#!/usr/bin/perl -w require 5.008; use bytes; use strict; use POSIX; use Locale::PO; use integer; if (@ARGV == 0 || $ARGV[0] eq '--help') { print STDERR "Syntax: $0 PO_FILE...\n"; exit (@ARGV != 0); } my $pot = Locale::PO->load_file_asarray("survex.pot"); for my $po_file (@ARGV) { my $po = Locale::PO->load_file_ashash($po_file); if (!defined $po) { print STDERR "$po_file: Bad!\n"; next; } # Build a map from msgno to po msgid, so we can find the old translation when # a msgid has since changed in the pot file. my %msgno_to_po; foreach my $msgid (keys %{$po}) { my $ref = $po->{$msgid}->reference; if (defined $ref) { my ($msgno) = $ref =~ /\bn:(\d+)/; if (defined $msgno) { $msgno_to_po{$msgno} = [ $msgid, $po->{$msgid}->msgstr ]; } } } my @fuzzy; open NEW, '>', "$po_file.tmp" or die $!; foreach my $pot_entry (@{$pot}) { my $msgid = $pot_entry->msgid; my $msgstr = '""'; my $po_entry; if (exists $$po{$msgid}) { $po_entry = $$po{$msgid}; $msgstr = $po_entry->msgstr; delete $$po{$msgid}; if ($msgid eq '""') { $msgstr =~ s/\\n(..)/\\n"\n"$1/g; print NEW "msgid $msgid\nmsgstr \"\"\n$msgstr\n"; next; } } else { $po_entry = $pot_entry; } if (defined $pot_entry->automatic) { my $automatic = "\n" . $pot_entry->automatic; $automatic =~ s/\n/\n#. /g; while ($automatic =~ s/\n#. \n/\n#.\n/g) { } print NEW $automatic; } my $fuzzy = $po_entry->fuzzy; my $ref = $pot_entry->reference; if (defined $ref) { if ($msgstr eq '""') { my ($msgno) = $ref =~ /\bn:(\d+)/; if (exists $msgno_to_po{$msgno}) { my $old_msgid; ($old_msgid, $msgstr) = @{$msgno_to_po{$msgno}}; if ($msgstr ne '""') { $fuzzy = 1; print "$po_file: Fuzzifying translation $old_msgid / $msgid -> $msgstr\n"; push @fuzzy, $old_msgid; } } } $ref = "\n" . $ref; $ref =~ s/\n/\n#: /mg; print NEW $ref; } my $c_format = $pot_entry->c_format; if ($fuzzy || $c_format) { print NEW "\n#"; print NEW ", fuzzy" if $fuzzy; print NEW ", c-format" if $c_format; } print NEW "\n"; print NEW "#~ " if $pot_entry->obsolete; print NEW "msgid $msgid\n"; print NEW "#~ " if $pot_entry->obsolete; print NEW "msgstr $msgstr\n"; } close NEW or die $!; unlink "$po_file.old"; delete @$po{@fuzzy}; for (sort keys %{$po}) { my $msgstr = $$po{$_}->msgstr; if ($msgstr ne '""') { print "$po_file: Dropping [$_] -> [$msgstr]\n"; } } link $po_file, "$po_file.old" or die $!; rename "$po_file.tmp", $po_file or die $!; }