/* cavernlog.cc * Run cavern inside an Aven window * * Copyright (C) 2005,2006,2010 Olly Betts * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include "aven.h" #include "cavernlog.h" #include "filename.h" #include "mainfrm.h" #include "message.h" #include #include #include // For select(): #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H #include #endif #include #include #include enum { LOG_REPROCESS = 1234 }; BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(CavernLogWindow, wxHtmlWindow) EVT_BUTTON(LOG_REPROCESS, CavernLogWindow::OnReprocess) EVT_BUTTON(wxID_OK, CavernLogWindow::OnOK) END_EVENT_TABLE() static wxString escape_for_shell(wxString s, bool protect_dash = false) { size_t p = 0; #ifdef __WXMSW__ bool needs_quotes = false; while (p < s.size()) { wxChar ch = s[p]; if (ch < 127) { if (ch == wxT('"')) { s.insert(p, wxT('\\')); ++p; needs_quotes = true; } else if (strchr(" <>&|^", ch)) { needs_quotes = true; } } ++p; } if (needs_quotes) { s.insert(0, wxT('"')); s += wxT('"'); } #else if (protect_dash && !s.empty() && s[0u] == '-') { // If the filename starts with a '-', protect it from being // treated as an option by prepending "./". s.insert(0, wxT("./")); p = 2; } while (p < s.size()) { // Exclude a few safe characters which are common in filenames if (!isalnum(s[p]) && strchr("/._-", s[p]) == NULL) { s.insert(p, wxT('\\')); ++p; } ++p; } #endif return s; } CavernLogWindow::CavernLogWindow(MainFrm * mainfrm_, wxWindow * parent) : wxHtmlWindow(parent), mainfrm(mainfrm_) { int fsize = parent->GetFont().GetPointSize(); int sizes[7] = { fsize, fsize, fsize, fsize, fsize, fsize, fsize }; SetFonts(wxString(), wxString(), sizes); } void CavernLogWindow::OnLinkClicked(const wxHtmlLinkInfo &link) { wxString href = link.GetHref(); wxString title = link.GetTarget(); size_t colon = href.rfind(wxT(':')); if (colon != wxString::npos) { #ifdef __WXMSW__ wxString cmd = wxT("notepad $f"); #else wxString cmd = wxT("x-terminal-emulator -title $t -e vim -c $l $f"); // wxString cmd = "x-terminal-emulator -title $t -e emacs +$l $f"; // wxString cmd = "x-terminal-emulator -title $t -e nano +$l $f"; // wxString cmd = "x-terminal-emulator -title $t -e jed -g $l $f"; #endif const char * p = getenv("SURVEXEDITOR"); if (p) { cmd = wxString(p, wxConvUTF8); if (!cmd.find(wxT("$f"))) { cmd += wxT(" $f"); } } size_t i = 0; while ((i = cmd.find(wxT('$'), i)) != wxString::npos) { if (++i >= cmd.size()) break; switch (cmd[i]) { case wxT('$'): cmd.erase(i, 1); break; case wxT('f'): { wxString f = escape_for_shell(href.substr(0, colon), true); cmd.replace(i - 1, 2, f); i += f.size() - 1; break; } case wxT('t'): { wxString t = escape_for_shell(title); cmd.replace(i - 1, 2, t); i += t.size() - 1; break; } case wxT('l'): { wxString l = escape_for_shell(href.substr(colon + 1)); cmd.replace(i - 1, 2, l); i += l.size() - 1; break; } default: ++i; } } #ifdef __WXMSW__ _wsystem(cmd.c_str()); #else system(cmd.mb_str()); #endif } } int CavernLogWindow::process(const wxString &file) { SetFocus(); filename = file; #ifdef __WXMSW__ SetEnvironmentVariable(wxT("SURVEX_UTF8"), wxT("1")); #else setenv("SURVEX_UTF8", "1", 1); #endif wxString escaped_file = escape_for_shell(file, true); #ifdef __WXMSW__ wxString cmd; { wchar_t * argv0 = _wpgmptr; wchar_t * slash = wcsrchr(argv0, L'\\'); if (slash) { cmd.assign(argv0, slash - argv0 + 1); } } cmd += L"cavern"; cmd = escape_for_shell(cmd, false); #else char *cavern = use_path(msg_exepth(), "cavern"); wxString cmd = escape_for_shell(wxString(cavern, wxConvUTF8), false); osfree(cavern); #endif cmd += wxT(" -o "); cmd += escaped_file; cmd += wxT(' '); cmd += escaped_file; #ifdef __WXMSW__ FILE * cavern_out = _wpopen(cmd.c_str(), L"r"); #else FILE * cavern_out = popen(cmd.mb_str(), "r"); #endif