/* cavernlog.cc * Run cavern inside an Aven window * * Copyright (C) 2005,2006,2010,2011,2012,2014,2015,2016 Olly Betts * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include "aven.h" #include "cavernlog.h" #include "filename.h" #include "mainfrm.h" #include "message.h" #include #include #include // For select(): #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include enum { LOG_REPROCESS = 1234, LOG_SAVE = 1235 }; static const wxString badutf8_html( wxT("")); static const wxString badutf8(wxUniChar(0xfffd)); // New event type for passing a chunk of cavern output from the worker thread // to the main thread (or from the idle event handler if we're not using // threads). class CavernOutputEvent; wxDEFINE_EVENT(wxEVT_CAVERN_OUTPUT, CavernOutputEvent); class CavernOutputEvent : public wxEvent { public: char buf[1000]; int len; CavernOutputEvent() : wxEvent(0, wxEVT_CAVERN_OUTPUT), len(0) { } wxEvent * Clone() const { CavernOutputEvent * e = new CavernOutputEvent(); e->len = len; if (len > 0) memcpy(e->buf, buf, len); return e; } }; #ifdef CAVERNLOG_USE_THREADS class CavernThread : public wxThread { protected: virtual ExitCode Entry(); CavernLogWindow *handler; wxInputStream * in; public: CavernThread(CavernLogWindow *handler_, wxInputStream * in_) : wxThread(wxTHREAD_DETACHED), handler(handler_), in(in_) { } ~CavernThread() { wxCriticalSectionLocker enter(handler->thread_lock); handler->thread = NULL; } }; wxThread::ExitCode CavernThread::Entry() { while (true) { CavernOutputEvent * e = new CavernOutputEvent(); in->Read(e->buf, sizeof(e->buf)); size_t n = in->LastRead(); if (n == 0 || TestDestroy()) { delete e; return (wxThread::ExitCode)0; } if (n == 1 && e->buf[0] == '\n') { // Don't send an event with just a blank line in. in->Read(e->buf + 1, sizeof(e->buf) - 1); n += in->LastRead(); if (TestDestroy()) { delete e; return (wxThread::ExitCode)0; } } e->len = n; handler->QueueEvent(e); } } #else void CavernLogWindow::OnIdle(wxIdleEvent& event) { if (cavern_out == NULL) return; wxInputStream * in = cavern_out->GetInputStream(); if (!in->CanRead()) { // Avoid a tight busy-loop on idle events. wxMilliSleep(10); } if (in->CanRead()) { CavernOutputEvent * e = new CavernOutputEvent(); in->Read(e->buf, sizeof(e->buf)); size_t n = in->LastRead(); if (n == 0) { delete e; return; } e->len = n; QueueEvent(e); } event.RequestMore(); } #endif BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(CavernLogWindow, wxHtmlWindow) EVT_BUTTON(LOG_REPROCESS, CavernLogWindow::OnReprocess) EVT_BUTTON(LOG_SAVE, CavernLogWindow::OnSave) EVT_BUTTON(wxID_OK, CavernLogWindow::OnOK) EVT_COMMAND(wxID_ANY, wxEVT_CAVERN_OUTPUT, CavernLogWindow::OnCavernOutput) #ifdef CAVERNLOG_USE_THREADS EVT_CLOSE(CavernLogWindow::OnClose) #else EVT_IDLE(CavernLogWindow::OnIdle) #endif EVT_END_PROCESS(wxID_ANY, CavernLogWindow::OnEndProcess) END_EVENT_TABLE() wxString escape_for_shell(wxString s, bool protect_dash) { #ifdef __WXMSW__ // Correct quoting rules are insane: // // http://blogs.msdn.com/b/twistylittlepassagesallalike/archive/2011/04/23/everyone-quotes-arguments-the-wrong-way.aspx // // Thankfully wxExecute passes the command string to CreateProcess(), so // at least we don't need to quote for cmd.exe too. if (s.empty() || s.find_first_of(wxT(" \"\t\n\v")) != s.npos) { // Need to quote. s.insert(0, wxT('"')); for (size_t p = 1; p < s.size(); ++p) { size_t backslashes = 0; while (s[p] == wxT('\\')) { ++backslashes; if (++p == s.size()) { // Escape all the backslashes, since they're before // the closing quote we add below. s.append(backslashes, wxT('\\')); goto done; } } if (s[p] == wxT('"')) { // Escape any preceding backslashes and this quote. s.insert(p, backslashes + 1, wxT('\\')); p += backslashes + 1; } } done: s.append(wxT('"')); } #else size_t p = 0; if (protect_dash && !s.empty() && s[0u] == '-') { // If the filename starts with a '-', protect it from being // treated as an option by prepending "./". s.insert(0, wxT("./")); p = 2; } while (p < s.size()) { // Exclude a few safe characters which are common in filenames if (!isalnum(s[p]) && strchr("/._-", s[p]) == NULL) { s.insert(p, 1, wxT('\\')); ++p; } ++p; } #endif return s; } wxString get_command_path(const wxChar * command_name) { #ifdef __WXMSW__ wxString cmd; { DWORD len = 256; wchar_t *buf = NULL; while (1) { DWORD got; buf = (wchar_t*)osrealloc(buf, len * 2); got = GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, buf, len); if (got < len) break; len += len; } /* Strange Win32 nastiness - strip prefix "\\?\" if present */ wchar_t *start = buf; if (wcsncmp(start, L"\\\\?\\", 4) == 0) start += 4; wchar_t * slash = wcsrchr(start, L'\\'); if (slash) { cmd.assign(start, slash - start + 1); } osfree(buf); } #else wxString cmd = wxString(msg_exepth(), wxConvUTF8); #endif cmd += command_name; return cmd; } CavernLogWindow::CavernLogWindow(MainFrm * mainfrm_, const wxString & survey_, wxWindow * parent) : wxHtmlWindow(parent, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxHW_DEFAULT_STYLE|wxHW_NO_SELECTION), mainfrm(mainfrm_), cavern_out(NULL), link_count(0), end(buf), init_done(false), survey(survey_) #ifdef CAVERNLOG_USE_THREADS , thread(NULL) #endif { int fsize = parent->GetFont().GetPointSize(); int sizes[7] = { fsize, fsize, fsize, fsize, fsize, fsize, fsize }; SetFonts(wxString(), wxString(), sizes); } CavernLogWindow::~CavernLogWindow() { #ifdef CAVERNLOG_USE_THREADS if (thread) stop_thread(); #endif if (cavern_out) { wxEndBusyCursor(); cavern_out->Detach(); } } #ifdef CAVERNLOG_USE_THREADS void CavernLogWindow::stop_thread() { // Killing the subprocess by its pid is theoretically racy, but in practice // it's not going to cause issues, and it's all the wxProcess API seems to // allow us to do. If we don't kill the subprocess, we need to wait for it // to write out some output - there seems to be no way to do the equivalent // of select() with a timeout on a a wxInputStream. // // The only alternative to this seems to be to do: // // while (!s.CanRead()) { // if (TestDestroy()) return (wxThread::ExitCode)0; // wxMilliSleep(N); // } // // But that makes the log window update sluggishly, and we're using a // worker thread precisely to try to avoid having to do dumb stuff like // this. wxProcess::Kill(cavern_out->GetPid()); { wxCriticalSectionLocker enter(thread_lock); if (thread) { wxThreadError