// // gfxcore.cc // // Core drawing code for Aven. // // Copyright (C) 2000-2001, Mark R. Shinwell. // Copyright (C) 2001-2003,2004,2005,2010 Olly Betts // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA // #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include "aven.h" #include "gfxcore.h" #include "mainfrm.h" #include "message.h" #include "useful.h" #include "printwx.h" #include "export.h" #include #include #define HEAVEN 5000.0 // altitude of heaven #define INTERPOLATE(a, b, t) ((a) + (((b) - (a)) * Double(t) / 100.0)) #define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define MAX3(a, b, c) ((a) > (b) ? MAX(a, c) : MAX(b, c)) #define TEXT_COLOUR wxColour(0, 255, 40) #define LABEL_COLOUR wxColour(160, 255, 0) // Values for m_SwitchingTo #define PLAN 1 #define ELEVATION 2 // How many bins per letter height to use when working out non-overlapping // labels. const unsigned int QUANTISE_FACTOR = 2; #ifdef _WIN32 static const int FONT_SIZE = 8; #else static const int FONT_SIZE = 9; #endif static const int CROSS_SIZE = 3; static const int COMPASS_OFFSET_X = 60; static const int COMPASS_OFFSET_Y = 80; static const int INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE = 60; static const int INDICATOR_GAP = 2; static const int INDICATOR_MARGIN = 5; static const int INDICATOR_OFFSET_X = 15; static const int INDICATOR_OFFSET_Y = 15; static const int CLINO_OFFSET_X = 6 + INDICATOR_OFFSET_X + INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE + INDICATOR_GAP; static const int DEPTH_BAR_OFFSET_X = 16; static const int DEPTH_BAR_EXTRA_LEFT_MARGIN = 2; static const int DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_WIDTH = 20; static const int DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_HEIGHT = 15; static const int DEPTH_BAR_MARGIN = 6; static const int DEPTH_BAR_OFFSET_Y = 16 + DEPTH_BAR_MARGIN; static const int TICK_LENGTH = 4; static const int DISPLAY_SHIFT = 50; static const int SCALE_BAR_OFFSET_X = 15; static const int SCALE_BAR_OFFSET_Y = 12; static const int SCALE_BAR_HEIGHT = 12; static const int HIGHLIGHTED_PT_SIZE = 2; const ColourTriple COLOURS[] = { { 0, 0, 0 }, // black { 100, 100, 100 }, // grey { 180, 180, 180 }, // light grey { 140, 140, 140 }, // light grey 2 { 90, 90, 90 }, // dark grey { 255, 255, 255 }, // white { 0, 100, 255}, // turquoise { 0, 255, 40 }, // green { 150, 205, 224 }, // indicator 1 { 114, 149, 160 }, // indicator 2 { 255, 255, 0 }, // yellow { 255, 0, 0 }, // red }; #define DELETE_ARRAY(A) do { assert((A)); delete[] (A); } while (0) #define HITTEST_SIZE 20 BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(GfxCore, wxWindow) EVT_PAINT(GfxCore::OnPaint) EVT_LEFT_DOWN(GfxCore::OnLButtonDown) EVT_LEFT_UP(GfxCore::OnLButtonUp) EVT_MIDDLE_DOWN(GfxCore::OnMButtonDown) EVT_MIDDLE_UP(GfxCore::OnMButtonUp) EVT_RIGHT_DOWN(GfxCore::OnRButtonDown) EVT_RIGHT_UP(GfxCore::OnRButtonUp) EVT_MOTION(GfxCore::OnMouseMove) EVT_SIZE(GfxCore::OnSize) EVT_IDLE(GfxCore::OnIdle) EVT_CHAR(GfxCore::OnKeyPress) END_EVENT_TABLE() GfxCore::GfxCore(MainFrm* parent, wxWindow* parent_win) : wxWindow(parent_win, 100, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxWANTS_CHARS), m_Font(FONT_SIZE, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL, FALSE, "Helvetica", wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_1), m_InitialisePending(false) { m_OffscreenBitmap = NULL; m_LastDrag = drag_NONE; m_ScaleBar.offset_x = SCALE_BAR_OFFSET_X; m_ScaleBar.offset_y = SCALE_BAR_OFFSET_Y; m_ScaleBar.width = 0; m_DraggingLeft = false; m_DraggingMiddle = false; m_DraggingRight = false; m_Parent = parent; m_RotationOK = true; m_DoneFirstShow = false; m_PlotData = NULL; m_RedrawOffscreen = false; m_Crosses = false; m_Legs = true; m_Names = false; m_OverlappingNames = false; m_Compass = true; m_Clino = true; m_Depthbar = true; m_Scalebar = true; m_ReverseControls = false; m_LabelGrid = NULL; m_Rotating = false; m_SwitchingTo = 0; m_Entrances = false; m_FixedPts = false; m_ExportedPts = false; m_Grid = false; wxConfigBase::Get()->Read("metric", &m_Metric, true); wxConfigBase::Get()->Read("degrees", &m_Degrees, true); m_here.x = DBL_MAX; m_there.x = DBL_MAX; clipping = false; m_MouseOutsideCompass = m_MouseOutsideElev = false; // Create pens and brushes for drawing. int num_colours = (int) col_LAST; m_Pens = new wxPen[num_colours]; m_Brushes = new wxBrush[num_colours]; for (int col = 0; col < num_colours; col++) { m_Pens[col].SetColour(COLOURS[col].r, COLOURS[col].g, COLOURS[col].b); assert(m_Pens[col].Ok()); m_Brushes[col].SetColour(COLOURS[col].r, COLOURS[col].g, COLOURS[col].b); assert(m_Brushes[col].Ok()); } SetBackgroundColour(wxColour(0, 0, 0)); // Initialise grid for hit testing. m_PointGrid = new list[HITTEST_SIZE * HITTEST_SIZE]; } GfxCore::~GfxCore() { TryToFreeArrays(); if (m_OffscreenBitmap) { delete m_OffscreenBitmap; } DELETE_ARRAY(m_Pens); DELETE_ARRAY(m_Brushes); delete[] m_PointGrid; } void GfxCore::TryToFreeArrays() { // Free up any memory allocated for arrays. if (m_PlotData) { for (int band = 0; band < m_Bands; band++) { DELETE_ARRAY(m_PlotData[band].vertices); DELETE_ARRAY(m_PlotData[band].num_segs); DELETE_ARRAY(m_PlotData[band].surface_vertices); DELETE_ARRAY(m_PlotData[band].surface_num_segs); } DELETE_ARRAY(m_PlotData); DELETE_ARRAY(m_Polylines); DELETE_ARRAY(m_SurfacePolylines); if (m_LabelGrid) { DELETE_ARRAY(m_LabelGrid); m_LabelGrid = NULL; } m_PlotData = NULL; } } // // Initialisation methods // void GfxCore::Initialise() { // Initialise the view from the parent holding the survey data. TryToFreeArrays(); if (!m_InitialisePending) { GetSize(&m_XSize, &m_YSize); } m_Bands = m_Parent->GetNumDepthBands(); // last band is surface data m_PlotData = new PlotData[m_Bands]; m_Polylines = new int[m_Bands]; m_SurfacePolylines = new int[m_Bands]; for (int band = 0; band < m_Bands; band++) { m_PlotData[band].vertices = new Point[m_Parent->GetNumPoints()]; m_PlotData[band].num_segs = new int[m_Parent->GetNumLegs()]; m_PlotData[band].surface_vertices = new Point[m_Parent->GetNumPoints()]; m_PlotData[band].surface_num_segs = new int[m_Parent->GetNumLegs()]; } m_UndergroundLegs = false; m_SurfaceLegs = false; m_HitTestGridValid = false; m_here.x = DBL_MAX; m_there.x = DBL_MAX; // Check for flat/linear/point surveys. m_RotationOK = true; m_Lock = lock_NONE; if (m_Parent->GetXExtent() == 0.0) m_Lock = LockFlags(m_Lock | lock_X); if (m_Parent->GetYExtent() == 0.0) m_Lock = LockFlags(m_Lock | lock_Y); if (m_Parent->GetZExtent() == 0.0) m_Lock = LockFlags(m_Lock | lock_Z); // Scale the survey to a reasonable initial size. switch (m_Lock) { case lock_POINT: m_RotationOK = false; m_InitialScale = 1.0; break; case lock_YZ: m_InitialScale = Double(m_XSize) / m_Parent->GetXExtent(); break; case lock_XZ: m_InitialScale = Double(m_YSize) / m_Parent->GetYExtent(); break; case lock_XY: m_RotationOK = false; m_InitialScale = Double(m_YSize) / m_Parent->GetZExtent(); break; case lock_X: m_RotationOK = false; m_InitialScale = min(Double(m_YSize) / m_Parent->GetZExtent(), Double(m_XSize) / m_Parent->GetYExtent()); break; case lock_Y: m_RotationOK = false; m_InitialScale = min(Double(m_YSize) / m_Parent->GetZExtent(), Double(m_XSize) / m_Parent->GetXExtent()); break; default: m_InitialScale = min(Double(m_XSize) / m_Parent->GetXExtent(), Double(m_YSize) / m_Parent->GetYExtent()); } m_InitialScale *= .85; // Calculate screen coordinates and redraw. SetScaleInitial(m_InitialScale); // Apply default parameters. OnDefaults(); } void GfxCore::FirstShow() { // Update our record of the client area size and centre. GetClientSize(&m_XSize, &m_YSize); m_XCentre = m_XSize / 2; m_YCentre = m_YSize / 2; // Create the offscreen bitmap. m_OffscreenBitmap = new wxBitmap; m_OffscreenBitmap->Create(m_XSize, m_YSize); m_DrawDC.SelectObject(*m_OffscreenBitmap); m_DoneFirstShow = true; RedrawOffscreen(); } // // Recalculating methods // void GfxCore::SetScaleInitial(Double scale) { SetScale(scale); // Invalidate hit-test grid. m_HitTestGridValid = false; for (int band = 0; band < m_Bands; band++) { Point* pt = m_PlotData[band].vertices; assert(pt); int* count = m_PlotData[band].num_segs; assert(count); Point* spt = m_PlotData[band].surface_vertices; assert(spt); int* scount = m_PlotData[band].surface_num_segs; assert(scount); count--; scount--; m_Polylines[band] = 0; m_SurfacePolylines[band] = 0; Double x = 0, y = 0, z = 0; list::iterator pos = m_Parent->GetPointsNC(band); list::iterator end = m_Parent->GetPointsEndNC(band); bool first_point = true; bool last_was_move = true; bool current_polyline_is_surface = false; while (pos != end) { PointInfo* pti = *pos++; if (pti->IsLine()) { // We have a leg. assert(!first_point); // The first point must always be a move. bool changing_ug_state = (current_polyline_is_surface != pti->IsSurface()); // Record new underground/surface state. current_polyline_is_surface = pti->IsSurface(); if (changing_ug_state || last_was_move) { // Start a new polyline if we're switching // underground/surface state or if the previous point // was a move. Point** dest; if (current_polyline_is_surface) { m_SurfacePolylines[band]++; // initialise number of vertices for next polyline *(++scount) = 1; dest = &spt; } else { m_Polylines[band]++; // initialise number of vertices for next polyline *(++count) = 1; dest = &pt; } (*dest)->x = x; (*dest)->y = y; (*dest)->z = z; // Advance the relevant coordinate pointer to the next // position. (*dest)++; } // Add the leg onto the current polyline. Point** dest = &(current_polyline_is_surface ? spt : pt); (*dest)->x = x = pti->GetX(); (*dest)->y = y = pti->GetY(); (*dest)->z = z = pti->GetZ(); // Advance the relevant coordinate pointer to the next // position. (*dest)++; // Increment the relevant vertex count. if (current_polyline_is_surface) { (*scount)++; } else { (*count)++; } last_was_move = false; } else { first_point = false; last_was_move = true; // Save the current coordinates for the next time around // the loop. x = pti->GetX(); y = pti->GetY(); z = pti->GetZ(); } } if (!m_UndergroundLegs) { m_UndergroundLegs = (m_Polylines[band] > 0); } if (!m_SurfaceLegs) { m_SurfaceLegs = (m_SurfacePolylines[band] > 0); } } } void GfxCore::SetScale(Double scale) { // Fill the plot data arrays with screen coordinates, scaling the survey // to a particular absolute scale. clipping = false; if (scale < m_InitialScale / 20) { scale = m_InitialScale / 20; } else { if (scale > 1000.0) scale = 1000.0; Double max_scale = 32767.0 / MAX(m_Parent->GetXExtent(), m_Parent->GetYExtent()); if (scale > max_scale) clipping = true; } m_Params.scale = scale; } // // Repainting methods // void GfxCore::DrawBand(int num_polylines, const int *num_segs, const Point *vertices, Double m_00, Double m_01, Double m_02, Double m_20, Double m_21, Double m_22) { if (clipping) { while (num_polylines--) { double X = vertices->x + m_Params.translation.x; double Y = vertices->y + m_Params.translation.y; double Z = vertices->z + m_Params.translation.z; ++vertices; int x = int(X * m_00 + Y * m_01 + Z * m_02) + m_XCentre; int y = -int(X * m_20 + Y * m_21 + Z * m_22) + m_YCentre; #define U 1 #define D 2 #define L 4 #define R 8 int mask = 0; if (x < 0) mask = L; else if (x > m_XSize) mask = R; if (y < 0) mask |= D; else if (y > m_YSize) mask |= U; for (size_t n = *num_segs; n > 1; --n) { X = vertices->x + m_Params.translation.x; Y = vertices->y + m_Params.translation.y; Z = vertices->z + m_Params.translation.z; ++vertices; int x2 = x; int y2 = y; int mask2 = mask; x = int(X * m_00 + Y * m_01 + Z * m_02) + m_XCentre; y = -int(X * m_20 + Y * m_21 + Z * m_22) + m_YCentre; mask = 0; if (x < 0) mask = L; else if (x > m_XSize) mask = R; if (y < 0) mask |= D; else if (y > m_YSize) mask |= U; // See if whole line is above, left, right, or below // screen. if (mask & mask2) continue; //printf("(%d,%d) - (%d,%d)\n", x, y, x2, y2); int a = x, b = y; int c = x2, d = y2; // Actually need to clip line to screen... if (mask & U) { b = m_YSize; a = ((x - x2) * b + x2 * y - x * y2) / (y - y2); } else if (mask & D) { b = 0; a = (x2 * y - x * y2) / (y - y2); } //printf("(%d,%d) -\n", a, b); if (a < 0 || a > m_XSize) { if (!(mask & (L|R))) continue; if (mask & L) { a = 0; b = (x * y2 - x2 * y) / (x - x2); } else if (mask & R) { a = m_XSize; b = ((y - y2) * a + x * y2 - x2 * y) / (x - x2); } //printf("(%d,%d) -\n", a, b); if (b < 0 || b > m_YSize) continue; } if (mask2 & U) { d = m_YSize; c = ((x - x2) * d + x2 * y - x * y2) / (y - y2); } else if (mask2 & D) { d = 0; c = (x2 * y - x * y2) / (y - y2); } //printf(" - (%d,%d)\n", c, d); if (c < 0 || c > m_XSize) { if (!(mask2 & (L|R))) continue; if (mask2 & L) { c = 0; d = (x * y2 - x2 * y) / (x - x2); } else if (mask2 & R) { c = m_XSize; d = ((y - y2) * c + x * y2 - x2 * y) / (x - x2); } //printf(" - (%d,%d)\n", c, d); if (d < 0 || d > m_YSize) continue; } #undef U #undef D #undef L #undef R m_DrawDC.DrawLine(a, b, c, d); } ++num_segs; } } else { #define MAX_SEGS 64 // Longest run in all.3d is 44 segments - set dynamically? wxPoint tmp[MAX_SEGS]; while (num_polylines--) { double X = vertices->x + m_Params.translation.x; double Y = vertices->y + m_Params.translation.y; double Z = vertices->z + m_Params.translation.z; ++vertices; int x = int(X * m_00 + Y * m_01 + Z * m_02); int y = -int(X * m_20 + Y * m_21 + Z * m_22); tmp[0].x = x; tmp[0].y = y; size_t count = 1; size_t n = *num_segs; while (1) { X = vertices->x + m_Params.translation.x; Y = vertices->y + m_Params.translation.y; Z = vertices->z + m_Params.translation.z; ++vertices; x = int(X * m_00 + Y * m_01 + Z * m_02); y = -int(X * m_20 + Y * m_21 + Z * m_22); tmp[count].x = x; tmp[count].y = y; ++count; --n; if (count == MAX_SEGS || n == 1) { m_DrawDC.DrawLines(count, tmp, m_XCentre, m_YCentre); if (n == 1) break; // printf("had to split traverse with %d segs\n", *num_segs); tmp[0].x = x; tmp[0].y = y; count = 1; } } ++num_segs; } } } static wxPoint blob[10] = { wxPoint(-1, 2), wxPoint( 1, 2), wxPoint( 2, 1), wxPoint(-2, 1), wxPoint(-2, 0), wxPoint( 2, 0), wxPoint( 2, -1), wxPoint(-2, -1), wxPoint(-1, -2), wxPoint( 2, -2) // (1, -2) for any platform which draws the last dot }; static wxPoint ring[9] = { wxPoint(-1, 4), wxPoint( 1, 4), wxPoint( 4, 1), wxPoint( 4, -1), wxPoint( 1, -4), wxPoint(-1, -4), wxPoint(-4, -1), wxPoint(-4, 1), wxPoint(-1, 4) }; void GfxCore::RedrawOffscreen() { static wxPoint cross1[2] = { wxPoint(-CROSS_SIZE, -CROSS_SIZE), wxPoint(CROSS_SIZE + 1, CROSS_SIZE + 1) // remove +1 if last dot drawn }; static wxPoint cross2[2] = { wxPoint(-CROSS_SIZE, CROSS_SIZE), wxPoint(CROSS_SIZE + 1, -CROSS_SIZE - 1) // remove +/-1 if last dot }; #if 0 static int ignore = 10; // Ignore the first few redraws before averaging static double total = 0.0; static int count = 0; double t = timer.Time() * 1.0e-3; if (ignore) { --ignore; } else { total += t; count++; cout << count / total << " average fps; " << 1.0 / t << " fps (" << t << " sec)\n"; } #endif timer.Start(); // reset timer // Redraw the offscreen bitmap // Invalidate hit-test grid. m_HitTestGridValid = false; #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2,6,0) m_DrawDC.BeginDrawing(); #endif // Set the font. m_DrawDC.SetFont(m_Font); // Clear the background to black. SetColour(col_BLACK); SetColour(col_BLACK, true); m_DrawDC.DrawRectangle(0, 0, m_XSize, m_YSize); if (m_PlotData) { Double m_00 = m_RotationMatrix.get(0, 0) * m_Params.scale; Double m_01 = m_RotationMatrix.get(0, 1) * m_Params.scale; Double m_02 = m_RotationMatrix.get(0, 2) * m_Params.scale; Double m_20 = m_RotationMatrix.get(2, 0) * m_Params.scale; Double m_21 = m_RotationMatrix.get(2, 1) * m_Params.scale; Double m_22 = m_RotationMatrix.get(2, 2) * m_Params.scale; bool grid_first = (m_TiltAngle >= 0.0); if (m_Grid && grid_first) { DrawGrid(); } // Draw underground legs. if (m_Legs) { int start; int end; int inc; if (m_TiltAngle >= 0.0) { start = 0; end = m_Bands; inc = 1; } else { start = m_Bands - 1; end = -1; inc = -1; } for (int band = start; band != end; band += inc) { m_DrawDC.SetPen(m_Parent->GetPen(band)); DrawBand(m_Polylines[band], m_PlotData[band].num_segs, m_PlotData[band].vertices, m_00, m_01, m_02, m_20, m_21, m_22); } } if (m_Surface) { // Draw the surface legs. int start; int end; int inc; if (m_TiltAngle >= 0.0) { start = 0; end = m_Bands; inc = 1; } else { start = m_Bands - 1; end = -1; inc = -1; } for (int band = start; band != end; band += inc) { wxPen pen = m_SurfaceDepth ? m_Parent->GetPen(band) : m_Parent->GetSurfacePen(); if (m_SurfaceDashed) { #ifdef _WIN32 pen.SetStyle(wxDOT); #else pen.SetStyle(wxSHORT_DASH); #endif } m_DrawDC.SetPen(pen); DrawBand(m_SurfacePolylines[band], m_PlotData[band].surface_num_segs, m_PlotData[band].surface_vertices, m_00, m_01, m_02, m_20, m_21, m_22); if (m_SurfaceDashed) { pen.SetStyle(wxSOLID); } } } // Plot crosses and/or blobs. if (true || // FIXME : replace true with test for there being highlighted points... m_Crosses || m_Entrances || m_FixedPts || m_ExportedPts) { list::const_reverse_iterator pos = m_Parent->GetRevLabels(); while (pos != m_Parent->GetRevLabelsEnd()) { LabelInfo* label = *pos++; // When more than one flag is set on a point: // search results take priority over entrance highlighting // which takes priority over fixed point // highlighting, which in turn takes priority over exported // point highlighting. enum AvenColour col; enum {BLOB, CROSS} shape = BLOB; if (!