// // aventreectrl.cc // // Tree control used for the survey tree. // // Copyright (C) 2001, Mark R. Shinwell. // Copyright (C) 2001-2003,2005,2006,2016,2018 Olly Betts // Copyright (C) 2005 Martin Green // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA // #include #include "aventreectrl.h" #include "mainfrm.h" #include "osalloc.h" #include using namespace std; // STATE_BLANK is used for stations which are siblings of surveys which have // select checkboxes. enum { STATE_BLANK = 0, STATE_OFF, STATE_ON }; /* XPM */ static const char *blank_xpm[] = { /* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */ "15 15 1 1", " c None", /* pixels */ " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " " }; /* XPM */ static const char *off_xpm[] = { /* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */ "15 15 2 1", ". c #000000", " c None", /* pixels */ " ", " ", " ............ ", " . . ", " . . ", " . . ", " . . ", " . . ", " . . ", " . . ", " . . ", " . . ", " . . ", " ............ ", " " }; /* XPM */ static const char *on_xpm[] = { /* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */ "15 15 3 1", ". c #000000", "X c #007F28", " c None", /* pixels */ " ", " ", " ............XX", " . XXX", " . XXXX", " . XXXX ", " . XXXX ", " . XXXX. ", " . XX XXXX . ", " . XXXXXXX . ", " . XXXXX . ", " . XXX . ", " . X . ", " ............ ", " " }; BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(AvenTreeCtrl, wxTreeCtrl) EVT_MOTION(AvenTreeCtrl::OnMouseMove) EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW(AvenTreeCtrl::OnLeaveWindow) EVT_TREE_SEL_CHANGED(wxID_ANY, AvenTreeCtrl::OnSelChanged) EVT_TREE_ITEM_ACTIVATED(wxID_ANY, AvenTreeCtrl::OnItemActivated) EVT_CHAR(AvenTreeCtrl::OnKeyPress) EVT_TREE_ITEM_MENU(wxID_ANY, AvenTreeCtrl::OnMenu) EVT_MENU(menu_SURVEY_SHOW_ALL, AvenTreeCtrl::OnRestrict) EVT_MENU(menu_SURVEY_RESTRICT, AvenTreeCtrl::OnRestrict) EVT_MENU(menu_SURVEY_HIDE, AvenTreeCtrl::OnHide) EVT_MENU(menu_SURVEY_SHOW, AvenTreeCtrl::OnShow) EVT_MENU(menu_SURVEY_HIDE_SIBLINGS, AvenTreeCtrl::OnHideSiblings) EVT_TREE_STATE_IMAGE_CLICK(wxID_ANY, AvenTreeCtrl::OnStateClick) END_EVENT_TABLE() AvenTreeCtrl::AvenTreeCtrl(MainFrm* parent, wxWindow* window_parent) : wxTreeCtrl(window_parent, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTR_DEFAULT_STYLE | wxTR_HIDE_ROOT), m_Parent(parent), m_Enabled(false), m_LastItem(), m_BackgroundColour(), m_SelValid(false), menu_data(NULL) { wxImageList* img_list = new wxImageList(15, 15, 2); img_list->Add(wxBitmap(blank_xpm)); img_list->Add(wxBitmap(off_xpm)); img_list->Add(wxBitmap(on_xpm)); AssignStateImageList(img_list); } void AvenTreeCtrl::FillTree(const wxString& root_name) { Freeze(); m_Enabled = false; m_LastItem = wxTreeItemId(); m_SelValid = false; DeleteAllItems(); const wxChar separator = m_Parent->GetSeparator(); filter.clear(); filter.SetSeparator(separator); // Create the (hidden) real root of the wxTreeCtrl. wxTreeItemId treeroot = AddRoot(wxString()); // Create the root of the survey tree. wxTreeItemId surveyroot = AppendItem(treeroot, root_name); // Fill the tree of stations and prefixes. stack previous_ids; wxString current_prefix; wxTreeItemId current_id = surveyroot; list::const_iterator pos = m_Parent->GetLabels(); while (pos != m_Parent->GetLabelsEnd()) { LabelInfo* label = *pos++; if (label->IsAnon()) continue; // Determine the current prefix. wxString prefix = label->GetText().BeforeLast(separator); // Determine if we're still on the same prefix. if (prefix == current_prefix) { // no need to fiddle with branches... } // If not, then see if we've descended to a new prefix. else if (prefix.length() > current_prefix.length() && prefix.StartsWith(current_prefix) && (prefix[current_prefix.length()] == separator || current_prefix.empty())) { // We have, so start as many new branches as required. int current_prefix_length = current_prefix.length(); current_prefix = prefix; size_t next_dot = current_prefix_length; if (!next_dot) --next_dot; do { size_t prev_dot = next_dot + 1; // Extract the next bit of prefix. next_dot = prefix.find(separator, prev_dot + 1); wxString bit = prefix.substr(prev_dot, next_dot - prev_dot); // Sigh, therion can produce files with empty components in // station names! // assert(!bit.empty()); // Add the current tree ID to the stack. previous_ids.push(current_id); // Append the new item to the tree and set this as the current branch. current_id = AppendItem(current_id, bit); SetItemData(current_id, new TreeData(prefix.substr(0, next_dot))); } while (next_dot != wxString::npos); } // Otherwise, we must have moved up, and possibly then down again. else { size_t count = 0; bool ascent_only = (prefix.length() < current_prefix.length() && current_prefix.StartsWith(prefix) && (current_prefix[prefix.length()] == separator || prefix.empty())); if (!ascent_only) { // Find out how much of the current prefix and the new prefix // are the same. // Note that we require a match of a whole number of parts // between dots! size_t n = min(prefix.length(), current_prefix.length()); size_t i; for (i = 0; i < n && prefix[i] == current_prefix[i]; ++i) { if (prefix[i] == separator) count = i + 1; } } else { count = prefix.length() + 1; } // Extract the part of the current prefix after the bit (if any) // which has matched. // This gives the prefixes to ascend over. wxString prefixes_ascended = current_prefix.substr(count); // Count the number of prefixes to ascend over. int num_prefixes = prefixes_ascended.Freq(separator); // Reverse up over these prefixes. for (int i = 1; i <= num_prefixes; i++) { previous_ids.pop(); } current_id = previous_ids.top(); previous_ids.pop(); if (!ascent_only) { // Add branches for this new part. size_t next_dot = count - 1; do { size_t prev_dot = next_dot + 1; // Extract the next bit of prefix. next_dot = prefix.find(separator, prev_dot + 1); wxString bit = prefix.substr(prev_dot, next_dot - prev_dot); // Sigh, therion can produce files with empty components in // station names! // assert(!bit.empty()); // Add the current tree ID to the stack. previous_ids.push(current_id); // Append the new item to the tree and set this as the current branch. current_id = AppendItem(current_id, bit); SetItemData(current_id, new TreeData(prefix.substr(0, next_dot))); } while (next_dot != wxString::npos); } current_prefix = prefix; } // Now add the leaf. wxString bit = label->GetText().AfterLast(separator); // Sigh, therion can produce files with empty components in station // names! // assert(!bit.empty()); wxTreeItemId id = AppendItem(current_id, bit); SetItemData(id, new TreeData(label)); label->tree_id = id; // Set the colour for an item in the survey tree. if (label->IsEntrance()) { // Entrances are green (like entrance blobs). SetItemTextColour(id, wxColour(0, 255, 40)); } else if (label->IsSurface()) { // Surface stations are dark green. SetItemTextColour(id, wxColour(49, 158, 79)); } } Expand(surveyroot); m_Enabled = true; Thaw(); } constexpr auto TREE_MASK = wxTREE_HITTEST_ONITEMLABEL | wxTREE_HITTEST_ONITEMRIGHT | wxTREE_HITTEST_ONITEMSTATEICON; void AvenTreeCtrl::OnMouseMove(wxMouseEvent& event) { if (!m_Enabled || m_Parent->Animating()) return; int flags; wxTreeItemId pos = HitTest(event.GetPosition(), flags); if (!