#!/usr/bin/perl -w # afm2txf.pl 0.2 # # Generates .txf font textures from Type 1 fonts # Requirements: Ghostscript, ImageMagick # # Usage: # afm2txf.pl [-o OUTPUT.txf] whatever.afm # # Changelog: # 0.2 (06/28/2002): Generate fonts with proper padding # 0.1 (06/28/2002): Initial version # # Copyright (C) 2002 Andrew James Ross # Copyright (C) 2010,2011 Olly Betts # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. use strict; my $output; if (scalar @ARGV >= 1) { my $arg = $ARGV[0]; if ($arg =~ s/^-o//) { shift; if ($arg eq '') { if (scalar @ARGV == 0) { die "-o needs an argument\n"; } $output = shift; } else { $output = $arg; } } } my $METRICS = shift or die; # AFM file # Texture size my $TEXSIZ = 256; # Padding around each character, for mipmap separation my $PADDING = 4; # Antialiasing multiplier. Should be 16 for production work. As low # as 4 works well for testing. my $DOWNSAMPLE = 16; # The printable ISO-8859-1 characters (and space and hard space) and their # postscript glyph names. We use names because not all postscript # fonts are encoded using ASCII. AFM metrics generated by ttf2afm, in # fact, don't have any numerical character IDs at all. In principle, # this mechanism will work for any 8 bit font encoding, you just have # to do the legwork of figuring out the name to ID mapping. my %REVCHARS = (32=>'space', 33=>'exclam', 34=>'quotedbl', 35=>'numbersign', 36=>'dollar', 37=>'percent', 38=>'ampersand', 39=>'quotesingle', 40=>'parenleft', 41=>'parenright', 42=>'asterisk', 43=>'plus', 44=>'comma', 45=>'hyphen', 46=>'period', 47=>'slash', 48=>'zero', 49=>'one', 50=>'two', 51=>'three', 52=>'four', 53=>'five', 54=>'six', 55=>'seven', 56=>'eight', 57=>'nine', 58=>'colon', 59=>'semicolon', 60=>'less', 61=>'equal', 62=>'greater', 63=>'question', 64=>'at', 65=>'A', 66=>'B', 67=>'C', 68=>'D', 69=>'E', 70=>'F', 71=>'G', 72=>'H', 73=>'I', 74=>'J', 75=>'K', 76=>'L', 77=>'M', 78=>'N', 79=>'O', 80=>'P', 81=>'Q', 82=>'R', 83=>'S', 84=>'T', 85=>'U', 86=>'V', 87=>'W', 88=>'X', 89=>'Y', 90=>'Z', 91=>'bracketleft', 92=>'backslash', 93=>'bracketright', 94=>'asciicircum', 95=>'underscore', 96=>'quoteleft', 97=>'a', 98=>'b', 99=>'c', 100=>'d', 101=>'e', 102=>'f', 103=>'g', 104=>'h', 105=>'i', 106=>'j', 107=>'k', 108=>'l', 109=>'m', 110=>'n', 111=>'o', 112=>'p', 113=>'q', 114=>'r', 115=>'s', 116=>'t', 117=>'u', 118=>'v', 119=>'w', 120=>'x', 121=>'y', 122=>'z', 123=>'braceleft', 124=>'bar', 125=>'braceright', 126=>'asciitilde', 160=>'space', 161=>'exclamdown', 162=>'cent', 163=>'sterling', 164=>'currency', 165=>'yen', 166=>'brokenbar', 167=>'section', 168=>'dieresis', 169=>'copyright', 170=>'ordfeminine', 171=>'guillemotleft', 172=>'logicalnot', 173=>'hyphen', 174=>'registered', 175=>'macron', 176=>'degree', 177=>'plusminus', 178=>'twosuperior', 179=>'threesuperior', 180=>'acute', 181=>'mu', 182=>'paragraph', 183=>'bullet', 184=>'cedilla', 185=>'onesuperior', 186=>'ordmasculine', 187=>'guillemotright', 188=>'onequarter', 189=>'onehalf', 190=>'threequarters', 191=>'questiondown', 192=>'Agrave', 193=>'Aacute', 194=>'Acircumflex', 195=>'Atilde', 196=>'Adieresis', 197=>'Aring', 198=>'AE', 199=>'Ccedilla', 200=>'Egrave', 201=>'Eacute', 202=>'Ecircumflex', 203=>'Edieresis', 204=>'Igrave', 205=>'Iacute', 206=>'Icircumflex', 207=>'Idieresis', 208=>'Eth', 209=>'Ntilde', 