((m_Surface && label->IsSurface()) || (m_Legs && label->IsUnderground()) || (!label->IsSurface() && !label->IsUnderground()))) { // if this station isn't to be displayed, skip to the next // (last case is for stns with no legs attached) continue; } if (label->IsHighLighted()) { col = col_YELLOW; } else if (m_Entrances && label->IsEntrance()) { col = col_GREEN; } else if (m_FixedPts && label->IsFixedPt()) { col = col_RED; } else if (m_ExportedPts && label->IsExportedPt()) { col = col_TURQUOISE; } else if (m_Crosses) { col = col_LIGHT_GREY; shape = CROSS; } else { continue; } Double x3 = label->GetX() + m_Params.translation.x; Double y3 = label->GetY() + m_Params.translation.y; Double z3 = label->GetZ() + m_Params.translation.z; // Calculate screen coordinates, and check if the point is // visible - this is faster, and avoids coordinate // wrap-around problems int x = (int) (x3 * m_00 + y3 * m_01 + z3 * m_02) + m_XCentre; if (x < -CROSS_SIZE || x >= m_XSize + CROSS_SIZE) continue; int y = -(int) (x3 * m_20 + y3 * m_21 + z3 * m_22) + m_YCentre; if (y < -CROSS_SIZE || y >= m_YSize + CROSS_SIZE) continue; SetColour(col); if (shape == CROSS) { m_DrawDC.DrawLines(2, cross1, x, y); m_DrawDC.DrawLines(2, cross2, x, y); } else { SetColour(col, true); m_DrawDC.DrawLines(10, blob, x, y); } } } if (m_Grid && !grid_first) DrawGrid(); // Draw station names. if (m_Names) DrawNames(); // Draw scalebar. if (m_Scalebar) DrawScalebar(); // Draw depthbar. if (m_Depthbar) DrawDepthbar(); // Draw compass or elevation/heading indicators. if ((m_Compass && m_RotationOK) || (m_Clino && m_Lock == lock_NONE)) { Draw2dIndicators(); } } #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2,6,0) m_DrawDC.EndDrawing(); #endif drawtime = timer.Time(); } void GfxCore::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent&) { // Redraw the window. // Get a graphics context. wxPaintDC dc(this); // Make sure we're initialised. if (!m_DoneFirstShow) { FirstShow(); } // Redraw the offscreen bitmap if it's out of date. if (m_RedrawOffscreen) { m_RedrawOffscreen = false; RedrawOffscreen(); } const wxRegion& region = GetUpdateRegion(); #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2,6,0) dc.BeginDrawing(); #endif // Get the areas to redraw and update them. wxRegionIterator iter(region); while (iter) { // Blit the bitmap onto the window. int x = iter.GetX(); int y = iter.GetY(); int width = iter.GetW(); int height = iter.GetH(); dc.Blit(x, y, width, height, &m_DrawDC, x, y); iter++; } if (!m_Rotating && !m_SwitchingTo) { int here_x = INT_MAX, here_y = INT_MAX; // Draw "here" and "there". if (m_here.x != DBL_MAX) { dc.SetPen(*wxWHITE_PEN); dc.SetBrush(*wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH); here_x = (int)GridXToScreen(m_here); here_y = (int)GridYToScreen(m_here); dc.DrawLines(10, blob, here_x, here_y); } if (m_there.x != DBL_MAX) { if (here_x == INT_MAX) dc.SetPen(*wxWHITE_PEN); dc.SetBrush(*wxWHITE_BRUSH); int there_x = (int)GridXToScreen(m_there); int there_y = (int)GridYToScreen(m_there); if (here_x != INT_MAX) { dc.DrawLine(here_x, here_y, there_x, there_y); } dc.DrawLines(9, ring, there_x, there_y); } } #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2,6,0) dc.EndDrawing(); #endif } Double GfxCore::GridXToScreen(Double x, Double y, Double z) { x += m_Params.translation.x; y += m_Params.translation.y; z += m_Params.translation.z; return (XToScreen(x, y, z) * m_Params.scale) + m_XCentre; } Double GfxCore::GridYToScreen(Double x, Double y, Double z) { x += m_Params.translation.x; y += m_Params.translation.y; z += m_Params.translation.z; return m_YCentre - ((ZToScreen(x, y, z) * m_Params.scale)); } void GfxCore::DrawGrid() { // Draw the grid. SetColour(col_RED); // Calculate the extent of the survey, in metres across the screen plane. Double m_across_screen = Double(m_XSize / m_Params.scale); // Calculate the length of the scale bar in metres. //--move this elsewhere Double size_snap = pow(10.0, floor(log10(0.75 * m_across_screen))); Double t = m_across_screen * 0.75 / size_snap; if (t >= 5.0) { size_snap *= 5.0; } else if (t >= 2.0) { size_snap *= 2.0; } Double grid_size = size_snap / 10.0; Double edge = grid_size * 2.0; Double grid_z = -m_Parent->GetZExtent()/2.0 - grid_size; Double left = -m_Parent->GetXExtent()/2.0 - edge; Double right = m_Parent->GetXExtent()/2.0 + edge; Double bottom = -m_Parent->GetYExtent()/2.0 - edge; Double top = m_Parent->GetYExtent()/2.0 + edge; int count_x = (int) ceil((right - left) / grid_size); int count_y = (int) ceil((top - bottom) / grid_size); Double actual_right = left + count_x*grid_size; Double actual_top = bottom + count_y*grid_size; for (int xc = 0; xc <= count_x; xc++) { Double x = left + xc*grid_size; m_DrawDC.DrawLine((int) GridXToScreen(x, bottom, grid_z), (int) GridYToScreen(x, bottom, grid_z), (int) GridXToScreen(x, actual_top, grid_z), (int) GridYToScreen(x, actual_top, grid_z)); } for (int yc = 0; yc <= count_y; yc++) { Double y = bottom + yc*grid_size; m_DrawDC.DrawLine((int) GridXToScreen(left, y, grid_z), (int) GridYToScreen(left, y, grid_z), (int) GridXToScreen(actual_right, y, grid_z), (int) GridYToScreen(actual_right, y, grid_z)); } } wxCoord GfxCore::GetClinoOffset() { return m_Compass ? CLINO_OFFSET_X : INDICATOR_OFFSET_X; } wxPoint GfxCore::CompassPtToScreen(Double x, Double y, Double z) { return wxPoint(long(-XToScreen(x, y, z)) + m_XSize - COMPASS_OFFSET_X, long(ZToScreen(x, y, z)) + m_YSize - COMPASS_OFFSET_Y); } wxPoint GfxCore::IndicatorCompassToScreenPan(int angle) { Double theta = (angle * M_PI / 180.0) + m_PanAngle; wxCoord length = (INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE - INDICATOR_MARGIN*2) / 2; wxCoord x = wxCoord(length * sin(theta)); wxCoord y = wxCoord(length * cos(theta)); return wxPoint(m_XSize - INDICATOR_OFFSET_X - INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE/2 - x, m_YSize - INDICATOR_OFFSET_Y - INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE/2 - y); } wxPoint GfxCore::IndicatorCompassToScreenElev(int angle) { Double theta = (angle * M_PI / 180.0) + m_TiltAngle + M_PI_2; wxCoord length = (INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE - INDICATOR_MARGIN*2) / 2; wxCoord x = wxCoord(length * sin(-theta)); wxCoord y = wxCoord(length * cos(-theta)); return wxPoint(m_XSize - GetClinoOffset() - INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE/2 - x, m_YSize - INDICATOR_OFFSET_Y - INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE/2 - y); } void GfxCore::DrawTick(wxCoord cx, wxCoord cy, int angle_cw) { Double theta = angle_cw * M_PI / 180.0; wxCoord length1 = (INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE - INDICATOR_MARGIN*2) / 2; wxCoord length0 = length1 + TICK_LENGTH; wxCoord x0 = wxCoord(length0 * sin(theta)); wxCoord y0 = wxCoord(length0 * -cos(theta)); wxCoord x1 = wxCoord(length1 * sin(theta)); wxCoord y1 = wxCoord(length1 * -cos(theta)); m_DrawDC.DrawLine(cx + x0, cy + y0, cx + x1, cy + y1); } void GfxCore::Draw2dIndicators() { // Draw the "traditional" elevation and compass indicators. //-- code is a bit messy... // Indicator