#!/usr/bin/perl -w require 5.008; use bytes; use strict; use Locale::PO; use integer; # Magic identifier (12 bytes) my $magic = "Svx\nMsg\r\n\xfe\xff\0"; # Designed to be corrupted by ASCII ftp, top bit stripping (or # being used for parity). Contains a zero byte so more likely # to be flagged as data (e.g. by perl's "-B" test). my $srcdir = $0; $srcdir =~ s!/[^/]+$!!; my $major = 0; my $minor = 8; # File format (multi-byte numbers in network order (bigendian)): # 12 bytes: Magic identifier # 1 byte: File format major version number (0) # 1 byte: File format minor version number (8) # 2 bytes: Number of messages (N) # 4 bytes: Offset from XXXX to end of file # XXXX: # N*: # NUL my %msgs = (); ${$msgs{'en'}}[0] = '©'; # my %uses = (); my $file; my %n = (); my %loc = (); $file = "$srcdir/survex.pot"; my $num_list = Locale::PO->load_file_asarray($file); foreach my $po_entry (@{$num_list}) { my $ref = $po_entry->reference; (defined $ref && $ref =~ /^n:(\d+)$/m) or next; my $msgno = $1; my $key = $po_entry->msgid; my $msg = c_unescape($po_entry->dequote($key)); my $where = $file . ":" . $po_entry->loaded_line_number; ${$loc{'en'}}[$msgno] = $where; if (${$msgs{'en'}}[$msgno]) { print STDERR "$where: warning: already had message $msgno for language 'en'\n"; } ${$msgs{'en'}}[$msgno] = $msg; ++$n{$msgno}; } my $last = 0; for (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %n) { if ($_ > $last + 1) { print STDERR "$file: Unused msg numbers: ", join(" ", $last + 1 .. $_ - 1), "\n"; } $last = $_; } print STDERR "$file: Last used msg number: $last\n"; %n = (); for my $po_file (@ARGV) { my $language = $po_file; $language =~ s/\.po$//; $file = "$srcdir/$po_file"; my $po_hash = Locale::PO->load_file_ashash($file); foreach my $po_entry (@{$num_list}) { my $ref = $po_entry->reference; (defined $ref && $ref =~ /^n:(\d+)$/m) or next; my $msgno = $1; my $key = $po_entry->msgid; my $ent = $$po_hash{$key}; my $where = $file . ":" . $po_entry->loaded_line_number; ${$loc{$language}}[$msgno] = $where; if (defined $ent) { my $msg = c_unescape($po_entry->dequote($ent->msgstr)); next if $msg eq ''; if (${$msgs{$language}}[$msgno]) { print STDERR "$where: warning: already had message $msgno for language $language\n"; } ${$msgs{$language}}[$msgno] = $msg; } } } my $lang; my @langs = sort grep ! /_\*$/, keys %msgs; my $num_msgs = -1; foreach $lang (@langs) { my $aref = $msgs{$lang}; $num_msgs = scalar @$aref if scalar @$aref > $num_msgs; } foreach $lang (@langs) { my $fnm = $lang; $file = "$srcdir/$lang.po"; $fnm =~ s/(_.*)$/\U$1/; open OUT, ">$fnm.msg" or die $!; my $aref = $msgs{$lang}; my $parentaref; my $mainlang = $lang; $parentaref = $msgs{$mainlang} if $mainlang =~ s/_.*$//; print OUT $magic or die $!; print OUT pack("CCn", $major, $minor, $num_msgs) or die $!; my $buff = ''; my $missing = 0; my $retranslate = 0; for my $n (0 .. $num_msgs - 1) { my $warned = 0; my $msg = $$aref[$n]; if (!defined $msg) { $msg = $$parentaref[$n] if defined $parentaref; if (!defined $msg) { $msg = ${$msgs{'en'}}[$n]; # don't report if we have a parent (as the omission will be # reported there) if (defined $msg && $msg ne '' && !defined $parentaref) { ++$missing; $warned = 1; } else { $msg = '' if !defined $msg; } } } else { if ($lang ne 'en') { sanity_check("Message $n in language $lang", $msg, ${$msgs{'en'}}[$n], ${$loc{$lang}}[$n]); } } $buff .