res; #if wxCHECK_VERSION(2,9,2) res = thread->Delete(NULL, wxTHREAD_WAIT_BLOCK); #else res = thread->Delete(); #endif if (res != wxTHREAD_NO_ERROR) { // FIXME } } } // Wait for thread to complete. while (true) { { wxCriticalSectionLocker enter(thread_lock); if (!thread) break; } wxMilliSleep(1); } } void CavernLogWindow::OnClose(wxCloseEvent &) { if (thread) stop_thread(); Destroy(); } #endif void CavernLogWindow::OnLinkClicked(const wxHtmlLinkInfo &link) { wxString href = link.GetHref(); wxString title = link.GetTarget(); size_t colon2 = href.rfind(wxT(':')); if (colon2 == wxString::npos) return; size_t colon = href.rfind(wxT(':'), colon2 - 1); if (colon == wxString::npos) return; #ifdef __WXMSW__ wxString cmd = wxT("notepad $f"); #elif defined __WXMAC__ wxString cmd = wxT("open -t $f"); #else wxString cmd = wxT("x-terminal-emulator -e vim +'call cursor($l,$c)' $f"); // wxString cmd = wxT("gedit -b $f +$l:$c $f"); // wxString cmd = wxT("x-terminal-emulator -e emacs +$l $f"); // wxString cmd = wxT("x-terminal-emulator -e nano +$l $f"); // wxString cmd = wxT("x-terminal-emulator -e jed -g $l $f"); #endif wxChar * p = wxGetenv(wxT("SURVEXEDITOR")); if (p) { cmd = p; if (!cmd.find(wxT("$f"))) { cmd += wxT(" $f"); } } size_t i = 0; while ((i = cmd.find(wxT('$'), i)) != wxString::npos) { if (++i >= cmd.size()) break; switch ((int)cmd[i]) { case wxT('$'): cmd.erase(i, 1); break; case wxT('f'): { wxString f = escape_for_shell(href.substr(0, colon), true); cmd.replace(i - 1, 2, f); i += f.size() - 1; break; } case wxT('t'): { wxString t = escape_for_shell(title); cmd.replace(i - 1, 2, t); i += t.size() - 1; break; } case wxT('l'): { wxString l = escape_for_shell(href.substr(colon + 1, colon2 - colon - 1)); cmd.replace(i - 1, 2, l); i += l.size() - 1; break; } case wxT('c'): { wxString l; if (colon2 >= href.size() - 1) l = wxT("0"); else l = escape_for_shell(href.substr(colon2 + 1)); cmd.replace(i - 1, 2, l); i += l.size() - 1; break; } default: ++i; } } if (wxExecute(cmd, wxEXEC_ASYNC|wxEXEC_MAKE_GROUP_LEADER) >= 0) return; wxString m; // TRANSLATORS: %s is replaced by the command we attempted to run. m.Printf(wmsg(/*Couldn’t run external command: “%s”*/17), cmd.c_str()); m += wxT(" ("); m += wxString(strerror(errno), wxConvUTF8); m += wxT(')'); wxGetApp().ReportError(m); } void CavernLogWindow::process(const wxString &file) { SetPage(wxString()); #ifdef CAVERNLOG_USE_THREADS if (thread) stop_thread(); #endif if (cavern_out) { cavern_out->Detach(); cavern_out = NULL; } else { wxBeginBusyCursor(); } SetFocus(); filename = file; link_count = 0; cur.resize(0); log_txt.resize(0); #ifdef __WXMSW__ SetEnvironmentVariable(wxT("SURVEX_UTF8"), wxT("1")); #else setenv("SURVEX_UTF8", "1", 1); #endif wxString escaped_file = escape_for_shell(file, true); wxString cmd = get_command_path(L"cavern"); cmd = escape_for_shell(cmd, false); cmd += wxT(" -o "); cmd += escaped_file; cmd += wxT(' '); cmd += escaped_file; cavern_out = wxProcess::Open(cmd); if (!cavern_out) { wxString m; m.Printf(wmsg(/*Couldn’t run external command: “%s”*/17), cmd.c_str()); m += wxT(" ("); m += wxString(strerror(errno), wxConvUTF8); m += wxT(')'); wxGetApp().ReportError(m); return; } // We