backgrounds SetColour(col_GREY, true); SetColour(col_LIGHT_GREY_2); if (m_Compass && m_RotationOK) { m_DrawDC.DrawEllipse(m_XSize - INDICATOR_OFFSET_X - INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE + INDICATOR_MARGIN, m_YSize - INDICATOR_OFFSET_Y - INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE + INDICATOR_MARGIN, INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE - INDICATOR_MARGIN*2, INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE - INDICATOR_MARGIN*2); } if (m_Clino && m_Lock == lock_NONE) { int tilt = (int) (m_TiltAngle * 180.0 / M_PI); m_DrawDC.DrawEllipticArc(m_XSize - GetClinoOffset() - INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE + INDICATOR_MARGIN, m_YSize - INDICATOR_OFFSET_Y - INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE + INDICATOR_MARGIN, INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE - INDICATOR_MARGIN*2, INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE - INDICATOR_MARGIN*2, -180 - tilt, -tilt); // do not change the order of these two // or the code will fail on Windows m_DrawDC.DrawLine(m_XSize - GetClinoOffset() - INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE/2, m_YSize - INDICATOR_OFFSET_Y - INDICATOR_MARGIN, m_XSize - GetClinoOffset() - INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE/2, m_YSize - INDICATOR_OFFSET_Y - INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE + INDICATOR_MARGIN); m_DrawDC.DrawLine(m_XSize - GetClinoOffset() - INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE/2, m_YSize - INDICATOR_OFFSET_Y - INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE/2, m_XSize - GetClinoOffset() - INDICATOR_MARGIN, m_YSize - INDICATOR_OFFSET_Y - INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE/2); } // Ticks bool white = m_DraggingLeft && m_LastDrag == drag_COMPASS && m_MouseOutsideCompass; wxCoord pan_centre_x = m_XSize - INDICATOR_OFFSET_X - INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE/2; wxCoord centre_y = m_YSize - INDICATOR_OFFSET_Y - INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE/2; wxCoord elev_centre_x = m_XSize - GetClinoOffset() - INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE/2; if (m_Compass && m_RotationOK) { int deg_pan = (int) (m_PanAngle * 180.0 / M_PI); //--FIXME: bodge by Olly to stop wrong tick highlighting if (deg_pan) deg_pan = 360 - deg_pan; for (int angle = deg_pan; angle <= 315 + deg_pan; angle += 45) { if (deg_pan == angle) { SetColour(col_GREEN); } else { SetColour(white ? col_WHITE : col_LIGHT_GREY_2); } DrawTick(pan_centre_x, centre_y, angle); } } if (m_Clino && m_Lock == lock_NONE) { white = m_DraggingLeft && m_LastDrag == drag_ELEV && m_MouseOutsideElev; int deg_elev = (int) (m_TiltAngle * 180.0 / M_PI); for (int angle = 0; angle <= 180; angle += 90) { if (deg_elev == angle - 90) { SetColour(col_GREEN); } else { SetColour(white ? col_WHITE : col_LIGHT_GREY_2); } DrawTick(elev_centre_x, centre_y, angle); } } // Pan arrow if (m_Compass && m_RotationOK) { wxPoint p1 = IndicatorCompassToScreenPan(0); wxPoint p2 = IndicatorCompassToScreenPan(150); wxPoint p3 = IndicatorCompassToScreenPan(210); wxPoint pc(pan_centre_x, centre_y); wxPoint pts1[3] = { p2, p1, pc }; wxPoint pts2[3] = { p3, p1, pc }; SetColour(col_LIGHT_GREY); SetColour(col_INDICATOR_1, true); m_DrawDC.DrawPolygon(3, pts1); SetColour(col_INDICATOR_2, true); m_DrawDC.DrawPolygon(3, pts2); } // Elevation arrow if (m_Clino && m_Lock == lock_NONE) { wxPoint p1e = IndicatorCompassToScreenElev(0); wxPoint p2e = IndicatorCompassToScreenElev(150); wxPoint p3e = IndicatorCompassToScreenElev(210); wxPoint pce(elev_centre_x, centre_y); wxPoint pts1e[3] = { p2e, p1e, pce }; wxPoint pts2e[3] = { p3e, p1e, pce }; SetColour(col_LIGHT_GREY); SetColour(col_INDICATOR_2, true); m_DrawDC.DrawPolygon(3, pts1e); SetColour(col_INDICATOR_1, true); m_DrawDC.DrawPolygon(3, pts2e); } // Text m_DrawDC.SetTextBackground(wxColour(0, 0, 0)); m_DrawDC.SetTextForeground(TEXT_COLOUR); wxCoord w, h; wxCoord width, height; wxString str; m_DrawDC.GetTextExtent(wxString("000"), &width, &h); height = m_YSize - INDICATOR_OFFSET_Y - INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE - INDICATOR_GAP - h; if (m_Compass && m_RotationOK) { if (m_Degrees) { str = wxString::Format("%03d", int(m_PanAngle * 180.0 / M_PI)); } else { str = wxString::Format("%03d", int(m_PanAngle * 200.0 / M_PI)); } m_DrawDC.GetTextExtent(str, &w, &h); m_DrawDC.DrawText(str, pan_centre_x + width / 2 - w, height); str = wxString(msg(/*Facing*/203)); m_DrawDC.GetTextExtent(str, &w, &h); m_DrawDC.DrawText(str, pan_centre_x - w / 2, height - h); } if (m_Clino && m_Lock == lock_NONE) { int angle; if (m_Degrees) { angle = int(-m_TiltAngle * 180.0 / M_PI); } else { angle = int(-m_TiltAngle * 200.0 / M_PI); } str = angle ? wxString::Format("%+03d", angle) : wxString("00"); m_DrawDC.GetTextExtent(str, &w, &h); m_DrawDC.DrawText(str, elev_centre_x + width / 2 - w, height); str = wxString(msg(/*Elevation*/118)); m_DrawDC.GetTextExtent(str, &w, &h); m_DrawDC.DrawText(str, elev_centre_x - w / 2, height - h); } } void GfxCore::DrawNames() { // Draw station names. m_DrawDC.SetTextBackground(wxColour(0, 0, 0)); m_DrawDC.SetTextForeground(LABEL_COLOUR); if (m_OverlappingNames) { SimpleDrawNames(); } else { NattyDrawNames(); } } void GfxCore::NattyDrawNames() { // Draw station names, without overlapping. // FIXME: copied to OnSize() const int quantise(FONT_SIZE / QUANTISE_FACTOR); const int quantised_x = m_XSize / quantise; const int quantised_y = m_YSize / quantise; const size_t buffer_size = quantised_x * quantised_y; if (!m_LabelGrid) m_LabelGrid = new char[buffer_size]; memset((void*)m_LabelGrid, 0, buffer_size); list::const_iterator label = m_Parent->GetLabels(); for ( ; label != m_Parent->GetLabelsEnd(); ++label) { if (!((m_Surface && (*label)->IsSurface()) || (m_Legs && (*label)->IsUnderground()) || (!(*label)->IsSurface() && !(*label)->IsUnderground()))) { // if this station isn't to be displayed, skip to the next // (last case is for stns with no legs attached) continue; } Double x = GridXToScreen((*label)->x, (*label)->y, (*label)->z); Double y = GridYToScreen((*label)->x, (*label)->y, (*label)->z) + CROSS_SIZE - FONT_SIZE; wxString str = (*label)->GetText(); Double t = GridXToScreen(0, 0, 0); t -= floor(t / quantise) * quantise; int ix = int(x - t) / quantise; t = GridYToScreen(0, 0, 0); t -= floor(t / quantise) * quantise; int iy = int(y - t) / quantise; bool reject = true; if (ix >= 0 && ix < quantised_x && iy >= 0 && iy < quantised_y) { char * test = &m_LabelGrid[ix + iy * quantised_x]; int len = str.Length() * QUANTISE_FACTOR + 1; reject = (ix + len >= quantised_x); int i = 0; while (!reject && i++ < len) { reject = *test++; } if (!reject) { m_DrawDC.DrawText(str, (wxCoord)x, (wxCoord)y); int ymin = (iy >= 2) ? iy - 2 : iy; int ymax = (iy < quantised_y - 2) ? iy + 2 : iy; for (int y0 = ymin; y0 <= ymax; y0++) { assert((ix + y0 * quantised_x) < (quantised_x * quantised_y)); memset((void*) &m_LabelGrid[ix + y0 * quantised_x], 1, len); } } } } } void GfxCore::SimpleDrawNames() { // Draw all station names, without worrying about overlaps list::const_iterator label = m_Parent->GetLabels(); while (label != m_Parent->GetLabelsEnd()) { wxCoord x = (wxCoord)GridXToScreen((*label)->x, (*label)->y, (*label)->z); wxCoord y = (wxCoord)GridYToScreen((*label)->x, (*label)->y, (*label)->z); m_DrawDC.DrawText((*label)->GetText(), x, y + CROSS_SIZE - FONT_SIZE); ++label; } } void GfxCore::DrawDepthbar() { if (m_Parent->GetZExtent() == 0.0) return; m_DrawDC.SetTextBackground(wxColour(0, 0, 0)); m_DrawDC.SetTextForeground(TEXT_COLOUR); int y = DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_HEIGHT * (m_Bands - 1) + DEPTH_BAR_OFFSET_Y; int size = 0; wxString* strs = new wxString[m_Bands]; int band; for (band = 0; band < m_Bands; band++) { Double z = m_Parent->GetZMin() + m_Parent->GetZExtent() * band / (m_Bands - 1); strs[band] = FormatLength(z, false); int x, dummy; m_DrawDC.GetTextExtent(strs[band], &x, &dummy); if (x > size) size = x; } int x_min = m_XSize - DEPTH_BAR_OFFSET_X - DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_WIDTH - DEPTH_BAR_MARGIN - size; SetColour(col_BLACK); SetColour(col_DARK_GREY, true); m_DrawDC.DrawRectangle(x_min - DEPTH_BAR_MARGIN - DEPTH_BAR_EXTRA_LEFT_MARGIN, DEPTH_BAR_OFFSET_Y - DEPTH_BAR_MARGIN*2, DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_WIDTH + size + DEPTH_BAR_MARGIN*3 + DEPTH_BAR_EXTRA_LEFT_MARGIN, DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_HEIGHT*(m_Bands - 1) + DEPTH_BAR_MARGIN*4); for (band = 0; band < m_Bands; band++) { if (band < m_Bands - 1) { m_DrawDC.SetPen(m_Parent->GetPen(band)); m_DrawDC.SetBrush(m_Parent->GetBrush(band)); m_DrawDC.DrawRectangle(x_min, y - DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_HEIGHT, DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_WIDTH, DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_HEIGHT); } m_DrawDC.DrawText(strs[band], x_min + DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_WIDTH + 5, y - (FONT_SIZE / 2) - 1); y -= DEPTH_BAR_BLOCK_HEIGHT; } delete[] strs; } wxString GfxCore::FormatLength(Double size_snap, bool scalebar) { wxString str; bool negative = (size_snap < 0.0); if (negative) { size_snap = -size_snap; } if (size_snap == 0.0) { str = "0"; } else if (m_Metric) { #ifdef SILLY_UNITS if (size_snap < 1e-12) { str = wxString::Format("%.3gpm", size_snap * 1e12); } else if (size_snap < 1e-9) { str = wxString::Format("%.fpm", size_snap * 1e12); } else if (size_snap < 1e-6) { str = wxString::Format("%.fnm", size_snap * 1e9); } else if (size_snap < 1e-3) { str = wxString::Format("%.fum", size_snap * 1e6); #else if (size_snap < 1e-3) { str = wxString::Format("%.3gmm", size_snap * 1e3); #endif } else if (size_snap < 1e-2) { str = wxString::Format("%.fmm", size_snap * 1e3); } else if (size_snap < 1.0) { str = wxString::Format("%.fcm", size_snap * 100.0); } else if (size_snap < 1e3) { str = wxString::Format("%.fm", size_snap); #ifdef SILLY_UNITS } else if (size_snap < 1e6) { str = wxString::Format("%.fkm", size_snap * 1e-3); } else if (size_snap < 1e9) { str = wxString::Format("%.fMm", size_snap * 1e-6); } else { str = wxString::Format("%.fGm", size_snap * 1e-9); #else } else { str = wxString::Format(scalebar ? "%.fkm" : "%.2fkm", size_snap * 1e-3); #endif } } else { size_snap /= METRES_PER_FOOT; if (scalebar) { Double inches = size_snap * 12; if (inches < 1.0) { str = wxString::Format("%.3gin", inches); } else if (size_snap < 1.0) { str = wxString::Format("%.fin", inches); } else if (size_snap < 5279.5) { str = wxString::Format("%.fft", size_snap); } else { str = wxString::Format("%.f miles", size_snap / 5280.0); } } else { str = wxString::Format("%.fft", size_snap); } } return negative ? wxString("-") + str : str; } void GfxCore::DrawScalebar() { // Draw the scalebar. if (m_Lock == lock_POINT) return; // Calculate how many metres of survey are currently displayed across the // screen. int x_size = m_XSize; Double across_screen = Double(x_size / m_Params.scale); // Convert to imperial measurements if required. Double multiplier = 1.0; if (!m_Metric) { across_screen /= METRES_PER_FOOT; multiplier = METRES_PER_FOOT; if (across_screen >= 5280.0 / 0.75) { across_screen /= 5280.0; multiplier *= 5280.0; } } // Calculate the length of the scale bar. Double size_snap = pow(10.0, floor(log10(0.75 * across_screen))); Double t = across_screen * 0.75 / size_snap; if (t >= 5.0) { size_snap *= 5.0; } else if (t >= 2.0) { size_snap *= 2.0; } if (!m_Metric) size_snap *= multiplier; // Actual size of the thing in pixels: int size = int(size_snap * m_Params.scale); m_ScaleBar.width = size; // Draw it... //--FIXME: improve this int end_x = m_ScaleBar.offset_x; int height = SCALE_BAR_HEIGHT; int end_y = m_YSize - m_ScaleBar.offset_y - height; int interval = size / 10; bool solid = true; for (int ix = 0; ix < 10; ix++) { int x = end_x + int(ix * ((Double) size / 10.0)); SetColour(solid ? col_GREY : col_WHITE); SetColour(solid ? col_GREY : col_WHITE, true); m_DrawDC.DrawRectangle(x, end_y, interval + 2, height); solid = !solid; } // Add labels. wxString str = FormatLength(size_snap); m_DrawDC.SetTextBackground(wxColour(0, 0, 0)); m_DrawDC.SetTextForeground(TEXT_COLOUR); m_DrawDC.DrawText("0", end_x, end_y - FONT_SIZE - 4); int text_width, text_height; m_DrawDC.GetTextExtent(str, &text_width, &text_height); m_DrawDC.DrawText(str, end_x + size - text_width, end_y - FONT_SIZE - 4); } // // Mouse event handling methods // void GfxCore::OnLButtonDown(wxMouseEvent& event) { SetFocus(); if (m_PlotData && m_Lock != lock_POINT) { m_DraggingLeft = true; m_ScaleBar.drag_start_offset_x = m_ScaleBar.offset_x; m_ScaleBar.drag_start_offset_y = m_ScaleBar.offset_y; m_DragStart = m_DragRealStart = wxPoint(event.GetX(), event.GetY()); CaptureMouse(); } } void GfxCore::OnLButtonUp(wxMouseEvent& event) { if (m_PlotData && m_Lock != lock_POINT) { if (event.GetPosition() == m_DragRealStart) { // just a "click"... CheckHitTestGrid(m_DragStart, true); } m_LastDrag = drag_NONE; m_DraggingLeft = false; const wxRect r(m_XSize - INDICATOR_OFFSET_X - INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE*2 - INDICATOR_GAP, m_YSize - INDICATOR_OFFSET_Y - INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE, INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE*2 + INDICATOR_GAP, INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE); m_RedrawOffscreen = true; Refresh(false, &r); ReleaseMouse(); } } void GfxCore::OnMButtonDown(wxMouseEvent& event) { SetFocus(); if (m_PlotData && m_Lock == lock_NONE) { m_DraggingMiddle = true; m_DragStart = wxPoint(event.GetX(), event.GetY()); CaptureMouse(); } } void GfxCore::OnMButtonUp(wxMouseEvent&) { if (m_PlotData && m_Lock == lock_NONE) { m_DraggingMiddle = false; ReleaseMouse(); } } void GfxCore::OnRButtonDown(wxMouseEvent& event) { SetFocus(); if (m_PlotData) { m_DragStart = wxPoint(event.GetX(), event.GetY()); m_ScaleBar.drag_start_offset_x = m_ScaleBar.offset_x; m_ScaleBar.drag_start_offset_y = m_ScaleBar.offset_y; m_DraggingRight = true; CaptureMouse(); } } void GfxCore::OnRButtonUp(wxMouseEvent&) { m_DraggingRight = false; m_LastDrag = drag_NONE; ReleaseMouse(); } void GfxCore::HandleScaleRotate(bool control, wxPoint point) { // Handle a mouse movement during scale/rotate mode. int dx = point.x - m_DragStart.x; int dy = point.y - m_DragStart.y; if (m_ReverseControls) { dx = -dx; dy = -dy; } Double pan_angle = m_RotationOK ? (Double(dx) * (-M_PI / 500.0)) : 0.0; // left/right => rotate, up/down => scale TurnCave(pan_angle); if (control) { // For now... if (m_RotationOK) TiltCave(Double(-dy) * M_PI / 500.0); } else { SetScale(m_Params.scale *= pow(1.06, 0.08 * dy)); } ForceRefresh(); m_DragStart = point; } void GfxCore::TurnCave(Double angle) { // Turn the cave around its z-axis by a given angle. m_PanAngle += angle; if (m_PanAngle >= M_PI * 2.0) { m_PanAngle -= M_PI * 2.0; } else if (m_PanAngle < 0.0) { m_PanAngle += M_PI * 2.0; } m_Params.rotation.setFromEulerAngles(0.0, 0.0, m_PanAngle); Quaternion q; q.setFromEulerAngles(m_TiltAngle, 0.0, 0.0); m_Params.rotation = q * m_Params.rotation; m_RotationMatrix = m_Params.rotation.asMatrix(); } void GfxCore::TurnCaveTo(Double angle) { // Turn the cave to a particular pan angle. TurnCave(angle - m_PanAngle); } void GfxCore::TiltCave(Double tilt_angle) { // Tilt the cave by a given angle. if (m_TiltAngle + tilt_angle > M_PI_2) { tilt_angle = M_PI_2 - m_TiltAngle; } else if (m_TiltAngle + tilt_angle < -M_PI_2) { tilt_angle = -M_PI_2 - m_TiltAngle; } m_TiltAngle += tilt_angle; m_Params.rotation.setFromEulerAngles(0.0, 0.0, m_PanAngle); Quaternion q; q.setFromEulerAngles(m_TiltAngle, 0.0, 0.0); m_Params.rotation = q * m_Params.rotation; m_RotationMatrix = m_Params.rotation.asMatrix(); } void GfxCore::HandleTilt(wxPoint point) { // Handle a mouse movement during tilt mode. int dy = point.y - m_DragStart.y; if (m_ReverseControls) dy = -dy; TiltCave(Double(-dy) * M_PI / 500.0); m_DragStart = point; ForceRefresh(); } void GfxCore::HandleTranslate(wxPoint point) { // Handle a mouse movement during translation mode. int dx = point.x - m_DragStart.x; int dy = point.y - m_DragStart.y; if (m_ReverseControls) { dx = -dx; dy = -dy; } TranslateCave(dx, dy); m_DragStart = point; } void