else { next_mark = m_Parent->GetPresMark(MARK_NEXT); } swap(this_mark_total, next_mark_time); } } } void GfxCore::SetColourBy(int colour_by) { m_ColourBy = colour_by; switch (colour_by) { case COLOUR_BY_DEPTH: AddQuad = &GfxCore::AddQuadrilateralDepth; AddPoly = &GfxCore::AddPolylineDepth; break; case COLOUR_BY_DATE: AddQuad = &GfxCore::AddQuadrilateralDate; AddPoly = &GfxCore::AddPolylineDate; break; case COLOUR_BY_ERROR: AddQuad = &GfxCore::AddQuadrilateralError; AddPoly = &GfxCore::AddPolylineError; break; default: // case COLOUR_BY_NONE: AddQuad = &GfxCore::AddQuadrilateral; AddPoly = &GfxCore::AddPolyline; break; } InvalidateList(LIST_UNDERGROUND_LEGS); InvalidateList(LIST_SURFACE_LEGS); InvalidateList(LIST_TUBES); ForceRefresh(); } bool GfxCore::ExportMovie(const wxString & fnm) { int width; int height; GetSize(&width, &height); // Round up to next multiple of 2 (required by ffmpeg). width += (width & 1); height += (height & 1); movie = new MovieMaker(); // FIXME: This should really use fn_str() - currently we probably can't // save to a Unicode path on wxmsw. if (!movie->Open(fnm.mb_str(), width, height)) { // FIXME : sort out reporting actual errors from ffmpeg library wxGetApp().ReportError(wxString::Format(wmsg(/*Error writing to file `%s'*/110), fnm.c_str())); delete movie; movie = 0; return false; } PlayPres(1); return true; } void GfxCore::OnPrint(const wxString &filename, const wxString &title, const wxString &datestamp) { svxPrintDlg * p; p = new svxPrintDlg(m_Parent, filename, title, datestamp, m_PanAngle, m_TiltAngle, m_Names, m_Crosses, m_Legs, m_Surface, true); p->Show(TRUE); } void GfxCore::OnExport(const wxString &filename, const wxString &title) { svxPrintDlg * p; p = new svxPrintDlg(m_Parent, filename, title, wxString(), m_PanAngle, m_TiltAngle, m_Names, m_Crosses, m_Legs, m_Surface, false); p->Show(TRUE); } static wxCursor make_cursor(const unsigned char * bits, const unsigned char * mask, int hotx, int hoty) { #if defined __WXMSW__ || defined __WXMAC__ wxBitmap cursor_bitmap(reinterpret_cast(bits), 32, 32); wxBitmap mask_bitmap(reinterpret_cast(mask), 32, 32); cursor_bitmap.SetMask(new wxMask(mask_bitmap)); wxImage cursor_image = cursor_bitmap.ConvertToImage(); cursor_image.SetOption(wxIMAGE_OPTION_CUR_HOTSPOT_X, hotx); cursor_image.SetOption(wxIMAGE_OPTION_CUR_HOTSPOT_Y, hoty); return wxCursor(cursor_image); #else return wxCursor((const char *)bits, 32, 32, hotx, hoty, (const char *)mask, wxWHITE, wxBLACK); #endif } const #include "hand.xbm" const #include "handmask.xbm" const #include "brotate.xbm" const #include "brotatemask.xbm" const #include "vrotate.xbm" const #include "vrotatemask.xbm" const #include "rotate.xbm" const #include "rotatemask.xbm" const #include "rotatezoom.xbm" const #include "rotatezoommask.xbm" void GfxCore::SetCursor(GfxCore::cursor new_cursor) { // Check if we're already showing that cursor. if (current_cursor == new_cursor) return; current_cursor = new_cursor; switch (current_cursor) { case GfxCore::CURSOR_DEFAULT: GLACanvas::SetCursor(wxNullCursor); break; case GfxCore::CURSOR_POINTING_HAND: GLACanvas::SetCursor(wxCursor(wxCURSOR_HAND)); break; case GfxCore::CURSOR_DRAGGING_HAND: GLACanvas::SetCursor(make_cursor(hand_bits, handmask_bits, 12, 18)); break; case GfxCore::CURSOR_HORIZONTAL_RESIZE: GLACanvas::SetCursor(wxCursor(wxCURSOR_SIZEWE)); break; case GfxCore::CURSOR_ROTATE_HORIZONTALLY: GLACanvas::SetCursor(make_cursor(rotate_bits, rotatemask_bits, 15, 15)); break; case GfxCore::CURSOR_ROTATE_VERTICALLY: GLACanvas::SetCursor(make_cursor(vrotate_bits, vrotatemask_bits, 15, 15)); break; case GfxCore::CURSOR_ROTATE_EITHER_WAY: GLACanvas::SetCursor(make_cursor(brotate_bits, brotatemask_bits, 15, 15)); break; case GfxCore::CURSOR_ZOOM: GLACanvas::SetCursor(wxCursor(wxCURSOR_MAGNIFIER)); break; case GfxCore::CURSOR_ZOOM_ROTATE: GLACanvas::SetCursor(make_cursor(rotatezoom_bits, rotatezoommask_bits, 15, 15)); break; } }