= $msg . "\0"; } print OUT pack('N',length($buff)), $buff or die $!; close OUT or die $!; if ($missing || $retranslate) { print STDERR "Warning: "; if ($missing) { print STDERR "$file: $missing missing message(s)"; if ($retranslate) { print STDERR " and $retranslate requiring retranslation"; } } else { print STDERR "$file: $retranslate message(s) requiring retranslation"; } print STDERR " for $lang\n"; } } sub sanity_check { my ($what, $msg, $orig, $where) = @_; # FIXME: Only do this if the message has the "c-format" flag. # check printf-like specifiers match # allow valid printf specifiers, or % to support strftime # and other printf-like formats. my @pcent_m = grep /\%/, split /(%(?:[-#0 +'I]*(?:[0-9]*|\*|\*m\$)(?:\.[0-9]*)?(?:hh|ll|[hlLqjzt])?[diouxXeEfFgGaAcsCSpn]|[a-zA-Z]))/, $msg; my @pcent_o = grep /\%/, split /(%(?:[-#0 +'I]*(?:[0-9]*|\*|\*m\$)(?:\.[0-9]*)?(?:hh|ll|[hlLqjzt])?[diouxXeEfFgGaAcsCSpn]|[a-zA-Z]))/, $orig; while (scalar @pcent_m || scalar @pcent_o) { if (!scalar @pcent_m) { print STDERR "$where: warning: $what misses out \%spec $pcent_o[0]\n"; } elsif (!scalar @pcent_o) { print STDERR "$where: warning: $what has extra \%spec $pcent_m[0]\n"; } elsif ($pcent_m[0] ne $pcent_o[0]) { print STDERR "$where: warning: $what has \%spec $pcent_m[0] instead of $pcent_o[0]\n"; } pop @pcent_m; pop @pcent_o; } # Check for missing (or added) ellipses (...) if ($msg =~ /\.\.\./ && $orig !~ /\.\.\./) { print STDERR "$where: warning: $what has ellipses but original doesn't\n"; } elsif ($msg !~ /\.\.\./ && $orig =~ /\.\.\./) { print STDERR "$where: warning: $what is missing ellipses\n"; } # Check for missing (or added) menu shortcut (&) if ($msg =~ /\&[A-Za-z\xc2-\xf4]/ && $orig !~ /\&[A-Za-z]/) { print STDERR "$where: warning: $what has menu shortcut but original doesn't\n"; } elsif ($msg !~ /\&[A-Za-z\xc2-\xf4]/ && $orig =~ /\&[A-Za-z]/) { print STDERR "$where: warning: $what is missing menu shortcut\n"; } # Check for missing (or added) double quotes (“ and ”) if (scalar($msg =~ s/(?:“|»)/$&/g) != scalar($orig =~ s/“/$&/g)) { print STDERR "$where: warning: $what has different numbers of “\n"; print STDERR "$orig\n$msg\n\n"; } if (scalar($msg =~ s/(?:”|«)/$&/g) != scalar($orig =~ s/”/$&/g)) { print STDERR "$where: warning: $what has different numbers of ”\n"; print STDERR "$orig\n$msg\n\n"; } # Check for missing (or added) menu accelerator "##" if ($msg =~ /\#\#/ && $orig !~ /\#\#/) { print STDERR "$where: warning: $what has menu accelerator but original doesn't\n"; } elsif ($msg !~ /\#\#/ && $orig =~ /\#\#/) { print STDERR "$where: warning: $what is missing menu accelerator\n"; } elsif ($orig =~ /\#\#(.*)/) { my $acc_o = $1; my ($acc_m) = $msg =~ /\#\#(.*)/; if ($acc_o ne $acc_m) { print STDERR "$where: warning: $what has menu accelerator $acc_m instead of $acc_o\n"; } } # Check for missing (or added) menu accelerator "\t" if ($msg =~ /\t/ && $orig !~ /\t/) { print STDERR "$where: warning: $what has menu accelerator but original doesn't\n"; } elsif ($msg !~ /\t/ && $orig =~ /\t/) { print STDERR "$where: warning: $what is missing menu accelerator\n"; } elsif ($orig =~ /\t(.*)/) { my $acc_o = $1; my ($acc_m) = $msg =~ /\t(.*)/; if ($acc_o ne $acc_m) { print STDERR "$where: warning: $what has menu accelerator $acc_m instead of $acc_o\n"; } } } sub c_unescape { my $str = shift @_; $str =~ s/\\(x..|0|[0-7][0-7][0-7]|.)/&c_unescape_char($1)/ge; return $str; } sub c_unescape_char { my $ch = shift @_; if ($ch eq '0' || $ch eq 'x00' || $ch eq '000') { print STDERR "Nul byte in translation! (\\$ch)\n"; exit(1); } return $ch if $ch eq '"' || $ch eq '\\'; return "\n" if $ch eq "n"; return "\t" if $ch eq "t"; return "\r" if $ch eq "r"; return "\f" if $ch eq "f"; return chr(hex(substr($ch,1))) if $ch =~ /^x../; return chr(oct($ch)) if $ch =~ /^[0-7][0-7][0-7]/; print STDERR "Unknown C-escape in translation! (\\$ch)\n"; exit(1); }