GfxCore::TranslateCave(int dx, int dy) { // Find out how far the screen movement takes us in cave coords. Double x = Double(dx / m_Params.scale); Double z = Double(-dy / m_Params.scale); Matrix4 inverse_rotation = m_Params.rotation.asInverseMatrix(); Double cx = Double(inverse_rotation.get(0, 0)*x + inverse_rotation.get(0, 2)*z); Double cy = Double(inverse_rotation.get(1, 0)*x + inverse_rotation.get(1, 2)*z); Double cz = Double(inverse_rotation.get(2, 0)*x + inverse_rotation.get(2, 2)*z); // Update parameters and redraw. m_Params.translation.x += cx; m_Params.translation.y += cy; m_Params.translation.z += cz; ForceRefresh(); } void GfxCore::CheckHitTestGrid(wxPoint& point, bool centre) { if (point.x < 0 || point.x >= m_XSize || point.y < 0 || point.y >= m_YSize) { return; } if (!m_HitTestGridValid) CreateHitTestGrid(); int grid_x = (point.x * (HITTEST_SIZE - 1)) / m_XSize; int grid_y = (point.y * (HITTEST_SIZE - 1)) / m_YSize; LabelInfo *best = NULL; int dist_sqrd = 25; int square = grid_x + grid_y * HITTEST_SIZE; list::iterator iter = m_PointGrid[square].begin(); while (iter != m_PointGrid[square].end()) { LabelInfo *pt = *iter++; int dx = point.x - (int)GridXToScreen(pt->GetX(), pt->GetY(), pt->GetZ()); int ds = dx * dx; if (ds >= dist_sqrd) continue; int dy = point.y - (int)GridYToScreen(pt->GetX(), pt->GetY(), pt->GetZ()); ds += dy * dy; if (ds >= dist_sqrd) continue; dist_sqrd = ds; best = pt; if (ds == 0) break; } if (best) { m_Parent->SetMouseOverStation(best); if (centre) { CentreOn(best->GetX(), best->GetY(), best->GetZ()); SetThere(best->GetX(), best->GetY(), best->GetZ()); m_Parent->SelectTreeItem(best); } } else { m_Parent->SetMouseOverStation(NULL); } } void GfxCore::OnMouseMove(wxMouseEvent& event) { // Mouse motion event handler. if (!m_PlotData) return; wxPoint point = wxPoint(event.GetX(), event.GetY()); // Check hit-test grid (only if no buttons are pressed). if (!event.LeftIsDown() && !event.MiddleIsDown() && !event.RightIsDown()) { CheckHitTestGrid(point, false); } // Update coordinate display if in plan view, or altitude if in elevation // view. if (m_TiltAngle == M_PI_2) { int x = event.GetX() - m_XCentre; int y = -(event.GetY() - m_YCentre); Matrix4 inverse_rotation = m_Params.rotation.asInverseMatrix(); Double cx = Double(inverse_rotation.get(0, 0)*x + inverse_rotation.get(0, 2)*y); Double cy = Double(inverse_rotation.get(1, 0)*x + inverse_rotation.get(1, 2)*y); m_Parent->SetCoords(cx / m_Params.scale - m_Params.translation.x + m_Parent->GetXOffset(), cy / m_Params.scale - m_Params.translation.y + m_Parent->GetYOffset()); } else if (m_TiltAngle == 0.0) { int z = -(event.GetY() - m_YCentre); m_Parent->SetAltitude(z / m_Params.scale - m_Params.translation.z + m_Parent->GetZOffset()); } else { m_Parent->ClearCoords(); } if (!m_SwitchingTo) { if (m_DraggingLeft) { wxCoord x0 = m_XSize - INDICATOR_OFFSET_X - INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE/2; wxCoord x1 = wxCoord(m_XSize - GetClinoOffset() - INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE/2); wxCoord y = m_YSize - INDICATOR_OFFSET_Y - INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE/2; wxCoord dx0 = point.x - x0; wxCoord dx1 = point.x - x1; wxCoord dy = point.y - y; wxCoord radius = (INDICATOR_BOX_SIZE - INDICATOR_MARGIN*2) / 2; if (m_LastDrag == drag_NONE) { if (m_Compass && dx0 * dx0 + dy * dy <= radius * radius) m_LastDrag = drag_COMPASS; else if (m_Clino && dx1 * dx1 + dy * dy <= radius * radius) m_LastDrag = drag_ELEV; else if (point.x >= m_ScaleBar.offset_x && point.x <= m_ScaleBar.offset_x + m_ScaleBar.width && point.y <= m_YSize - m_ScaleBar.offset_y && point.y >= m_YSize - m_ScaleBar.offset_y - SCALE_BAR_HEIGHT) m_LastDrag = drag_SCALE; } if (m_LastDrag == drag_COMPASS) { // drag in heading indicator double angle = atan2(double(dx0), double(dy)) - M_PI; if (dx0 * dx0 + dy * dy <= radius * radius) { TurnCaveTo(angle); m_MouseOutsideCompass = false; } else { TurnCaveTo(int(int(angle * 180.0 / M_PI) / 45) * M_PI_4); m_MouseOutsideCompass = true; } ForceRefresh(); } else if (m_LastDrag == drag_ELEV) { // drag in elevation indicator if (dx1 >= 0 && dx1 * dx1 + dy * dy <= radius * radius) { TiltCave(atan2(double(dy), double(dx1)) - m_TiltAngle); m_MouseOutsideElev = false; } else if (dy >= INDICATOR_MARGIN) { TiltCave(M_PI_2 - m_TiltAngle); m_MouseOutsideElev = true; } else if (dy <= -INDICATOR_MARGIN) { TiltCave(-M_PI_2 - m_TiltAngle); m_MouseOutsideElev = true; } else { TiltCave(-m_TiltAngle); m_MouseOutsideElev = true; } ForceRefresh(); } else if (m_LastDrag == drag_SCALE) { if (point.x >= 0 && point.x <= m_XSize) { Double size_snap = Double(m_ScaleBar.width) / m_Params.scale; int dx = point.x - m_DragLast.x; SetScale((m_ScaleBar.width + dx) / size_snap); ForceRefresh(); } } else if (m_LastDrag == drag_NONE || m_LastDrag == drag_MAIN) { m_LastDrag = drag_MAIN; HandleScaleRotate(event.ControlDown(), point); } } else if (m_DraggingMiddle) { HandleTilt(point); } else if (m_DraggingRight) { if ((m_LastDrag == drag_NONE && point.x >= m_ScaleBar.offset_x && point.x <= m_ScaleBar.offset_x + m_ScaleBar.width && point.y <= m_YSize - m_ScaleBar.offset_y && point.y >= m_YSize - m_ScaleBar.offset_y - SCALE_BAR_HEIGHT) || m_LastDrag == drag_SCALE) { if (point.x < 0) point.x = 0; if (point.y < 0) point.y = 0; if (point.x > m_XSize) point.x = m_XSize; if (point.y > m_YSize) point.y = m_YSize; m_LastDrag = drag_SCALE; int x_inside_bar = m_DragStart.x - m_ScaleBar.drag_start_offset_x; int y_inside_bar = m_YSize - m_ScaleBar.drag_start_offset_y - m_DragStart.y; m_ScaleBar.offset_x = point.x - x_inside_bar; m_ScaleBar.offset_y = (m_YSize - point.y) - y_inside_bar; ForceRefresh(); } else { m_LastDrag = drag_MAIN; HandleTranslate(point); } } } m_DragLast = point; } void GfxCore::OnSize(wxSizeEvent& event) { // Handle a change in window size. wxSize size = event.GetSize(); if (size.GetWidth() <= 0 || size.GetHeight() <= 0) { // Before things are fully initialised, we sometimes get a bogus // resize message... return; } m_XSize = size.GetWidth(); m_YSize = size.GetHeight(); m_XCentre = m_XSize / 2; m_YCentre = m_YSize / 2; if (m_InitialisePending) { Initialise(); m_InitialisePending = false; m_DoneFirstShow = true; } if (m_DoneFirstShow) { // FIXME: copied from NattyDrawNames() const int quantise(FONT_SIZE / QUANTISE_FACTOR); const int quantised_x = m_XSize / quantise; const int quantised_y = m_YSize / quantise; const size_t buffer_size = quantised_x * quantised_y; if (m_LabelGrid) delete[] m_LabelGrid; m_LabelGrid = new char[buffer_size]; CreateHitTestGrid(); #ifndef __WXMOTIF__ m_DrawDC.SelectObject(wxNullBitmap); #endif if (m_OffscreenBitmap) { delete m_OffscreenBitmap; } m_OffscreenBitmap = new wxBitmap; m_OffscreenBitmap->Create(m_XSize, m_YSize); m_DrawDC.SelectObject(*m_OffscreenBitmap); RedrawOffscreen(); Refresh(false); } } void GfxCore::OnDisplayOverlappingNames() { m_OverlappingNames = !m_OverlappingNames; ForceRefresh(); } void GfxCore::OnDisplayOverlappingNamesUpdate(wxUpdateUIEvent& cmd) { cmd.Enable(m_PlotData != NULL && m_Names); cmd.Check(m_OverlappingNames); } void GfxCore::OnShowCrosses() { m_Crosses = !m_Crosses; ForceRefresh(); } void GfxCore::OnShowCrossesUpdate(wxUpdateUIEvent& cmd) { cmd.Enable(m_PlotData != NULL); cmd.Check(m_Crosses); } void GfxCore::OnShowStationNames() { m_Names = !m_Names; ForceRefresh(); } void GfxCore::OnShowStationNamesUpdate(wxUpdateUIEvent& cmd) { cmd.Enable(m_PlotData != NULL); cmd.Check(m_Names); } void GfxCore::OnShowSurveyLegs() { m_Legs = !m_Legs; ForceRefresh(); } void GfxCore::OnShowSurveyLegsUpdate(wxUpdateUIEvent& cmd) { cmd.Enable(m_PlotData != NULL && m_Lock != lock_POINT && m_UndergroundLegs); cmd.Check(m_Legs); } void GfxCore::OnMoveEast() { TurnCaveTo(M_PI_2); ForceRefresh(); } void GfxCore::OnMoveEastUpdate(wxUpdateUIEvent& cmd) { cmd.Enable(m_PlotData != NULL && !(m_Lock & lock_Y)); } void GfxCore::OnMoveNorth() { TurnCaveTo(0.0); ForceRefresh(); } void GfxCore::OnMoveNorthUpdate(wxUpdateUIEvent& cmd) { cmd.Enable(m_PlotData != NULL && !(m_Lock & lock_X)); } void GfxCore::OnMoveSouth() { TurnCaveTo(M_PI); ForceRefresh(); } void GfxCore::OnMoveSouthUpdate(wxUpdateUIEvent& cmd) { cmd.Enable(m_PlotData != NULL && !