want to receive the wxProcessEvent when cavern exits. cavern_out->SetNextHandler(this); #ifdef CAVERNLOG_USE_THREADS thread = new CavernThread(this, cavern_out->GetInputStream()); if (thread->Run() != wxTHREAD_NO_ERROR) { wxGetApp().ReportError(wxT("Thread failed to start")); delete thread; thread = NULL; } #endif } void CavernLogWindow::OnCavernOutput(wxCommandEvent & e_) { CavernOutputEvent & e = (CavernOutputEvent&)e_; if (e.len > 0) { ssize_t n = e.len; if (size_t(n) > sizeof(buf) - (end - buf)) abort(); memcpy(end, e.buf, n); log_txt.append((const char *)end, n); end += n; const unsigned char * p = buf; while (p != end) { int ch = *p++; if (ch >= 0x80) { // Decode multi-byte UTF-8 sequence. if (ch < 0xc0) { // Invalid UTF-8 sequence. goto bad_utf8; } else if (ch < 0xe0) { /* 2 byte sequence */ if (p == end) { // Incomplete UTF-8 sequence - try to read more. break; } int ch1 = *p++; if ((ch1 & 0xc0) != 0x80) { // Invalid UTF-8 sequence. goto bad_utf8; } ch = ((ch & 0x1f) << 6) | (ch1 & 0x3f); } else if (ch < 0xf0) { /* 3 byte sequence */ if (end - p <= 1) { // Incomplete UTF-8 sequence - try to read more. break; } int ch1 = *p++; ch = ((ch & 0x1f) << 12) | ((ch1 & 0x3f) << 6); if ((ch1 & 0xc0) != 0x80) { // Invalid UTF-8 sequence. goto bad_utf8; } int ch2 = *p++; if ((ch2 & 0xc0) != 0x80) { // Invalid UTF-8 sequence. goto bad_utf8; } ch |= (ch2 & 0x3f); } else { // Overlong UTF-8 sequence. goto bad_utf8; } } if (false) { bad_utf8: // Resync to next byte which starts a UTF-8 sequence. while (p != end) { if (*p < 0x80 || (*p >= 0xc0 && *p < 0xf0)) break; ++p; } cur += badutf8_html; continue; } switch (ch) { case '\r': // Ignore. break; case '\n': { if (cur.empty()) continue; #ifndef __WXMSW__ size_t colon = cur.find(':'); #else // If the path is "C:\path\to\file.svx" then don't split at the // : after the drive letter! FIXME: better to look for ": "? size_t colon = cur.find(':', 2); #endif if (colon != wxString::npos && colon < cur.size() - 2) { ++colon; size_t i = colon; while (i < cur.size() - 2 && cur[i] >= wxT('0') && cur[i] <= wxT('9')) { ++i; } if (i > colon && cur[i] == wxT(':') ) { colon = i; // Check for column number. while (++i < cur.size() - 2 && cur[i] >= wxT('0') && cur[i] <= wxT('9')) { } bool have_column = (i > colon + 1 && cur[i] == wxT(':')); if (have_column) { colon = i; } else { // If there's no colon, include a trailing ':' // so that we can unambiguously split the href // value up into filename, line and column. ++colon; } wxString tag = wxT(""); cur.insert(0, tag); size_t offset = colon + tag.size(); cur.insert(offset, wxT("")); offset += 4 + 2; if (!have_column) --offset; static const wxString & error_marker = wmsg(/*error*/93) + ":"; static const wxString & warning_marker = wmsg(/*warning*/4) + ":"; if (cur.substr(offset, error_marker.size()) == error_marker) { // Show "error" marker in red. cur.insert(offset, wxT("")); offset += 24 + error_marker.size() - 1; cur.insert(offset, wxT("")); } else if (cur.substr(offset, warning_marker.size()) == warning_marker) { // Show "warning" marker in orange. cur.insert(offset, wxT("")); offset += 27 + warning_marker.size() - 1; cur.insert(offset, wxT("")); } ++link_count; } } // Save the scrollbar positions. int scroll_x = 0, scroll_y = 0; GetViewStart(&scroll_x, &scroll_y); cur += wxT("