if (!cavern_out) { wxString m; m.Printf(wmsg(/*Couldn't open pipe: `%s'*/17), cmd.c_str()); m += wxT(" ("); m += wxString(strerror(errno), wxConvUTF8); m += wxT(')'); wxGetApp().ReportError(m); return -2; } int cavern_fd; #ifdef __WXMSW__ cavern_fd = _fileno(cavern_out); #else cavern_fd = fileno(cavern_out); #endif assert(cavern_fd < FD_SETSIZE); // FIXME we shouldn't just assert, but what else to do? wxString cur; int link_count = 0; // We're only guaranteed one character of pushback by ungetc() but we // need two so for portability we implement the second ourselves. int left = EOF; while (!feof(cavern_out)) { fd_set rfds, efds; FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_SET(cavern_fd, &rfds); FD_ZERO(&efds); FD_SET(cavern_fd, &efds); // Timeout instantly. struct timeval timeout; timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 0; if (select(cavern_fd + 1, &rfds, NULL, &efds, &timeout) == 0) { Update(); FD_SET(cavern_fd, &rfds); FD_SET(cavern_fd, &efds); // Set timeout to 0.1 seconds. timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 100000; if (select(cavern_fd + 1, &rfds, NULL, &efds, &timeout) == 0) { wxYield(); continue; } } if (!FD_ISSET(cavern_fd, &rfds)) { // Error, which pclose() should report. break; } int ch; if (left == EOF) { ch = GETC(cavern_out); if (ch == EOF) break; } else { ch = left; left = EOF; } // Decode UTF-8 first to avoid security issues with <, >, &, etc // encoded using multibyte encodings. if (ch >= 0xc0 && ch < 0xf0) { int ch1 = GETC(cavern_out); if ((ch1 & 0xc0) != 0x80) { left = ch1; } else if (ch < 0xe0) { /* 2 byte sequence */ ch = ((ch & 0x1f) << 6) | (ch1 & 0x3f); } else { /* 3 byte sequence */ int ch2 = GETC(cavern_out); if ((ch2 & 0xc0) != 0x80) { ungetc(ch2, cavern_out); left = ch1; } else { ch = ((ch & 0x1f) << 12) | ((ch1 & 0x3f) << 6) | (ch2 & 0x3f); } } } switch (ch) { case '\r': // Ignore. break; case '\n': { if (cur.empty()) continue; #ifndef __WXMSW__ size_t colon = cur.find(':'); #else // If the path is "C:\path\to\file.svx" then don't split at the // : after the drive letter! FIXME: better to look for ": "? size_t colon = cur.find(':', 2); #endif if (colon != wxString::npos && colon < cur.size() - 1) { ++colon; size_t i = colon; while (i < cur.size() - 1 && cur[i] >= wxT('0') && cur[i] <= wxT('9')) { ++i; } if (i > colon && cur[i] == wxT(':') ) { colon = i; wxString tag = wxT(""); cur.insert(0, tag); cur.insert(colon + tag.size(), wxT("")); ++link_count; } } // Save the scrollbar positions. int scroll_x = 0, scroll_y = 0; GetViewStart(&scroll_x, &scroll_y); cur += wxT("
\n"); AppendToPage(cur); if (!link_count) { // Auto-scroll the window until we've reported a warning or // error. int x, y; GetVirtualSize(&x, &y); int xs, ys; GetClientSize(&xs, &ys); y -= ys; int xu, yu; GetScrollPixelsPerUnit(&xu, &yu); Scroll(scroll_x, y / yu); } else { // Restore the scrollbar positions. Scroll(scroll_x, scroll_y); } cur.clear(); break; } case '<': cur += wxT("<"); break; case '>': cur += wxT(">"); break; case '&': cur += wxT("&"); break; case '"': cur += wxT(""); continue; default: if (ch >= 128) { cur += wxString::Format(wxT("&#%u;"), ch); } else { cur += (char)ch; } } } int retval = pclose(cavern_out); if (retval) { AppendToPage(wxT("")); if (retval == -1) { wxString m = wxT("Problem running cavern: "); m += wxString(strerror(errno), wxConvUTF8); wxGetApp().ReportError(m); return -2; } return -1; } if (link_count) { AppendToPage(wxT("")); AppendToPage(wxString::Format(wxT(""), (int)wxID_OK)); Update(); } return link_count; } void CavernLogWindow::OnReprocess(wxCommandEvent & e) { SetPage(wxString()); if (process(filename) == 0) { OnOK(e); } } void CavernLogWindow::OnOK(wxCommandEvent &) { mainfrm->InitialiseAfterLoad(filename); }