(m_Lock & lock_X)); } void GfxCore::OnMoveWest() { TurnCaveTo(M_PI * 1.5); ForceRefresh(); } void GfxCore::OnMoveWestUpdate(wxUpdateUIEvent& cmd) { cmd.Enable(m_PlotData != NULL && !(m_Lock & lock_Y)); } void GfxCore::OnStartRotation() { m_Rotating = true; timer.Start(drawtime); } void GfxCore::OnStartRotationUpdate(wxUpdateUIEvent& cmd) { cmd.Enable(m_PlotData != NULL && !m_Rotating && m_RotationOK); } void GfxCore::OnToggleRotation() { m_Rotating = !m_Rotating; if (m_Rotating) timer.Start(drawtime); } void GfxCore::OnToggleRotationUpdate(wxUpdateUIEvent& cmd) { cmd.Enable(m_PlotData != NULL && m_RotationOK); cmd.Check(m_PlotData != NULL && m_Rotating); } void GfxCore::OnStopRotation() { m_Rotating = false; } void GfxCore::OnStopRotationUpdate(wxUpdateUIEvent& cmd) { cmd.Enable(m_PlotData != NULL && m_Rotating); } void GfxCore::OnReverseControls() { m_ReverseControls = !m_ReverseControls; } void GfxCore::OnReverseControlsUpdate(wxUpdateUIEvent& cmd) { cmd.Enable(m_PlotData != NULL); cmd.Check(m_ReverseControls); } void GfxCore::OnReverseDirectionOfRotation() { m_RotationStep = -m_RotationStep; } void GfxCore::OnReverseDirectionOfRotationUpdate(wxUpdateUIEvent& cmd) { cmd.Enable(m_PlotData != NULL && m_RotationOK); } void GfxCore::OnSlowDown(bool accel) { m_RotationStep /= accel ? 1.44 : 1.2; if (m_RotationStep < M_PI / 180.0) { m_RotationStep = (Double) M_PI / 180.0; } } void GfxCore::OnSlowDownUpdate(wxUpdateUIEvent& cmd) { cmd.Enable(m_PlotData != NULL && m_RotationOK); } void GfxCore::OnSpeedUp(bool accel) { m_RotationStep *= accel ? 1.44 : 1.2; if (m_RotationStep > 2.5 * M_PI) { m_RotationStep = (Double) 2.5 * M_PI; } } void GfxCore::OnSpeedUpUpdate(wxUpdateUIEvent& cmd) { cmd.Enable(m_PlotData != NULL && m_RotationOK); } void GfxCore::OnStepOnceAnticlockwise(bool accel) { TurnCave(accel ? 5.0 * M_PI / 18.0 : M_PI / 18.0); ForceRefresh(); } void GfxCore::OnStepOnceAnticlockwiseUpdate(wxUpdateUIEvent& cmd) { cmd.Enable(m_PlotData != NULL && m_RotationOK && !m_Rotating); } void GfxCore::OnStepOnceClockwise(bool accel) { TurnCave(accel ? 5.0 * -M_PI / 18.0 : -M_PI / 18.0); ForceRefresh(); } void GfxCore::OnStepOnceClockwiseUpdate(wxUpdateUIEvent& cmd) { cmd.Enable(m_PlotData != NULL && m_RotationOK && !m_Rotating); } void GfxCore::OnDefaults() { // If there are no legs (e.g. after loading a .pos file), turn crosses on. if (m_Parent->GetNumLegs() == 0) { m_Crosses = true; } m_PanAngle = 0.0; m_TiltAngle = M_PI_2; switch (m_Lock) { case lock_X: { // elevation looking along X axis (East) m_PanAngle = M_PI * 1.5; m_TiltAngle = 0.0; break; } case lock_Y: case lock_XY: // survey is linearface and parallel to the Z axis => display in elevation. // elevation looking along Y axis (North) m_TiltAngle = 0.0; break; case lock_Z: case lock_XZ: // linearface survey parallel to Y axis case lock_YZ: // linearface survey parallel to X axis { // flat survey (zero height range) => go into plan view (default orientation). break; } case lock_POINT: m_Crosses = true; break; case lock_NONE: break; } m_Params.rotation.setFromEulerAngles(m_TiltAngle, 0.0, m_PanAngle); m_RotationMatrix = m_Params.rotation.asMatrix(); m_Params.translation.x = 0.0; m_Params.translation.y = 0.0; m_Params.translation.z = 0.0; m_Surface = false; m_SurfaceDepth = false; m_SurfaceDashed = true; m_RotationStep = M_PI / 6.0; m_Rotating = false; m_SwitchingTo = 0; m_Entrances = false; m_FixedPts = false; m_ExportedPts = false; m_Grid = false; SetScale(m_InitialScale); ForceRefresh(); } void GfxCore::OnDefaultsUpdate(wxUpdateUIEvent& cmd) { cmd.Enable(m_PlotData != NULL); } void GfxCore::OnElevation() { // Switch to elevation view. switch (m_SwitchingTo) { case 0: timer.Start(drawtime); m_SwitchingTo = ELEVATION; break; case PLAN: m_SwitchingTo = ELEVATION; break; case ELEVATION: // A second order to switch takes us there right away TiltCave(-m_TiltAngle); m_SwitchingTo = 0; ForceRefresh(); } } void GfxCore::OnElevationUpdate(wxUpdateUIEvent& cmd) { cmd.Enable(m_PlotData != NULL && m_Lock == lock_NONE && m_TiltAngle != 0.0); } void GfxCore::OnHigherViewpoint(bool accel) { // Raise the viewpoint. TiltCave(accel ? 5.0 * M_PI / 18.0 : M_PI / 18.0); ForceRefresh(); } void GfxCore::OnHigherViewpointUpdate(wxUpdateUIEvent& cmd) { cmd.Enable(m_PlotData != NULL && m_TiltAngle < M_PI_2 && m_Lock == lock_NONE); } void GfxCore::OnLowerViewpoint(bool accel) { // Lower the viewpoint. TiltCave(accel ? 5.0 * -M_PI / 18.0 : -M_PI / 18.0); ForceRefresh(); } void GfxCore::OnLowerViewpointUpdate(wxUpdateUIEvent& cmd) { cmd.Enable(m_PlotData != NULL && m_TiltAngle > -M_PI_2 && m_Lock == lock_NONE); } void GfxCore::OnPlan() { // Switch to plan view. switch (m_SwitchingTo) { case 0: timer.Start(drawtime); m_SwitchingTo = PLAN; break; case ELEVATION: m_SwitchingTo = PLAN; break; case PLAN: // A second order to switch takes us there right away TiltCave(M_PI_2 - m_TiltAngle); m_SwitchingTo = 0; ForceRefresh(); } } void GfxCore::OnPlanUpdate(wxUpdateUIEvent& cmd) { cmd.Enable(m_PlotData != NULL && m_Lock == lock_NONE && m_TiltAngle != M_PI_2); } void GfxCore::OnShiftDisplayDown(bool accel) { TranslateCave(0, accel ? 5 * DISPLAY_SHIFT : DISPLAY_SHIFT); } void GfxCore::OnShiftDisplayDownUpdate(wxUpdateUIEvent& cmd) { cmd.Enable(m_PlotData != NULL); } void GfxCore::OnShiftDisplayLeft(bool accel) { TranslateCave(accel ? -5 * DISPLAY_SHIFT : -DISPLAY_SHIFT, 0); } void GfxCore::OnShiftDisplayLeftUpdate(wxUpdateUIEvent& cmd) { cmd.Enable(m_PlotData != NULL); } void GfxCore::OnShiftDisplayRight(bool accel) { TranslateCave(accel ? 5 * DISPLAY_SHIFT : DISPLAY_SHIFT, 0); } void GfxCore::OnShiftDisplayRightUpdate(wxUpdateUIEvent& cmd) { cmd.Enable(m_PlotData != NULL); } void GfxCore::OnShiftDisplayUp(bool accel) { TranslateCave(0, accel ? -5 * DISPLAY_SHIFT : -DISPLAY_SHIFT); } void GfxCore::OnShiftDisplayUpUpdate(wxUpdateUIEvent& cmd) { cmd.Enable(m_PlotData != NULL); } void GfxCore::OnZoomIn(bool accel) { // Increase the scale. SetScale(m_Params.scale * (accel ? 1.1236 : 1.06)); ForceRefresh(); } void GfxCore::OnZoomInUpdate(wxUpdateUIEvent& cmd) { cmd.Enable(m_PlotData != NULL && m_Lock != lock_POINT); } void GfxCore::OnZoomOut(bool accel) { // Decrease the scale. SetScale(m_Params.scale / (accel ? 1.1236 : 1.06)); ForceRefresh(); } void GfxCore::OnZoomOutUpdate(wxUpdateUIEvent& cmd) { cmd.Enable(m_PlotData != NULL && m_Lock != lock_POINT); } void GfxCore::OnIdle(wxIdleEvent& event) { // Handle an idle event. if (Animate()) ForceRefresh(); } // return: true if animation occured (and ForceRefresh() needs to be called) bool GfxCore::Animate() { if (!m_Rotating && !m_SwitchingTo) { return false; } static double last_t = 0; double t = timer.Time() * 1.0e-3; // cout << 1.0 / t << " fps (i.e. " << t << " sec)\n"; if (t == 0) t = 0.001; else if (t > 1.0) t = 1.0; if (last_t > 0) t = (t + last_t) / 2; last_t = t; // When rotating... if (m_Rotating) { TurnCave(m_RotationStep * t); } if (m_SwitchingTo == PLAN) { // When switching to plan view... TiltCave(M_PI_2 * t); if (m_TiltAngle == M_PI_2) m_SwitchingTo = 0; } else if (m_SwitchingTo == ELEVATION) { // When switching to elevation view... if (fabs(m_TiltAngle) < M_PI_2 * t) { TiltCave(-m_TiltAngle); m_SwitchingTo = 0; } else if (m_TiltAngle < 0.0) { TiltCave(M_PI_2 * t); } else { TiltCave(-M_PI_2 * t); } } return true; } void GfxCore::OnToggleScalebar() { m_Scalebar = !m_Scalebar; ForceRefresh(); } void GfxCore::OnToggleScalebarUpdate(wxUpdateUIEvent& cmd) { cmd.Enable(m_PlotData != NULL && m_Lock != lock_POINT); cmd.Check(m_Scalebar); } void GfxCore::OnToggleDepthbar() { m_Depthbar = !m_Depthbar; ForceRefresh(); } void GfxCore::OnToggleDepthbarUpdate(wxUpdateUIEvent& cmd) { cmd.Enable(m_PlotData != NULL && !