210=>'Ograve', 211=>'Oacute', 212=>'Ocircumflex', 213=>'Otilde', 214=>'Odieresis', 215=>'multiply', 216=>'Oslash', 217=>'Ugrave', 218=>'Uacute', 219=>'Ucircumflex', 220=>'Udieresis', 221=>'Yacute', 222=>'Thorn', 223=>'germandbls', 224=>'agrave', 225=>'aacute', 226=>'acircumflex', 227=>'atilde', 228=>'adieresis', 229=>'aring', 230=>'ae', 231=>'ccedilla', 232=>'egrave', 233=>'eacute', 234=>'ecircumflex', 235=>'edieresis', 236=>'igrave', 237=>'iacute', 238=>'icircumflex', 239=>'idieresis', 240=>'eth', 241=>'ntilde', 242=>'ograve', 243=>'oacute', 244=>'ocircumflex', 245=>'otilde', 246=>'odieresis', 247=>'divide', 248=>'oslash', 249=>'ugrave', 250=>'uacute', 251=>'ucircumflex', 252=>'udieresis', 253=>'yacute', 254=>'thorn', 255=>'ydieresis' ); my %CHARS; while (my ($k, $v) = each %REVCHARS) { $CHARS{$v} = $k unless exists $CHARS{$v}; } my %metrics = (); my %positions = (); # # Parse the font metrics. This is a 5 element array. All numbers are # expressed as a fraction of the line spacing. # 0: nominal width (distance to the next character) # 1, 2: Coordinates of the lower left corner of the bounding box, # relative to the nominal position. # 3, 4: Size of the bounding box # print STDERR "Reading font metrics...\n"; my $FONT; open METRICS, '<', $METRICS or die $!; my $m; while (defined($m = )) { if ($m =~ /^FontName (\S*)/) { $FONT = $1; next; } next unless $m =~ /^C /; chomp $m; die "No name: $m" if $m !~ /N\s+([^\s]+)\s+;/; my $name = $1; die "No box: $m" if $m !~ /B\s+([-0-9]+)\s+([-0-9]+)\s+([-0-9]+)\s+([-0-9]+)\s+;/; my ($left, $bottom, $right, $top) = ($1/1000, $2/1000, $3/1000, $4/1000); die "No width: $m" if $m !~ /WX\s+([-0-9]+)/; my $nomwid = $1/1000; # nominal, not physical width! # The coordinates of the corner relative to the character # "position" my ($x, $y) = (-$left, -$bottom); my ($w, $h) = ($right-$left, $top-$bottom); $metrics{$name} = [$nomwid, $x, $y, $w, $h]; } close METRICS; die "No FontName found in metrics" if not defined $FONT; # Sanitise $FONT. $FONT =~ s!/!_!g; # # Find the height of the tallest character, and print some warnings # my $maxhgt = 0; foreach my $c (keys %CHARS) { if(!defined $metrics{$c}) { print STDERR "% WARNING: no metrics for char $c. Skipping.\n"; next; } if($metrics{$c}->[4] > $maxhgt) { $maxhgt = $metrics{$c}->[4]; } } if($maxhgt == 0) { print STDERR "No usable characters found. Bailing out.\n"; exit 1; } # # Do the layout. Keep increasing the row count until the characters # just fit. This isn't terribly elegant, but it's simple. # print STDERR "Laying out"; my $rows = 1; my $PS; my $LINEHGT; while(!defined ($PS = genPostscript($rows))) { $rows++; } print STDERR " ($rows rows)\n"; # # Call ghostscript to render # print STDERR "Rendering Postscript...\n"; my $res = $TEXSIZ * $DOWNSAMPLE; my $pid = open PS, "|gs -r$res -g${res}x${res} -sDEVICE=ppm -sOutputFile=\Q$FONT\E.ppm > /dev/null"; die "Couldn't spawn ghostscript interpreter" if !defined $pid; foreach (@$PS) { print PS "$_\n"; } close PS; waitpid($pid, 0); # # Downsample with ImageMagick # print STDERR "Antialiasing image...\n"; system("mogrify -geometry ${TEXSIZ}x${TEXSIZ} \Q$FONT\E.ppm") == 0 or die "Couldn't rescale $FONT.ppm"; # # Generate the .txf file # print STDERR "Generating textured font file...