(flags & TREE_MASK)) { pos = wxTreeItemId(); } if (pos == m_LastItem) return; if (pos.IsOk()) { const TreeData* data = static_cast(GetItemData(pos)); m_Parent->DisplayTreeInfo(data); if (data && !data->IsStation()) { // For stations, MainFrm calls back to SetHere(), but for surveys // we need to do that ourselves. SetHere(pos); } } else { m_Parent->DisplayTreeInfo(); } } void AvenTreeCtrl::SetHere(wxTreeItemId pos) { if (pos == m_LastItem) return; if (m_LastItem.IsOk()) { SetItemBackgroundColour(m_LastItem, m_BackgroundColour); } if (pos.IsOk()) { m_BackgroundColour = GetItemBackgroundColour(pos); SetItemBackgroundColour(pos, wxColour(180, 180, 180)); } m_LastItem = pos; } void AvenTreeCtrl::OnLeaveWindow(wxMouseEvent&) { if (m_LastItem.IsOk()) { SetItemBackgroundColour(m_LastItem, m_BackgroundColour); m_LastItem = wxTreeItemId(); } m_Parent->DisplayTreeInfo(); } void AvenTreeCtrl::OnSelChanged(wxTreeEvent&) { m_SelValid = true; } void AvenTreeCtrl::OnItemActivated(wxTreeEvent& e) { if (!m_Enabled) return; m_Parent->TreeItemSelected(GetItemData(e.GetItem())); } void AvenTreeCtrl::OnMenu(wxTreeEvent& e) { if (!m_Enabled) return; const TreeData* data = static_cast(GetItemData(e.GetItem())); menu_data = data; menu_item = e.GetItem(); if (!data) { // Survey tree root: wxMenu menu; /* TRANSLATORS: In aven's survey tree, right-clicking on the root * gives a pop-up menu and this is an option (but only enabled if * the view is restricted to a subsurvey). It reloads the current * survey file with the who survey visible. */ menu.Append(menu_SURVEY_SHOW_ALL, wmsg(/*Show all*/245)); if (m_Parent->GetSurvey().empty()) menu.Enable(menu_SURVEY_SHOW_ALL, false); PopupMenu(&menu); } else if (data->IsStation()) { // Station: name is data->GetLabel()->GetText() } else if (ItemHasChildren(menu_item)) { // Survey: wxMenu menu; /* TRANSLATORS: In aven's survey tree, right-clicking on a survey * name gives a pop-up menu and this is an option. It reloads the * current survey file with the view restricted to the survey * clicked upon. */ menu.Append(menu_SURVEY_RESTRICT, wmsg(/*Hide others*/246)); menu.AppendSeparator(); menu.Append(menu_SURVEY_HIDE, wmsg(/*&Hide*/407)); menu.Append(menu_SURVEY_SHOW, wmsg(/*&Show*/409)); menu.Append(menu_SURVEY_HIDE_SIBLINGS, wmsg(/*Hide si&blings*/388)); switch (GetItemState(menu_item)) { case STATE_ON: // Currently shown. menu.Enable(menu_SURVEY_SHOW, false); break; case STATE_OFF: menu.Enable(menu_SURVEY_HIDE, false); break; } PopupMenu(&menu); } else { // Overlay - FIXME: menu here? } menu_data = NULL; e.Skip(); } bool AvenTreeCtrl::GetSelectionData(wxTreeItemData** data) const { assert(m_Enabled); assert(data); if (!m_SelValid) { return false; } wxTreeItemId id = GetSelection(); if (id.IsOk()) { *data = GetItemData(id); } return id.IsOk() && *data; } void AvenTreeCtrl::UnselectAll() { m_SelValid = false; wxTreeCtrl::UnselectAll(); } void AvenTreeCtrl::OnKeyPress(wxKeyEvent &e) { switch (e.GetKeyCode()) { case WXK_ESCAPE: m_Parent->ClearTreeSelection(); break; case WXK_RETURN: { wxTreeItemId id = GetSelection(); if (id.IsOk()) { if (ItemHasChildren(id)) { // If on a branch, expand/contract it. if (IsExpanded(id)) { Collapse(id); } else { Expand(id); } } else { // If on a station, centre on it by selecting it twice. m_Parent->TreeItemSelected(GetItemData(id)); m_Parent->TreeItemSelected(GetItemData(id)); } } break; } case WXK_LEFT: case WXK_RIGHT: case WXK_UP: case WXK_DOWN: case WXK_HOME: case WXK_END: case WXK_PAGEUP: case WXK_PAGEDOWN: e.Skip(); break; default: // Pass key event to MainFrm which will pass to GfxCore which will // pass to GUIControl. m_Parent->OnKeyPress(e); break; } } void AvenTreeCtrl::OnRestrict(wxCommandEvent&) { m_Parent->RestrictTo(menu_data && menu_data->IsSurvey() ? menu_data->GetSurvey() : wxString()); // FIXME: Overlays } void AvenTreeCtrl::OnHide(wxCommandEvent&) { // Shouldn't be available for the root item. wxASSERT(menu_data); // Hide should be disabled if the item is off. wxASSERT(GetItemState(menu_item) != STATE_OFF); SetItemState(menu_item, STATE_OFF); // FIXME: Overlays? filter.remove(menu_data->GetSurvey()); Freeze(); // Show siblings if not already shown or hidden. wxTreeItemId i = menu_item; while ((i = GetPrevSibling(i)).IsOk()) { if (GetItemState(i) == wxTREE_ITEMSTATE_NONE) SetItemState(i, STATE_ON); } i = menu_item; while ((i = GetNextSibling(i)).IsOk()) { if (GetItemState(i) == wxTREE_ITEMSTATE_NONE) SetItemState(i, STATE_ON); } Thaw(); m_Parent->ForceFullRedraw(); } void