\n"); AppendToPage(cur); if (!link_count) { // Auto-scroll the window until we've reported a // warning or error. int x, y; GetVirtualSize(&x, &y); int xs, ys; GetClientSize(&xs, &ys); y -= ys; int xu, yu; GetScrollPixelsPerUnit(&xu, &yu); Scroll(scroll_x, y / yu); } else { // Restore the scrollbar positions. Scroll(scroll_x, scroll_y); } cur.clear(); break; } case '<': cur += wxT("<"); break; case '>': cur += wxT(">"); break; case '&': cur += wxT("&"); break; case '"': cur += wxT(""); continue; default: if (ch >= 128) { cur += wxString::Format(wxT("&#%u;"), ch); } else { cur += (char)ch; } } } size_t left = end - p; end = buf + left; if (left) memmove(buf, p, left); Update(); return; } if (e.len <= 0 && buf != end) { // Truncated UTF-8 sequence. cur += badutf8_html; } /* TRANSLATORS: Label for button in aven’s cavern log window which * allows the user to save the log to a file. */ AppendToPage(wxString::Format(wxT(""), (int)LOG_SAVE, wmsg(/*Save Log*/446).c_str())); wxEndBusyCursor(); delete cavern_out; cavern_out = NULL; if (e.len < 0) { /* Negative length indicates non-zero exit status from cavern. */ /* TRANSLATORS: Label for button in aven’s cavern log window which * causes the survey data to be reprocessed. */ AppendToPage(wxString::Format(wxT(""), (int)LOG_REPROCESS, wmsg(/*Reprocess*/184).c_str())); return; } AppendToPage(wxString::Format(wxT(""), (int)LOG_REPROCESS, wmsg(/*Reprocess*/184).c_str())); AppendToPage(wxString::Format(wxT(""), (int)wxID_OK)); Update(); init_done = false; { wxString file3d(filename, 0, filename.length() - 3); file3d.append(wxT("3d")); if (!mainfrm->LoadData(file3d, survey)) { return; } } if (link_count == 0) { wxCommandEvent dummy; OnOK(dummy); } } void CavernLogWindow::OnEndProcess(wxProcessEvent & evt) { CavernOutputEvent * e = new CavernOutputEvent(); // Zero length indicates successful exit, negative length unsuccessful exit. e->len = (evt.GetExitCode() == 0 ? 0 : -1); QueueEvent(e); } void CavernLogWindow::OnReprocess(wxCommandEvent &) { process(filename); } void CavernLogWindow::OnSave(wxCommandEvent &) { wxString filelog(filename, 0, filename.length() - 3); filelog += wxT("log"); AvenAllowOnTop ontop(mainfrm); #ifdef __WXMOTIF__ wxString ext(wxT("*.log")); #else /* TRANSLATORS: Log files from running cavern (extension .log) */ wxString ext = wmsg(/*Log files*/447); ext += wxT("|*.log"); #endif wxFileDialog dlg(this, wmsg(/*Select an output filename*/319), wxString(), filelog, ext, wxFD_SAVE|wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT); if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; filelog = dlg.GetPath(); FILE * fh_log = wxFopen(filelog, wxT("w")); if (!fh_log) { wxGetApp().ReportError(wxString::Format(wmsg(/*Error writing to file “%s”*/110), filelog.c_str())); return; } fwrite(log_txt.data(), log_txt.size(), 1, fh_log); fclose(fh_log); } void CavernLogWindow::OnOK(wxCommandEvent &) { if (init_done) { mainfrm->HideLog(this); } else { mainfrm->InitialiseAfterLoad(filename, survey); init_done = true; } }