\n"; # Prune undefined glyphs foreach my $c (keys %metrics) { delete $metrics{$c} if !defined $CHARS{$c}; } sub round { sprintf "%.0f", $_[0] } $output = "$FONT.txf" unless defined $output; open TXF, '>', $output or die; print TXF pack "V", 0x667874ff; print TXF pack "V", 0x12345678; print TXF pack "V", 0; print TXF pack "V", $TEXSIZ; print TXF pack "V", $TEXSIZ; print TXF pack "V", round($TEXSIZ * $LINEHGT); print TXF pack "V", 0; my @chars = sort keys %REVCHARS; print TXF pack "V", scalar @chars; foreach my $c (@chars) { my $name = $REVCHARS{$c}; my $m = $metrics{$name}; my $p = $positions{$name}; my $step = round($m->[0] * $LINEHGT * $TEXSIZ); # Pad the bounding box, to handle areas that outside. This can # happen due to thick lines in the font path, or be an artifact of # the downsampling. my ($w, $h, $xoff, $yoff, $x, $y); if ($name eq 'space') { $w = $h = $xoff = $yoff = $x = $y = 0; } else { $w = round($m->[3] * $LINEHGT * $TEXSIZ + 2*$PADDING); $h = round($m->[4] * $LINEHGT * $TEXSIZ + 2*$PADDING); $xoff = -round($m->[1] * $LINEHGT * $TEXSIZ) - $PADDING; $yoff = -round($m->[2] * $LINEHGT * $TEXSIZ) - $PADDING; $x = round($p->[0] * $TEXSIZ - $PADDING); $y = round($p->[1] * $TEXSIZ - $PADDING); } print TXF pack "v", $c; print TXF pack "C", $w; print TXF pack "C", $h; print TXF pack "c", $xoff; print TXF pack "c", $yoff; print TXF pack "C", $step; print TXF pack "C", 0; print TXF pack "v", $x; print TXF pack "v", $y; } # Read in the .ppm file, dump the duplicate color values (ghostscript # won't generate pgm's) and write to the end of the .txf. Remember to # swap the order of the rows; OpenGL textures are bottom-up. open PPM, "$FONT.ppm" or die; my $pixel; foreach my $r (1 .. $TEXSIZ) { seek PPM, -3*$r*$TEXSIZ, 2 or die; foreach (1 .. $TEXSIZ) { read PPM, $pixel, 3 or die; print TXF substr($pixel, 0, 1); } } close PPM; close TXF; # Clean up unlink("$FONT.ppm"); ######################################################################## ######################################################################## ######################################################################## sub genPostscript { my $rows = shift; my $rowhgt = 1/$rows; my @PS = (); # The canonical "point size" number, in texture space $LINEHGT = ($rowhgt - 2*$PADDING/$TEXSIZ) / $maxhgt; # Get to where we want. Draw the whole thing in a 1 inch square at # the bottom left of the "page". push @PS, "72 72 scale"; # Fill the square with black push @PS, "0 setgray"; push @PS, "-1 -1 moveto"; push @PS, "-1 1 lineto 1 1 lineto 1 -1 lineto"; push @PS, "closepath"; push @PS, "fill"; # Draw in white push @PS, "1 setgray"; # Generate our PUSH @PS, font push @PS, "/$FONT findfont $LINEHGT scalefont setfont"; my $x = $PADDING/$TEXSIZ; my $y = 1 - $rowhgt + $PADDING/$TEXSIZ; my @chars = sort { $CHARS{$a} <=> $CHARS{$b} } (keys %CHARS); foreach my $c (@chars) { next if $c eq 'space'; my $m = $metrics{$c}; next if !defined $m; # No space? my $w = $m->[3]*$LINEHGT; if($x + $w + $PADDING/$TEXSIZ > 1) { $x = $PADDING/$TEXSIZ; $y -= $rowhgt; return undef if $y < 0; } # Record where in the texture the box ended up $positions{$c} = [$x, $y]; my $vx = $x + $m->[1]*$LINEHGT; my $vy = $y + $m->[2]*$LINEHGT; push @PS, "$vx $vy moveto"; push @PS, "/$c glyphshow"; # Next box... $x += $w + 2*$PADDING/$TEXSIZ; } push @PS, "showpage"; return \@PS; }