AvenTreeCtrl::OnShow(wxCommandEvent&) { // Shouldn't be available for the root item. wxASSERT(menu_data); auto old_state = GetItemState(menu_item); // Show should be disabled for an explicitly shown item. wxASSERT(old_state != STATE_ON); Freeze(); SetItemState(menu_item, STATE_ON); // FIXME: Overlays? filter.add(menu_data->GetSurvey()); if (old_state == wxTREE_ITEMSTATE_NONE) { // Hide siblings if not already shown or hidden. wxTreeItemId i = menu_item; while ((i = GetPrevSibling(i)).IsOk()) { if (GetItemState(i) == wxTREE_ITEMSTATE_NONE) { const TreeData* data = static_cast(GetItemData(i)); SetItemState(i, data->IsStation() ? STATE_BLANK : STATE_OFF); } } i = menu_item; while ((i = GetNextSibling(i)).IsOk()) { if (GetItemState(i) == wxTREE_ITEMSTATE_NONE) { const TreeData* data = static_cast(GetItemData(i)); SetItemState(i, data->IsStation() ? STATE_BLANK : STATE_OFF); } } } Thaw(); m_Parent->ForceFullRedraw(); } void AvenTreeCtrl::OnHideSiblings(wxCommandEvent&) { // Shouldn't be available for the root item. wxASSERT(menu_data); Freeze(); // FIXME: Overlays? SetItemState(menu_item, STATE_ON); filter.add(menu_data->GetSurvey()); wxTreeItemId i = menu_item; while ((i = GetPrevSibling(i)).IsOk()) { const TreeData* data = static_cast(GetItemData(i)); filter.remove(data->GetSurvey()); SetItemState(i, data->IsStation() ? STATE_BLANK : STATE_OFF); } i = menu_item; while ((i = GetNextSibling(i)).IsOk()) { const TreeData* data = static_cast(GetItemData(i)); filter.remove(data->GetSurvey()); SetItemState(i, data->IsStation() ? STATE_BLANK : STATE_OFF); } Thaw(); m_Parent->ForceFullRedraw(); } void AvenTreeCtrl::OnStateClick(wxTreeEvent& e) { auto item = e.GetItem(); const TreeData* data = static_cast(GetItemData(item)); switch (GetItemState(item)) { case STATE_BLANK: // Click on blank state icon for a station - let the tree handle // this in the same way as a click on the label. return; case STATE_ON: if (!ItemHasChildren(item)) { // Overlay. m_Parent->InvalidateOverlays(); } else { // Survey. if (data) filter.remove(data->GetSurvey()); } SetItemState(item, STATE_OFF); break; case STATE_OFF: if (!ItemHasChildren(item)) { // Overlay. m_Parent->InvalidateOverlays(); } else { // Survey. if (data) filter.add(data->GetSurvey()); } SetItemState(item, STATE_ON); break; } e.Skip(); m_Parent->ForceFullRedraw(); } void AvenTreeCtrl::AddOverlay(const wxString& file) { char* leaf = leaf_from_fnm(file.utf8_str()); auto id = AppendItem(GetRootItem(), leaf); osfree(leaf); SetItemState(id, STATE_ON); SetItemData(id, new TreeData(file)); } void AvenTreeCtrl::RemoveOverlay(const wxString& file) { // If we add an overlay but fail to load it and remove it again, the // overlay will be the last one, so search from the last one back. for (auto item = GetLastChild(GetRootItem()); item.IsOk(); item = GetPrevSibling(item)) { if (ItemHasChildren(item)) { // Not an overlay. continue; } const TreeData* data = static_cast(GetItemData(item)); if (data->GetSurvey() == file) { Delete(item); break; } } } wxTreeItemId AvenTreeCtrl::FirstOverlay() { wxTreeItemIdValue cookie; auto item = GetFirstChild(GetRootItem(), cookie); while (item.IsOk() && (ItemHasChildren(item) || GetItemState(item) != STATE_ON)) { item = GetNextSibling(item); } return item; } wxTreeItemId AvenTreeCtrl::NextOverlay(wxTreeItemId item) { do { item = GetNextSibling(item); } while (item.IsOk() && (ItemHasChildren(item) || GetItemState(item) != STATE_ON)); return item; } wxTreeItemId AvenTreeCtrl::RemoveOverlay(wxTreeItemId id) { wxTreeItemId item = NextOverlay(id); Delete(id); return item; } const wxString& AvenTreeCtrl::GetOverlayFilename(wxTreeItemId item) { if (ItemHasChildren(item)) { not_an_overlay: static const wxString empty_string; return empty_string; } const TreeData* data = static_cast(GetItemData(item)); if (!data) goto not_an_overlay; return data->GetSurvey(); }