(m_Lock && lock_Z)); cmd.Check(m_Depthbar); } void GfxCore::OnViewCompass() { m_Compass = !m_Compass; ForceRefresh(); } void GfxCore::OnViewCompassUpdate(wxUpdateUIEvent& cmd) { cmd.Enable(m_PlotData != NULL && m_RotationOK); cmd.Check(m_Compass); } void GfxCore::OnViewClino() { m_Clino = !m_Clino; ForceRefresh(); } void GfxCore::OnViewClinoUpdate(wxUpdateUIEvent& cmd) { cmd.Enable(m_PlotData != NULL && m_Lock == lock_NONE); cmd.Check(m_Clino); } void GfxCore::OnShowSurface() { m_Surface = !m_Surface; ForceRefresh(); } void GfxCore::OnShowSurfaceDepth() { m_SurfaceDepth = !m_SurfaceDepth; ForceRefresh(); } void GfxCore::OnShowSurfaceDashed() { m_SurfaceDashed = !m_SurfaceDashed; ForceRefresh(); } void GfxCore::OnShowSurfaceUpdate(wxUpdateUIEvent& cmd) { cmd.Enable(m_PlotData && m_SurfaceLegs); cmd.Check(m_Surface); } void GfxCore::OnShowSurfaceDepthUpdate(wxUpdateUIEvent& cmd) { cmd.Enable(m_PlotData && m_Surface); cmd.Check(m_SurfaceDepth); } void GfxCore::OnShowSurfaceDashedUpdate(wxUpdateUIEvent& cmd) { cmd.Enable(m_PlotData && m_SurfaceLegs && m_Surface); cmd.Check(m_SurfaceDashed); } void GfxCore::OnShowEntrances() { m_Entrances = !m_Entrances; ForceRefresh(); } void GfxCore::OnShowEntrancesUpdate(wxUpdateUIEvent& cmd) { cmd.Enable(m_PlotData && (m_Parent->GetNumEntrances() > 0)); cmd.Check(m_Entrances); } void GfxCore::OnShowFixedPts() { m_FixedPts = !m_FixedPts; ForceRefresh(); } void GfxCore::OnShowFixedPtsUpdate(wxUpdateUIEvent& cmd) { cmd.Enable(m_PlotData && (m_Parent->GetNumFixedPts() > 0)); cmd.Check(m_FixedPts); } void GfxCore::OnShowExportedPts() { m_ExportedPts = !m_ExportedPts; ForceRefresh(); } void GfxCore::OnShowExportedPtsUpdate(wxUpdateUIEvent& cmd) { cmd.Enable(m_PlotData && (m_Parent->GetNumExportedPts() > 0)); cmd.Check(m_ExportedPts); } void GfxCore::OnViewGrid() { m_Grid = !m_Grid; ForceRefresh(); } void GfxCore::OnViewGridUpdate(wxUpdateUIEvent& cmd) { cmd.Enable(m_PlotData); cmd.Check(m_Grid); } void GfxCore::OnIndicatorsUpdate(wxUpdateUIEvent& cmd) { cmd.Enable(m_PlotData); } void GfxCore::OnToggleMetric() { m_Metric = !m_Metric; wxConfigBase::Get()->Write("metric", m_Metric); wxConfigBase::Get()->Flush(); ForceRefresh(); } void GfxCore::OnToggleMetricUpdate(wxUpdateUIEvent& cmd) { cmd.Enable(m_PlotData); cmd.Check(m_Metric); } void GfxCore::OnToggleDegrees() { m_Degrees = !m_Degrees; wxConfigBase::Get()->Write("degrees", m_Degrees); wxConfigBase::Get()->Flush(); ForceRefresh(); } void GfxCore::OnToggleDegreesUpdate(wxUpdateUIEvent& cmd) { cmd.Enable(m_PlotData); cmd.Check(m_Degrees); } void GfxCore::CentreOn(Double x, Double y, Double z) { m_Params.translation.x = -x; m_Params.translation.y = -y; m_Params.translation.z = -z; ForceRefresh(); } void GfxCore::ForceRefresh() { // Redraw the offscreen bitmap m_RedrawOffscreen = true; Refresh(false); } // How much to allow around the box - this is because of the ring shape // at one end of the line. #define MARGIN (HIGHLIGHTED_PT_SIZE * 2 + 1) void GfxCore::RefreshLine(const Point &a, const Point &b, const Point &c) { // Calculate the minimum rectangle which includes the old and new // measuring lines to minimise the redraw time int l = INT_MAX, r = INT_MIN, u = INT_MIN, d = INT_MAX; if (a.x != DBL_MAX) { int x = (int)GridXToScreen(a); int y = (int)GridYToScreen(a); l = x - MARGIN; r = x + MARGIN; u = y + MARGIN; d = y - MARGIN; } if (b.x != DBL_MAX) { int x = (int)GridXToScreen(b); int y = (int)GridYToScreen(b); l = min(l, x - MARGIN); r = max(r, x + MARGIN); u = max(u, y + MARGIN); d = min(d, y - MARGIN); } if (c.x != DBL_MAX) { int x = (int)GridXToScreen(c); int y = (int)GridYToScreen(c); l = min(l, x - MARGIN); r = max(r, x + MARGIN); u = max(u, y + MARGIN); d = min(d, y - MARGIN); } const wxRect R(l, d, r - l, u - d); Refresh(false, &R); } void GfxCore::SetHere() { if (m_here.x == DBL_MAX) return; Point old = m_here; m_here.x = DBL_MAX; RefreshLine(old, m_there, m_here); } void GfxCore::SetHere(Double x, Double y, Double z) { Point old = m_here; m_here.x = x; m_here.y = y; m_here.z = z; RefreshLine(old, m_there, m_here); } void GfxCore::SetThere() { if (m_there.x == DBL_MAX) return; Point old = m_there; m_there.x = DBL_MAX; RefreshLine(m_here, old, m_there); } void GfxCore::SetThere(Double x, Double y, Double z) { Point old = m_there; m_there.x = x; m_there.y = y; m_there.z = z; RefreshLine(m_here, old, m_there); } void GfxCore::OnCancelDistLine() { m_Parent->ClearTreeSelection(); } void GfxCore::OnCancelDistLineUpdate(wxUpdateUIEvent& cmd) { cmd.Enable(m_there.x != DBL_MAX); } void GfxCore::CreateHitTestGrid() { // Clear hit-test grid. for (int i = 0; i < HITTEST_SIZE * HITTEST_SIZE; i++) { m_PointGrid[i].clear(); } // Fill the grid. list::const_iterator pos = m_Parent->GetLabels(); list::const_iterator end = m_Parent->GetLabelsEnd(); while (pos != end) { LabelInfo *label = *pos++; if (!((m_Surface && label->IsSurface()) || (m_Legs && label->IsUnderground()) || (!label->IsSurface() && !label->IsUnderground()))) { // if this station isn't to be displayed, skip to the next // (last case is for stns with no legs attached) continue; } // Calculate screen coordinates. int cx = (int)GridXToScreen(label->GetX(), label->GetY(), label->GetZ()); if (cx < 0 || cx >= m_XSize) continue; int cy = (int)GridYToScreen(label->GetX(), label->GetY(), label->GetZ()); if (cy < 0 || cy >= m_YSize) continue; // On-screen, so add to hit-test grid... int grid_x = (cx * (HITTEST_SIZE - 1)) / m_XSize; int grid_y = (cy * (HITTEST_SIZE - 1)) / m_YSize; m_PointGrid[grid_x + grid_y * HITTEST_SIZE].push_back(label); } m_HitTestGridValid = true; } void GfxCore::OnKeyPress(wxKeyEvent &e) { if (!m_PlotData) { e.Skip(); return; } m_RedrawOffscreen = Animate(); switch (e.m_keyCode) { case '/': case '?': if (m_TiltAngle > -M_PI_2 && m_Lock == lock_NONE) OnLowerViewpoint(e.m_shiftDown); break; case '\'': case '@': case '"': // both shifted forms - US and UK kbd if (m_TiltAngle < M_PI_2 && m_Lock == lock_NONE) OnHigherViewpoint(e.m_shiftDown); break; case 'C': case 'c': if (m_RotationOK && !m_Rotating) OnStepOnceAnticlockwise(e.m_shiftDown); break; case 'V': case 'v': if (m_RotationOK && !m_Rotating) OnStepOnceClockwise(e.m_shiftDown); break; case ']': case '}': if (m_Lock != lock_POINT) OnZoomIn(e.m_shiftDown); break; case '[': case '{': if (m_Lock != lock_POINT) OnZoomOut(e.m_shiftDown); break; case 'N': case 'n': if (!(m_Lock & lock_X)) OnMoveNorth(); break; case 'S': case 's': if (!(m_Lock & lock_X)) OnMoveSouth(); break; case 'E': case 'e': if (!(m_Lock & lock_Y)) OnMoveEast(); break; case 'W': case 'w': if (!(m_Lock & lock_Y)) OnMoveWest(); break; case 'Z': case 'z': if (m_RotationOK) OnSpeedUp(e.m_shiftDown); break; case 'X': case 'x': if (m_RotationOK) OnSlowDown(e.m_shiftDown); break; case 'R': case 'r': if (m_RotationOK) OnReverseDirectionOfRotation(); break; case 'P': case 'p': if (m_Lock == lock_NONE && m_TiltAngle != M_PI_2) OnPlan(); break; case 'L': case 'l': if (m_Lock == lock_NONE && m_TiltAngle != 0.0) OnElevation(); break; case 'O': case 'o': OnDisplayOverlappingNames(); break; case WXK_DELETE: OnDefaults(); break; case WXK_RETURN: if (m_RotationOK && !m_Rotating) OnStartRotation(); break; case WXK_SPACE: if (m_Rotating) OnStopRotation(); break; case WXK_LEFT: if (e.m_controlDown) { if (m_RotationOK && !m_Rotating) OnStepOnceAnticlockwise(e.m_shiftDown); } else { OnShiftDisplayLeft(e.m_shiftDown); } break; case WXK_RIGHT: if (e.m_controlDown) { if (m_RotationOK && !m_Rotating) OnStepOnceClockwise(e.m_shiftDown); } else { OnShiftDisplayRight(e.m_shiftDown); } break; case WXK_UP: if (e.m_controlDown) { if (m_TiltAngle < M_PI_2 && m_Lock == lock_NONE) OnHigherViewpoint(e.m_shiftDown); } else { OnShiftDisplayUp(e.m_shiftDown); } break; case WXK_DOWN: if (e.m_controlDown) { if (m_TiltAngle > -M_PI_2 && m_Lock == lock_NONE) OnLowerViewpoint(e.m_shiftDown); } else { OnShiftDisplayDown(e.m_shiftDown); } break; case WXK_ESCAPE: if (m_there.x != DBL_MAX) OnCancelDistLine(); break; default: e.Skip(); } // OnPaint clears m_RedrawOffscreen so it'll only still be set if we need // to redraw if (m_RedrawOffscreen) ForceRefresh(); } void GfxCore::OnPrint(const wxString &filename, const wxString &title, const wxString &datestamp) { svxPrintDlg * p; p = new svxPrintDlg(m_Parent, filename, title, datestamp, deg(m_PanAngle), deg(m_TiltAngle), m_Names, m_Crosses, m_Legs, m_Surface); p->Show(TRUE); } bool GfxCore::OnExport(const wxString &filename, const wxString &title) { return Export(filename, title, m_Parent, m_PanAngle, m_TiltAngle, m_Names, m_Crosses, m_Legs, m_Surface); }